
Xbox One


The 27 of all time, It’s a sad fact that most of us won’t ever be any good at football. But whether on console or PC, the best games can take you into a fantasy world in which you’re a world beater.

Amazingly, that applies whether you’re controlling a stick figure on an 8-bit computer or a fully realised 3D model with ultra-realistic stubble on a PS5. Seriously – we’ve shed real tears at a line of text on a screen describing how the opposition stick figure has just put us out of the cup.

But then that’s football: it has the power to reduce otherwise sensible people to mere shells of their former selves. And game makers soon realised they were on to something good when they created the first footie sims, because in no time they were flying off the shelf.

The 27 best football games of all time

As a result, there have been hundreds of football games over the years – so many, in fact, that narrowing down our selection to a mere 28 titles was near impossible. Arguments raged across the office – FIFA or Pro Evo? Sensi or Kick Off? – and that’s exactly as it should be. After nearly 30 years, EA and FIFA have now officially cut ties so will EA Sports FC be gracing this list in the future?

Whether you agree or disagree with our list, we hope it’ll spark plenty of memories. Let the arguments begin. 

27) Footballer of the Year (1986, ZX Spectrum)


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People weren’t sure what to make of this oddball at the time of release. Part management game, part board game, you aimed to take a kid from the old fourth division to the glory of cup finals and Division One.

Success was mostly down to scoring goals in arcade sequences; chances were bought with ‘goal cards’ purchased in-game, and ‘incident cards’ enabled you to delve further into your young player’s life. If this all sounds a bit familiar, FOTY was a big influence on New Star Soccer creator Simon Read…


26) Tracksuit Manager (1988, C64)



We’re not sure how you manage a tracksuit; stupid name aside, this Goliath Games effort was an impressive management game with depth. You arrived just as your team (England by default) had a disastrous World Cup (so, pretty accurate), and had to figure out a road to success.

Highlights were akin to the running commentary you’d today see on a news website, and while that lacked visual impact, it provided plenty of insight into who was providing the goods for your team, and who to send for an early bath.

25) International Soccer (1983, C64)

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This C64 classic was the first truly great soccer game. Inspired by the earlier Intellivision Soccer, it utilised a side-on viewpoint, and had two seven-a-side teams battling it out for a chunky, pixelated cup.

Despite creator Andrew Spencer not being a fan of football, he captured the feel of the sport, and squeezed throw-ins, corners and goal-kicks into the cartridge’s tiny memory. It’s also the one football game where you can sometimes head a ball half the length of the field – a bug Spencer noticed but left in because he thought it was funny.

24) Match Day 2 (1987, ZX Spectrum)


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Knowing a good thing when they saw it, Jon Ritman and Ocean teamed up for a sequel to Ritman’s original Spectrum smash hit. This time, the players looked a lot like bodybuilders, and the underlying mechanics had been suitably beefed up: along with a far superior deflection system, there was a league format, volleys, flicks and jumping.

Shot strength was determined by a slightly awkward oscillating ‘kickometer’ and the pace was again slow, but this merely made for more strategic play.

23) Behold the Kickmen (2017, Switch/PC)

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Look, we adore the beautiful game, but sometimes it feels like the sport takes itself a little bit too seriously. Watching a gaggle of shouty adults boot a ball around a field for 90 minutes is hugely entertaining, but it’s also not that important in the grand scheme of things. Behold the Kickmen is here to remind you of that.

This is football as seen through the eyes of someone with absolutely zero interest in the laws and rules of the sport (or physics, for that matter). Kicking, tackling, passing, shooting, and scoring – it’s all here but dialled up to in the most nonsensical way imaginable. In striving to make a complete mockery of football, developer Size Five Games has created one of the most comical and outrageous takes on the sport we’ve ever encountered.

22) Actua Soccer (1995, PS1)


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Its name and tagline may have been a shot across Sega’s bows (“There’s nothing virtual about Actua“), but Gremlin Interactive’s title was noteworthy for more than just a bit of snide trollery: it was the very first console football game to offer fully 3D players. These were motion-capped from Sheffield Wednesday stalwarts Chris Woods, Andy Sinton and Graham Hyde, providing a level of clogger realism never before witnessed on consoles. The original only national teams, but a Club Edition featuring all 20 teams from the 96/97 Premier League season was released a year later.

21) Ultimate Soccer Manager (1995, Amiga)



For all of Championship Manager‘s statistical goodness, nothing immersed you in a mid-’90s football world like the USM series. Transfers and team selection almost became minor distractions, as you reclined in your office next to a fax machine and Teletext.

There were advertising deals to negotiate, a stadium complex to build, and even bungs to offer the opposition. Yes, this was the George Graham era, when managers were unimpeachable emperors, and USM put you right on the throne with a hotline to football’s dark side.

20) Pro Evolution Soccer 2017 (2016, PS4/Xbox One)



Having spent years in FIFA’s shadow, Pro Evolution Soccer 2017 finally offered a genuine alternative to EA’s annual juggernaut. PES 2017 was a slower, more considered version of the beautiful game, with less emphasis on beating players for pace and more on patient build-up play, but when everything fell into place and you unlocked a defence the sense of satisfaction was glorious. Its lack of official licenses and a fundamentally flawed online mode still made it very hard to convince most FIFA fans to jump ship, and things seem to have gone backwards since then, but for one short year PES‘s glory days were back.

19) Kick Off (1989, Amiga)



Dino Dini’s 16-bit classic added an ingredient that hadn’t really been seen before in football games: speed. The little players darted about the pitch like they were dosed-up on something decidedly not allowed under FIFA’s code, and the ball was initially impossible to control, given that it didn’t remain glued to your feet.

But once mastered, Kick Off made every other football game suddenly seem dull and dated by comparison, even if it was at times the football game equivalent of juggling bars of soap while riding a unicycle down a hill.

18) World Cup 98 (1997, PS1)

EA’s FIFA series has ruled the football gaming world like some kind of digital Sepp Blatter (before all the dodgy payments stuff), but it wasn’t always thus. Back in 1998 it was merely one of several games vying for the hearts and minds of floppy fringed teens, and it was far from being the best.

The previous edition, 1997’s Road To World Cup 98, had marked a big improvement though – while FIFA had always had the official licences, it finally had the gameplay to go with them too. World Cup 98 built on that in some style, keeping the free-flowing football of the previous title and adding in-game tactical changes.

It was all wrapped up in a slick World Cup skin that no other game at the time came close to, complete with commentary and unlockable classic games. Shame we had to put up with Chumbawamba’s execrable Tubthumping every time it loaded though.

17) (1982, ZX Spectrum)


Kevin Toms graced the front of Addictive’s Football Manager cover, enticing you to buy the game with his charm and beard. And what a game it was: on your little Spectrum, you could buy and sell players, pick a team, and watch highlights on pitches with comically large goals.

Today, it all looks a bit primitive (the C64 conversion was at least a bit prettier), and yet its simple gameplay remains surprisingly compelling in an era of over-complicated (micro) management sims. If you fancy a go on your smartphone, check out Toms’s remakes for Android and iOS.

16) Tehkan World Cup (1985, arcade)


Tehkan World Cup wasn’t the first overhead football game (that accolade probably goes to Exciting Soccer), but it was the first to make that viewpoint . This was a fast game, in part down to the trackball controls, and decent goalies also ensured that matches were often frantic end-to-end battles.

The game very heavily influenced Sensible Software, and more or less came to the C64 in the form of Microprose Soccer, but its legacy was really being the grandfather to the outstanding Sensible Soccer series.

15) New Star Soccer (2012, iOS/)

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In answering the question “How do you create an in-depth career-long football game for mobile devices?”, New Star Soccer said “You don’t!”, and instead served up a selection of mini-games draped over a basic framework that wasn’t a million miles from 1986’s Footballer Of The Year.

Although a touch IAP-hungry, it became a mobile classic, having you balance a kind of hyper-real version of a young footballer’s life (Buy a car! And now a TANK!) with pitch-based exploits and the demands of a boss, advertisers and a nagging partner.

Its successor, New Star Manager, is more in-depth, but lacks the addictive simplicity of the original.

14) (2009, PS3/Xbox 360)


Like a footballing version of Rocky Balboa vs Apollo Creed, the FIFA and Pro Evolution Soccer games slugged it out relentlessly throughout the ’00s without either landing a final knockout punch. Pro Evo was generally the better game, but FIFA retained a strong following by virtue of its proper team and player names and presentation nous. But with FIFA 10 that winning uppercut finally connected.

Both games introduced 360-degree player control for the first time in their 2010 editions, but FIFA 10 did it better, allowing you to expertly slide a pass through at just the right angle for your striker to run on to it. Or, more commonly, for you to expertly slide a pass straight to an opposition defender. Coupled with a wealth of game modes – from Be A Pro to Ultimate Team and Manager Mode – FIFA 10 was a more complete footballing experience than any previous title in the series and finally edged ahead of its rival too. And it hasn’t been toppled since.

13) Emlyn Hughes International Soccer (1988, C64)


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A spiritual successor to Andrew Spencer’s International SoccerEmlyn Hughes International Soccer was the last great side-on football game of the 1980s. Brimming with options, advanced players could utilise techniques such as ‘5-direction’ passing, sliding tackles and backheels, all from a joystick with only a single fire button.

The result was the first truly fluid football game, where you could string together some genuinely breathtaking moves. The goalies were still rubbish, though, natch.

12) Retro Goal (2021, Android/iOS)



Retro Goal is by the New Star Soccer folks, and has some similarities, in being a fusion of management and action. However, rather than veering towards management, much more of this game is played out on the pitch. Instead of full games, you play out highlights, using gestural controls (with the aid of Matrix-style slo-mo) to bury the ball in the back of the net.

We’ve seen grumbles that the game is pay-to-win, but we’ve won everything you can win in the game, without doing a Manchester City. You just need some patience, and to power up couple of strikers so they’ve got enough welly. If you’re not sure, you get ten games for free, whereaand even unlocking the entire game costs a pittance.

Retro Goal is a beautiful throwback to the SEGA days of football games and features such star names as Garrido, Hough and Frezza (not actual players, of course). The convenience of being handheld makes it all the better, too. The first 10 matches of Retro Goal can be played for free. Unlocking the rest costs a quid. Barg.

11) FIFA Street (2005, PS2)


There’s something beautifully nostalgic about FIFA Street. For those who played the 4-a-side street football game in 2005, the game conjures up memories of committing devastating flicks and tricks in favelas and English football pitches. It also came with a soundtrack that has seldom been beaten since, bringing the local sounds of soca, grime, jungle and more to global players.

FIFA Street’s newest form, VOLTA, hasn’t managed to live up to the heights of FIFA Street (that is a tough task to achieve, though). But even playing today, FIFA Street still impresses. Few things beat the feeling of nutmegging Ronaldinho before firing a screamer into the top bins, after all.

10) Virtua Striker (1994, Arcade)


Sega’s legendary AM2 team (also responsible for Daytona USA and Virtua Fighter) developed this groundbreaking title – the first football video game in history to use 3D player models. Being available only in arcades, Virtua Striker was designed for fast and furious action over serious simulation, but for those of us who crammed countless coins into the cabinet, it was the most realistic digital appropriation of the beautiful game we’d ever seen.

9) International Superstar Soccer (1994, )



In hindsight, this SNES classic is a bridge between classic-era side-on fare and modern football titles. A predecessor to PES, the original ISS offered a stunning array of moves – everything from feints to shoulder charges – when various buttons were combined.

Visually, it was also leagues beyond the likes of Match Day and International Soccer. Yet for all its gloss and cleverness, what made ISS appeal most was its fun and frantic nature, retaining a very arcade sensibility, in that brief period before sports titles became totally obsessed with a kind of TV-style realism.

8) (2010, PC)



In its divorce with Eidos, Sports Interactive lost the Championship Manager name but carried on creating the only management games still worth playing – and this edition is one of the greatest, adding a full 3D engine that, if you were so inclined, allowed you to watch every single pass, shot, tackle and horrendous goalkeeping error in a match.

Among the other innovations were press conferences – a small detail that served to add colour to an already frighteningly real football universe that featured no fewer than 117 playable leagues.

7) Kick Off 2 (1990, Amiga)



Kick Off 2 looked an awful lot like its predecessor, and it was really a combination of Kick Off and a couple of expansion disks, all carefully refined. But that attention to detail transformed an enjoyable but occasionally uncontrollable knockabout title into a product that demanded a lot more skill.

Along with tournaments, refs with varying moods and – crucially – fewer bugs, this Amiga sequel dropped the pace and boosted the controls, copious use of ‘aftertouch’ enabling you to fashion the kind of dazzlingly audacious shots of which even Matt Le Tissier would have been proud.

6) Sensible Soccer (1992, Amiga)



Sensible Software were fans of Kick Off 2 and football, but were irritated by the former’s shortcomings that didn’t – as they saw it – do justice to the latter. Sensible Soccer was their attempt to bring to gaming the feeling of how you imagined playing professional football would be, coupled with the kind of attention to detail only a true football geek possesses (including correct hair and skin colour for each of the players).

The game zoomed the viewpoint out, showing more of the pitch and enabling it to dispense with a Kick Off-style radar; passing and shooting was simplified and streamlined and everything was done on the frame, making the game extremely responsive. Until sequel SWOS arrived, this was the pinnacle of the genre.

5) ISS Pro Evolution (1999, PS1)



Ah, the Master League: just how many hours have we spent cocooned in your comforting embrace, steadily building up a team of honest pros and turning them into world beaters? Probably several thousand – and that’s no exaggeration. And it was here that it first appeared.

Although at this stage a relatively basic affair, the Pro Evo Master League still bolted a decent career sim on to an already superb football game. You could buy and sell players, but you used points earnt by winning games, rather than money, and there was none of the complicated day-to-day running of the club that you’d have to endure in Championship Manager. Instead, it gave you the chance to shape the team of your dreams, packing it with attacking midfielders if you chose, or instead making sure you had a Mourinho-solid defence.

While the Master League was a great addition to the series, it would have meant nothing if the gameplay hadn’t matched up to it. But in truth ISS Pro Evolution was already creeping ahead of FIFA by this time; it was more realistic yet also more playable – and that’s a winning combination in any game.

4) Championship Manager: Season 97/98 (1997, PC)



Sports Interactive’s series looms like a Colossus over all management games.

Despite being derided by small-minded dullards as a glorified Excel spreadsheet, Championship Manager‘s masterful tactical engine, reams of accurate data (this was the first instalment allowing you to run more than one league simultaneously) and giant player database wove together a rich, convincing football universe that sat parallel to our own – and it fired the imagination like no other game around.

And it was so, so addictive: the game’s official forums were full of tales of lives all but lost to Champ’s particular brand of “just one more game”-itis, or grown men so proud of taking a lower league team to the FA Cup final that they would don a suit for the occasion.

3) FIFA 21 (2020, PS4/Xbox One)



Recent FIFA games have been all about tweaking a winning formula rather than any major overhauls, but considering the series has been building from a leading position since FIFA 10, that’s no bad thing.

While FIFA 21 only makes very minor changes to its predecessor and certainly isn’t without its faults – defending is very much a secondary concern to scoring goals, there’s far too much showboating online, and goalkeepers punch so often they must all be wearing buttered gloves – it remains the best virtual approximation of the beautiful game.

2) Pro Evolution Soccer 5 (2005, PS2)


There are times in popular culture when a thing – band, TV series, game, whatever – reaches such a peak, you think it can’t possibly stay there. But then it does – for year after year after year. The Simpsons did that from about season 3 to season 9, for instance, but it’s pretty rare. Well, Pro Evolution Soccer managed the same feat.

That its standards did eventually drop was inevitable, but it doesn’t make the glory years from 2002-2005 any less special. We could have picked any of the four games from Pro Evo 2 to Pro Evo 5 and made a case for its inclusion. Frankly, we could have had all of them in this list. But that would be silly, so instead we’ve picked the probable highest point in a series of very high ones.

What made it so special? Just… everything. The Master League had by now developed into a proper four-division set-up, with promotion, relegation and a Champions League equivalent and there were even, finally, proper player names. On the gameplay side, it was as fluid and playable as football games get. Not quite as frantically insane as Sensible Soccer, not quite as gloriously detailed as FIFA 18, but instead a wonderful mid-way between the two extremes.

You could score screamers from 40 yards or tap-ins after a goalmouth scramble. You could waltz through five tackles, if you had a skillful enough player, but you couldn’t get away with just running the ball into the net. In short, it was beautifully balanced.

It couldn’t last, of course – but boy was it fun while it did.

1) Sensible World Of Soccer (1994, Amiga)



Almost 30 years young, SWOS is still top of the league. It took everything that was great about Sensible Soccer and just ran with it. You got the same fantastic arcade-oriented gameplay, but the title comprehensively acknowledged the rest of the world’s existence, with the kind of slavish devotion of a true footballing aficionado.

Management features and player trading were boosted by the inclusion of a whopping 1500 teams and 27,000 players. It should have been the start of something great, but SWOS was somehow allowed to be eclipsed by FIFA and PES. Still, dedicated fans keep the flame alive with leagues, events, and patched versions of the game that incorporate modern data – the wonderful, crazy nutters.

Can it compete with FIFA for realistic gameplay or Football Manager for exhaustive statdom? No, obviously not. And for many people, the classic mid-’00s era Pro Evo beats it as an all-round football game; it’s definitely split this office at any rate.

But for sheer “JUST LOOK AT THAT GOAL! THAT WAS LIQUID FOOTBALL!” joy, it will never be bettered. Go on, then, just one more game.

Views: 398

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Top 12 Netflix Alternatives Available Currently

Below we share a handpicked selection of the best alternatives to Netflix for all binge-watchers out there.

1. TV

Pluto TV

Supported Countries: Australia, US, the UK, Europe, and Canada
Price: Free (with ads)

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 Availability of 250+ channels
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 No search functionality
 Ads may annoy some users
 An account needed for a customized experience
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Read Also : Best Download Managers for Windows 2024


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Supported Countries: Mexico and The US
Price: Free (with ads), rent and buy option available

Taking the list of the best Netflix substitutes further, let us look at Vudu. Originally a movie rental platform, it offers over 5000 titles free of charge.

Talking about the kind of movies available on Vudu, here you can find timeless classics like Troy, All Is Lost, Transformers, and many other titles. The best thing about this service is that it offers a good collection of family movies and old gems.

However, it may not be a perfect choice if you are only interested in viewing the latest releases, it does not have many of them.


 Custom playlist creation
 Parental lock
 Simple UI
 Not many ads


 A free Walmart or Vudu account needed
 Problematic casting from mobile to smart TV
 Limited critically acclaimed movies or original content

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Vudu is one of the best apps like Netflix but free to watch All is Lost, A Funeral, Fifty Shades of Grey, Night of the Living Dead, Transformers, Grounded for Life, Highlander, The Prestige, and a lot of other interesting shows and movies.

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Supported Country: Canada, Australia, USA, and 18 Latin American countries

Price: Free (with ads)

Partly a Sony Pictures Television service, Crackle offers a wide selection of movies, series, and original content you can enjoy in your leisure time. Here, you get over 150 full-length movies and 75 shows, including some cult classics.

We truly enjoyed watching Hell’s Kitchen, The Cable Guy, and Bewitched on Crackle (there are many others to choose from if you do not like these). However, a 30-second advertisement before beginning a movie or show may be a turn-off for some viewers.


 Quality content from Sony
 No registration is needed to stream content
 Mobile app casting to a smart TV
 Only a few ads


 Slow content loading when cast to a smart TV
 The search tool shows only a few results
 No full HD streams\
 Limited content selection

What to Watch on Crackle

Crackle is a popular alternative to Netflix for shows such as Hell’s Kitchen, The Cable Guy, , Starsky & Hutch, Sin City, Train to Busan, and much more.

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Supported Country: 150+ countries except China, Cambodia, Malaysia, Vietnam, Indonesia, China, Thailand, and a few other countries

Price: Free, $7 per month if you choose to subscribe

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 No ads
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 Customer support is not good
 Problematic search

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Vimeo is among the best Netflix alternative free sites for its original films, documentaries, and series such as Dark Skull, Kings of Nowhere, N!ai, the Story of a !Kung Woman, and Dadli.

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Tubi TV

Supported Countries: US, Canada, India, Mexico, Australia, Japan, and New Zealand

Price: Free (with ads)

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However, some of you might miss original shows and dislike ads (you can choose not to watch an ad again if you don’t like it).


 A great option to search for desired content
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 Simple UI


 Too small closed captioning text
 Requires setting up an account
 Limited latest and mainstream content
 Interrupting advertisements

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A lot of content such as Foxcatcher, Duck Dynasty, Kill Bill, The Terminator, 3rd Rock from the Sun, and much more is available on Tubi, making it one of the best free alternatives to Netflix.

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6. Amazon Freevee

Amazon Freevee

Supported Country: UK and the US

Price: Free (with ads)

Do you know about Amazon Prime? It is one of the best streaming services and a fierce Netflix competitor. Amazon Freevee is its free sibling with a lot of movies, shows, and series to choose from. Some of its notable titles include Big Fish, Midsomer Murders, and Starship Troopers.

We believe that you should give Amazon Freevee a fair chance if it is available in your region. And if it is unavailable, this list has many other good Netflix alternatives for you.


 No subscription is required
 Availability of shows and movies from mainstream studios
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 Too many ads
 Only a few notable shows
 Small original content menu

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Amazon Freevee, i.e., one of the best free Netflix alternatives apps to watch a variety of movies, shows, and original content such as All in the Family, Deal or No Deal, News of the World, Two for the Money, Judy Justice, Moment of Truth, and more.

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7. Plex


Supported Country: 220+ countries

Price: Free (with ads)

Now, comes Plex, another free Netflix alternative for PC with parental controls so your child watches violence-less and age-appropriate content. And for the options available on Plex, well there are many of them.

Plex has a huge library of some really fascinating titles like Zodiac, Jungle Book, Minority Report, and a lot of other movies, shows, and documentaries. However, Plex may not suit your liking if you are not ad-friendly or reside outside the US (content availability is limited for non-US viewers).


 Well-designed and friendly UI
 Availability of parental controls
 50,000+ free titles


 Lack of mainstream shows and movies
 Some users may not like the ads
 Non-availability of original content

What to Watch on Plex

You can find a lot of content to watch on this one of the best free but similar apps to Netflix, such as Wheels on Meals, Minority Report, Jungle Book, and much more.

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Roku Channel

Supported Country: Mexico, The US, and UK

Price: Free (with ads)

Launched in 2017, Roku delights you with over 40000 titles. It brings some of the best viewing options like Teen Wolf for free and you can always subscribe to the paid version for more premium content.

Moreover, Roku also comes with music videos, making it different from other apps similar to Netflix. However, you have many other better options on this list if you are someone outside the US.


 Availability of well-known HBO titles
 You can watch live news


 Some users may find ads annoying

What to Watch on Roku

Roku channel, i.e., one of the best free but Netflix-like websites, has a lot of movies and shows for you to watch, such as The Crowded Room, Happy Valley, The Neighborhood, Heartland, etc.

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9. Amazon Prime Video

Amazon Prime Video

Supported Country: Availability in 200+ countries other than Iran, Mainland China, North Korea, and Syria

Price: $8.99 per month/$14.99/year post 30 days free trial

When the talk is about Netflix alternatives, skipping Amazon Prime Video is not an option. Though not free, you can try it without any charges for 30 days. Post the trial period expired, you need to pay a justifiable fee starting from $14.99 per month (the charges depend upon the plan you choose, but are much lower than Netflix).

Along with a great selection of movies and shows, it also offers many binge-worthy originals like The Wheel of Time, The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel, and a lot more. The cherry on top of the cake is you get all the entertainment without any commercials.


 200+ originals
 HDR and 4K streaming
 Availability of offline content download
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 Rent and buy options available


 A bit confusing menu
 Latest episodes unavailable immediately after their release

What to Watch on Amazon Prime Video

Amazon Prime Video has massive content for you to watch, such as The Boys, The Grand Tour, A Very English Scandal, Borat, The Man In The High Castle, Good Omens, among others.

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Supported Country: US

Price: 30 days free trial, $6.99 per month after the trial ends

Last but certainly not least, we have Hulu as one of the best alternatives to Netflix. Only available in the United States and Japan, Hulu offers movies and shows from all time ranges and genres. Some of these include The Waterboy and The Gemini Man. There are even a lot of originals to keep you entertained.

However, Hulu may not be the best selection for you if offline viewing and no add-ons in the subscription price are your top priorities.


 Availability of original content and popular show
 Lets you watch Disney+, live TV, and ESPN+
 Massive content library
 Latest shows available immediately after their release


 Not-so-great navigation menus
 The base plan has ads

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There is no end to the content you can watch on Hulu. Some shows and movies that make it one of the best free Netflix alternative apps include Parasite, Palm Springs, Bob’s Burgers, ER, Seinfeld, and The Mindy Project.

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11. YouTube

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Supported Country: Available all over the world, except North Korea, China, Sudan, Iran, and Turkmenistan

Price: Free (with ads)

Another best and free Netflix alternative is YouTube. The platform is popular for its huge library of video content online. It has music videos, movies, original TV series, and much more. However, to unlock it all you might need to upgrade to YouTube Premium. Unlock millions of videos, shows, game streams, and a lot of other content on YouTube.

Most of the content is available for Free. However, the live TV channels of various networks including FOX, PBS, ABC, BBC, etc are available but only in the Paid version. Millions of creators post about their daily life, and other content on YouTube as it is the biggest ad supported platform for streaming.

Visit Now


12. Apple TV+

Apple TV+

Supported Country: Available all over the world, except North Korea, China, Sudan, Iran, and Turkmenistan

Price: 7 days free trial and 2 months free on the purchase of a new Apple product, $4.99 per month after the free trial ends.

When compared to Netflix, we think Apple TV+ produces far higher-quality original programming. While Apple TV+ may lack a huge library of films and television episodes at the moment. It does produce original series that often get praise and recognition. Tehran, Severance, Ted Lasso, and many more are among the most-watched series on Apple TV+. Some of the most famous Apple original films are Coda, The Tragedy of Macbeth, Greyhound, The Sky is Everywhere, and The Tragedy of Macbeth.

Apple TV+ has much higher-quality programming than Netflix. Unlike other Apple services, Apple TV+ is accessible on almost all devices. Also, if you have purchased a new Apple product, it is free for the first two months, but you have to redeem it within a year of purchase. Many other streaming devices, including smart TVs, PS4, Xbox One, PCs, and , are compatible with Apple TV+. Apple TV+ as one of the best alternatives to Netflix in 2024 is our enthusiastic recommendation for everyone looking for a captivating alternative to Netflix.

Visit Now


Concluding the Best Netflix Alternatives

Through this article, we brought to the fore some of the top alternatives to Netflix with top-class entertainment for free or at a much lesser price. You may select any service from the ones listed above to go on a binge-watching spree.

However, you may write us in the comments section if you think the above list misses out on a great Netflix substitute. And we are always open to suggestions, you may use the comment box to share your views about this article.


Views: 18

Feeling bored enough? Then, this post can help you a lot. The post explains the best online games (free and paid). Pick the ideal one and enjoy!

From a college student to an adult, online games are liked by everyone and offer perfect rescue from a stressful day.

More than the unparalleled graphics and stunning action scenes, what we love the most about these games is the game itself. These games are available in multiple genres and styles which are suitable for all ages. But with hundreds and thousands of choices, it can be a nerve cracking task to decide which game you want to pick for your PC.

Keeping in mind the multiple offerings, here we have compiled a properly researched list of some of the best online games for PC. Most of our picks are free of cost, but we have also included few paid games for those who don’t mind spending a few bugs on gaming.

Well, without any further delay, let’s take a look at the top free and paid online games for PC.

Best Online Games For PC That You Can Play For Free



Price: Free

Platform: Microsoft Windows

Valorant by Riot Games is a next-gen 5v5 character-based shooting game. The availability of heroes across the distinct game modes including Spike Rush, Deathmatch, and Unranked makes it worth trying.

In the game, there are several agents and weapon skins which incentivize gamers to stick around, & experience intense competition from other players. You also have the option to buy some Valorant Points in order to skip the queue and access shiny skins and agents. The game is one of the best multiplayer video games that you can play.


Best Online 2024

Read More : The Best PC Games 2023


World of tanks

Price:- Free 

Platforms:- Android, macOS, PS4, PC, Xbox One or Xbox 360

World of Tanks is one of the mighties games that the online gaming industry has ever seen. The game is based on complex game mechanics, battlefield, and exciting tank simulators. 

The game features two teams playing against each other. It is all about beating your opponent with an unmatchable strategy and using the right tanks and machines. You get access to around 10 tiers, each containing hundreds of vehicles and containers ranging from hulking heavies to speedy scouts. 

All-in-all World of Tanks has everything that can keep your excitement levels high. PC, Xbox One, Xbox 360, and PS4 are the few platforms where you can play this incredible game. Moreover, World of Tanks is one of the best free online games

3. Fortnite


Price:- Free

Platforms:-  Windows 7, 8, 10, and Mac OSX Sierra

Fortnite is one of the best online that you can play. The game offers very interesting gameplay supporting amazing graphics that might interest you. Just like PUBG or Call of Duty you enter a battlefield where you need to survive on an island. Apart from that, you get new things in the game which you won’t find in any other battle royale game.

While paying you can easily harvest resources and build a structure that can help you in surviving the game. The game does not just require killing others but you need to use strategy for building new resources and using them. You have to gather resources while playing the game which makes it unique and interesting.

Overall the game is super exciting and has new addons which make it more interesting to play. You should definitely try this game as it doesn’t disappoint. You can even find many Fortnite alternatives, so if you are bored of looking at the same graphics then you can play other similar games.


4. Neverwinter


Price:- Free

Platforms:- Xbox One, PC, PS4

If you are a fan of Dungeons and Dragons, then NeverWinter is the right choice for you. The masses love this free to play online PC game because of two main reasons. 

First: It comes from the highly popular series of online games: The incredible Neverwinter Series. 

Second: It is based on challenging Dungeons and dangerous dragons, a modified and advanced version of its D&D 4th edition. 

Packed with amazing locations, action-focused combat, and a potent battleground, Neverwinter is a perfect pick for D&D lovers. It has an enjoyable MMORPG and can seamlessly run on PS4, PC, and Xbox One platforms. It is one of the best online games for PC that you can play absolutely free.

The most beautiful thing about this game is that you get to access all features without shelling out a single penny. 

5. World of Warships

World of Warships

Price:- Free 

Platforms:- macOS, Windows, PS4

If you liked playing World of Tanks, then choose World of Warships to experience a wet battlefield. The game is based on fighting navies and offers interesting tactics with welcoming and straightforward controls.

In comparison to other games, it is more engaging than the Total Wars, more profound than the Pirate games, and far more approachable than Silent hunter. World of Warships is one of the amazing free online games for .

6. Star Trek Online

Star Trek Online

Price:- Free

Platforms:- Windows, MacOS, Xbox One,

Battle with dangerous aliens, control the starships, train pangalactic professionals and explore the hidden tassels of the galaxy with this best online game for PC. This MMO game gives you a chance to show the world that you are no less than Picard.

Each play is like a full episode of a show and is packed with the best pieces of thrilling experience. If you are a true Trekkie, then Star Trek Online is the game for you.


7. Dragalia Lost

Dragalia Lost

Price:- Free

Platforms:- Android, iOS

Dragalia Lost is based on the tale of a fallen kingdom, which is fighting to save and restore it. The game comes with all the basic free-to-play features, including a stamina meter, random pulls for heroes, etc.

It comes with sleek boss battles, delving RPG dungeon, and adequate controls that help you manage potent abilities on your fingertip, and smoothly execute end-minute dodges. It belongs to the Action RPG genre and can be enjoyed on iOS and Android devices.


8. Among Us

Among Us

Price:- Free

Platforms:-  PC, Mobile, Playstation 5/4, Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, Switch

Among Us is a great game which you can play with your whole group. The game can be played with four to fifteen players. Out of all the players, three will be randomly chosen as imposters in every round. Apart from this, the map will be chosen randomly out of the four maps.

At the beginning of the game, crewmates will be given a task to complete on a particular map.  The task can include fixing wires, maintenance, and downloading data like works. On the other hand, the imposter is given fake tasks to help them blend with their crewmates. Though the imposter cannot perform the task they can help other crewmates in the task. The end goal of the imposter is to kill crewmates. After each player is dead they become a ghost.

All in all, this is a great game that requires team effort and presence of mind. You can’t find the imposter if you fail to catch them lying or not performing. With the increasing popularity of the game, many other developers have also created Among Us alternatives.




Price:- Free

Platforms:- Windows

This subscription-based fantasy MMO has gained a lot of popularity post its updation. The improved and updated game offers new raids, new world events, new zones, and a furious pace. You don’t have to spend a penny to enjoy this stunning gameplay and explore its beautiful and colorful world. With the massive list of exciting features and unmatchable gameplay, it’s not a bad deal at all.




Price:- Free

Platforms:- Xbox One, Windows, macOS

Similar to Dota 2 and League of Legends, SMITE also features a team of players who are trying to battle and get into their opponent’s base. Each unit consists of 5 players. It uses a third-person perspective to portray the gameplay rather than showing the battleground view. Also, it does not use any fantasy characters but features different players playing the role of mighty Smite Gods.

If you are fond of playing online games on your PC, then SMITE can be a good pick for you.


11. Pinball FX3

Pinball FX3

Price:- Free

Platforms:- Microsoft Windows

Who doesn’t know about Pinball? Everybody loves it and has played it at some or the other time. It is developed by Zen Studios and offers several simulated pinball tables to its players. It uses a primary scoreboard for informal competitions. With its three-dimensional graphics, multiple themes, and a higher level of challenges, it creates a new unforgettable gaming experience.

No matter what you are, this game has enough to offer to all age groups and can run on Switch, PS4, PC, and Xbox One platform. Pinball FX 3 undoubtedly deserves a spot on our list of best online games for pc.




Price:- Free

Platforms:- Windows, iOS, macOS, Android, Java, Linux

Ever wondered why this oldie is still so popular? It continually improving MMORPG is the reason behind it. It offers a number of challenges to its user, which are enough to keep the excitement levels high. It’s a multiplayer role-playing fantasy game and is developed by Jagex.

Competing, fighting, quests, and mini-games are few of its prominent offerings. It is fully compatible with PC’s and is entirely free of cost.



Guild Wars 2

Price:- Free

Platforms:- Microsoft Windows, macOS

If you are looking for the best MMO, then this free game is the best pick for you. As a player, you get a lot to do; you can either help a burning village, take part in zone events where you need to get involved with other players to form a team, and defeat the boss.

With this base game, you have a lot to do.


14. Pokemon Masters

Pokemon Masters

Price:- Free

Platforms:- iOS, Android, Windows

Who doesn’t like Pokemon, from TV cartoons to online PS games, it’s everywhere. The game is based on an island The island of Pasio, where players are seen battling for improving the powers of their pokemon. The game is built specially built for mobile phones but can easily be customized to run on computer systems as well.


15. Clash of Clans

Clash of Clans

Price:- Free

Platforms:- Android, iOS, Windows

Unlock the power to win over nasty clan leaders and goblins. The game allows you to raise an army, guide your tribe, plan your defensive actions, and much more. It offers an ultimate mix of quick and rigorous battle with slow and strategic planning. You can either choose to join an existing clan or form your group to fight against your enemies.

Enjoy a limitless combination of troops, heroes, and spell with this impressive online PC game.



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14 Best Football Games For Android In 2024, Are you looking for the best free Online and Offline Football games for Android? If yes, then you are in the right place. These Android football games are loved worldwide apart from the one played live by players on the field.With high screen resolution and advanced graphics, Android phones serve as an excellent platform for playing Football.The Google Play Store is filled with several football/soccer games. While some users enjoy playing online football games some prefer playing them offline to avoid any network issues. This means you can download the game on your gadget and play it later on without being worried about internet connectivity and speed.

Keeping in mind both categories, here in this article, we have listed some of the best Football games for Android; Online and Offline. Let’s have a look at them one by one.

List Of The Best Football Games For Android Devices In 2024

Below we have mentioned a bunch of the most popular football games available for Android devices. Let’s scroll through our list and find a real-life football game for yourself:

1. FIFA Soccer

Fifa Mobile Soccer - Best Football Game

FIFA Mobile Soccer is the mobile version of the famous FIFA football game and is available for free on the Play Store for Android users.

It is one of the best Online Football games and enjoys a huge fan base worldwide. It comes with jaw-dropping gameplay and incredible graphics.

You can be a part of the 33 countries and build your team from 550 real teams.

All you need is an active net connection to enjoy this power-packed game. Download this one of the top football games for android using the link below to take various challenges and win stunning prizes.

Download From Play Store

2. Soccer Star 22 Top Leagues

Soccer Stars

Soccer Star 22 Top Leagues is known to deliver a realistic football experience along with sublime graphics and features. It is one of the best offline football games for android gadgets available on the Play Store currently.

With this feature-rich game, you can take part in various world football competitions, including UEFA League, Champions League, and many more.

Beginners can train themselves in various training modes, including free-kick, assist the striker, penalty shootout, etc.

This is amongst the best offline football games as it comes with simple controls but demands a lot of practice to master.

Download From Play Store

3. ™ 2024

eFootball PES 2021

There is no way that we can miss out on this stunning game. This intensive and feature-rich game surely deserves a spot on the list of best online football games.

Choose your legendary footballers and enjoy playing soccer with your friends. With its intuitive gameplay and , you get a different experience every time you play it.

It also allows you to select your team from a list of the past and current best football players.

Enjoy a real-time playing experience with precision passing, in-depth tactics, and natural player movements in this proud member of the best Android football games.

Download From Play Store

Read More : The Best PC Games 2023

4. Score! Hero

Score! Hero

If you are looking for a 3D Gesture-based best football game, then Hero can be the right choice for you. It has eye-candy graphics and animations coupled with a great storyline.

At present, the game offers close to 580 different levels. You can also invite your friends from to play the game with you and use the Google Play cloud to sync your progress between various devices.

You can also see your current position along with the status of other players on the scoreboard.

All-in-all Hero is one of the best Football games, which is incredibly simple to play but quite challenging to master.

Download From Play Store

5. First Touch: Soccer & the City

First Touch: Soccer & the City

Next on our list of Soccer games is First Touch Soccer and the City. Play and win matches to earn more points, which can be used to upgrade the players. Higher wins to make your team more potent, along with individual performance.

One of the most notable features of FTS 19 as one of the best offline football games for Android is its small size. It comes with a clean and clutter-free interface. You can see live ranking broadcasts along with a comprehensive listing of team rankings.

Enjoy a real-time football atmosphere with its amazing stadiums, players, boots, and team kits.

Download From Play Store

6. Real Football

Real Football

It is one of the oldest known football games for android users. This small-sized game doesn’t take too much space and performs quite smoothly.

It features several licensed teams and well-known players coupled with incredible graphics. Beginners can practice and enhance their skills using the training mode.

Real Football comes with a massive range of game modes, which include Leagues, International cups, and Exhibition matches. You can customize this best football game for Android by choosing your team, upgrading the stadium, and using different game tactics.

Download From Play Store

7. Flick Shoot 2

Flick Shoot 2

If you are looking for a feature-rich best offline football game, then Flick Shoot 2 can be the right choice. It offers realistic gameplay, along with 3D graphics and Unique Flick shoot controls.

You can play the game in various single-player modes, including Arcade, Dribbling, Not miss, Challenge, Time attack, and practice.

It comes in various languages like Spanish, French, Turkish, Italian, English, and Russian.

Use the below-mentioned link to play against real football players worldwide.

8. Top Eleven – Be a Soccer Manager

Top Eleven - Be a Soccer Manager

Build your unbeatable football team and become a Soccer manager with the best online Football games. You can design your team’s kit, select squad, conduct training sessions, and set up formations.

It is a multiplayer game where you can play against different teams to polish your skills and improve your game. Top Eleven is a highly customizable game where you can select an official jersey for your organization and build your stadium.

Challenge other team managers to practice and master the game.

Download From Play Store

9. -Football

Ultimate Soccer-Football

Next on our list of best Football games for Android is Ultimate Soccer. Build your squad and try various defensive and offensive play games based on your team’s strength.

You can play in different modes, including World Cup Tournament and Leagues. You can buy and sell professional and well-known players to build your soccer team.

Experience a real-time football experience with Ultimate Soccer. Use the link below to download.

Download From Play Store

10. 23 SOCCER

Head Soccer La Liga

If you want to enjoy a light tone of a highly competitive football game, then Head Soccer La Liga can be the ultimate choice for you. This 2D game comes in cartoonish and comedic style.

It is quite simple to play and works on three parameters: protect, defend, and attack. You can play it with your friends, participate in various leagues, and compete with different players from across the world.

Download From Play Store

. World Soccer League

World Soccer League

Developed by Mobirix, this incredible game comes in small size and gives you access to around 2000 players along with 60 clubs and national teams.

It is available in 15 languages, and you can choose to play from various game modes, including Cup, League, Training, and Exhibition.

Download From Play Store

12. Football Strike: Online Soccer

Football Strike

Football Strike: Online Soccer is one of the most loved single-handed football games. You can choose from the various modes to enjoy endless football fun.

Its fast and straightforward gameplay makes it everybody’s favorite.

Download From Play Store

13. ™ FIFA 24 Companion

EA SPORTS™ FIFA 20 Companion

FIFA 24 Companion is another popular name on the list of best Android football games of all time. The application is extremely simple to use, plus the interface is available in almost 24 different languages.

To enjoy this super exciting football game, you need to have an Electronic Arts (EA) account and a copy of FIFA Ultimate Team Club and FIFA 24 for PC, Xbox One, or PS4.

Download From Play Store


Futsal Football 2

With different modes to enjoy football, users can download Futsal Football 2. This is one of the best football games for Android as the user gets Modes to play in the indoor playing stadium. The gaming app gives the same experience as the real game. In the game, the goal is smaller as compared to the real one and the bounce is less. But the overall experience is amazing and similar to a real one. The user will never get bored as it has many modes.

With high-quality resolution and a 4-size ball, enjoy a 40 minutes game just like basketball. The controls are easy to and smooth. All in all the game will give an amazing football experience.

Download From Play Store

Frequently Asked Questions – Related to Online and Offline Football Games

Here are some of the most common questions asked by readers related to the best online football games for Android. We hope that these will clear some queries that you may have.

Q1. Which is the best offline football game for Android?

Ans.: According to data gathered from various trusted sources, the best offline mobile football games for Android are:

 Dream League Soccer
 Soccer Stars
 Score Hero

Q2. Which is the best online football game for Android?

Ans.: Some trusted online sources list show that these are the best soccer games to play online for free:

 FIFA Football
 eFootball PES 2024


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