


The on PC in 2024, Playing games with other people is one of the beloved traditions of liking video games at all, and if you’re the friendly type like us at RPS, then you’ll enjoy games where you work with others, rather than against them. That’s why we’ve put together our list of the best co-op games on PC for you to find common ground with your besties. Whether you want to shoot monsters together, shoot robots together, or get a divorcing couple to work together as they run around their own home as tiny doll versions of themselves, then you can find something to enjoy on this list of co-op games.


We have broad tastes and definitions sometimes, but key for a co-op game is that you can play with a pal without fighting against each other – even if there might be friendly fire. This means you won’t find any team-based competitive games on this list, such as Dota or Counter-Strike, for example. That’s what our best multiplayer games list is for. We’ve also excluded games that switch between PvP and PvE like Sea Of Thieves of DayZ. They’re all great games, but they belong on a different list.

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The best co-op games on PC

Here’s our full list of the best co-op games on PC. You can have a casual scroll through or click the links below to be directed straight to the game in question.


25. Monster Hunter Rise

a monster hunter rise character battling a large purple glowing monster with the aid of several buddies

After Monster Hunter World rampaged onto PC, the bar for Capcom’s next entry in the dino-adjacent beast-hunting series was high, but Monster Hunter Rise is every bit its predecessor’s equal and makes for a thrilling co-op adventure. That’s why we’ve booted World off the list and replaced it with Rise. That’s evolution, baby.

If you’re not familiar with Monster Hunter, it’s essentially a giant playpen where you and your friends can go out and, well, hunt monsters. The biggest appeal is a group of you wailing on some titan, but there’s a comradery and teamwork in Monster Hunter Rise that is different from other co-ops. You all have to meet in a tavern, eat a big hearty meal before you set off, make sure you all have everything you need, and then off you go, skipping into the deep dark woods where the scary monsters await. It’s these little rituals that really make it shine as a co-op.


24. (early access)

the player shines a flashlight around a derelict moon in co op horror game lethal company

It is a truth universally acknowledged that Steam always has to have at least one co-op ghosty game in early access, over which people are going bananas. Right now that game is Lethal Company, and not without reason. It’s a bit of a horror game, as you form up in teams for some good old PVE. As contractors for the Company, you collect scrap from abandoned haunted moons that used to be industrial centres. Successfully salvaging enough scrap earns you cash, which you can use to jet off to new moons with more rewards. The trade off, of course, is higher risk.

There are mundane risks like traps, which one player can spot from the ship scanner and call out to those on the mission. But there are, of course, monsters to contend with, especially at night. Some you’ll only find indoors, while others stalk you on open ground. It’s a great mix of learning a bestiary and knowing what to do in different situations, with having a concrete goal (get salvage), and there are many and varied ways to die, so you quickly. If you got tired of Phasmophobia and are looking for something new in the same vein, this is it.


23. Escape Academy

a curious door from an escape academy escape room

Escape rooms in real life are a lot of fun but extremely expensive for it. Escape Academy combines the twin benefits of being comparatively cheap and being designed by developers who made escape rooms in real life! It’s a great co-op game, whether you’re playing online or via asymmetrical couch co-op (i.e. one of you playing the game and the other writing down and shouting).

The titular academy is a school where the entire curriculum is based around room escapes. Even art, which seems like a stretch. Each level is a timed escape, often in somewhat dangerous circumstances that you’d imagine would drive the school’s insurance premiums up, with secret codes, cryptic clues, and much frantic running around a library or a locked office as you collect special books, or put post-it notes in the right order.

It’s the right balance of fun and tense, and gets you all reacting exactly as you would if thrown into the Crystal Maze, fruitlessly telling each other you’ve found a paint tin, is that anything? The big, colourful 3D world is non-violent but successfully thrilling, and there are a bunch of DLCs to get stuck into, too.


22. V Rising

v rising vampire stood inside their castle next to two servant coffins 686w386h

V-rising casts you as a freshly awoken vampire on a quest to conquer the human world. It’s an open-world survival game where you and your vampire squad reap havoc on neighbouring towns in search of blood, all while building a lavish castle and exploring the surrounding gothic world.

Crafting and combat are easily accessible – this isn’t a mega difficult survival game – and gaining your vampiric powers (the best part of the game) is quick work, since V Rising’s boss-focused progression is easy enough to follow. You can decide to join PVP or PVE, but if you’d rather have your vampire rule their own little slice of the human world, you can set up your own world and invite your mates to join. V Rising is highly recommended for folks who are looking for a breezy survival sim, but with just enough meat to sink your teeth into.


21. Overcooked 2

four players attempt to prepare food in a barn themed kitchen in overcooked 2

Overcooked and its sequel Overcooked 2 are both are silly games of simmering and sizzling, the physical manifestation of the phrase “too many cooks spoil the broth”. You’re in a kitchen with up to three other players, and you have to make food to order by preparing and combining certain ingredients. To get this done properly, everyone needs to carry out their appointed tasks pronto. Thing is, it doesn’t always work out that way.

The kitchens of Overcooked are constantly changing. Narrow spaces mean players get in each other’s way. Sometimes the whole level shifts. Benches on a ship will slide down the deck with each large wave, altering the layout entirely, while cooking in two trucks means that one part of the kitchen will occasionally accelerate, suddenly becoming off-limits. How will you get the chow off the hob before it boils into an inedible paste? By shouting at your fellow chefs, of course.

Overcooked 1 and 2 are much the same, but it’s 2 we’d recommend. For one, it’s now got online multiplayer as well as local, letting you play with those geographically distant friends. For two, you can now throw ingredients back and forth between chefs. Your co-chef needs more mushrooms? Maybe he’ll catch the one you just threw to him; maybe it’ll bonk him right in the face.


20. Stardew Valley

fishing from a pond in a stardew valley screenshot

There is a lot of shooting and adventuring on this list, but very few opportunities to hang out in a turnip field. Stardew Valley lets you live out an alternate life as a farmer, away from the hustle and bustle of cities and video games with guns. It’s about escape. Ever since the multiplayer update, you can now escape with friends.

It provides a place to be rather than a challenge to overcome. Each of you gets to dodder around town, either working together and divvying up tasks or ploughing away at individual farms. It’s not that the Valley feels sterile without other humans, but there are only so many blackberries you can hand over to your NPC neighbours before your relationships start feeling one dimensional. With real people in the mix, you get an actual community. Maybe your pal has a spare melon you can give to Penny for her birthday. Maybe they’ll bake you a cake. Or steal your chickens.

People breathe warmth and life into this farming game fantasy that’s already about those things. You’ve got the freedom to pursue whatever charming humdrum activity takes your fancy. Go fishing. Comb the beach. Or, if you want, mercilessly compete to see who can optimise profits. It’s your farm.


19. : Vegas 2

a gunfight on the streets of las vegas in a rainbow six vegas 2 screenshot 686w386h

You can play through the whole of Vegas 2’s brilliant but flawed campaign with a friend, rappelling down walls, breaching windows and taking out terrorists in unison. While that will keep you busy a while, it’s Terrorist Hunt – a mode where you team up with three buddies to hunt down a set amount of enemies across large sandbox maps – that will keep you coming back.

Guns are powerful and fast; death comes faster. This makes methodically creeping through the maps as a unit, covering corners and assaulting defended positions, an incredibly tense affair. This only ramps up when your squad inevitably gets picked apart on the harder difficulties, right up until three of you are sat watching the lone survivor, the whole success of the mission pinned on them scraping through. It could even be down to you and you’ll feel the tension ramp up as you suddenly become aware of being judged.


18. Payday 2

the player fires on a guard inside a bank in payday 2

If you’ve never played Payday 2 or its predecessor, you’d be forgiven for thinking it was about perfect planning, stealth and crowd control. The reality is a bit different, and it usually goes like this: the four of you excitedly chat about how you’re going to approach a heist, you split up, someone fudges it almost instantly and every police officer in the world turns up to shoot you all in the head.

It’s more wave defense than precision stealth, with each player setting up traps, sharing ammo and trying to keep the police at bay as a timer ticks down. It’s chaotic and messy, but the shooting is weighty enough and the skill trees are satisfying to advance through. It’s possible get through each of the heists without raising an alarm, but it’s bloody hard and you stand very little chance until you’ve unlocked some of the more advanced skills. Still, the possibility hangs there like a 24 carat carrot, nudging you all to have another go until you’ve perfected every scenario.


17. Keep Talking And Nobody Explodes

a bomb you must defuse thats packed with puzzles in keep talking and nobody

The best example of asymmetry in co-op. It involves at least two players – one of you is defusing a bomb with judicious mouse clicks and cautious wire snips, the other is giving instructions from a bomb-defusing manual. Neither player can look at what the other is doing. It’s one of the most perfect set-ups for the destruction of a healthy relationship and a fantastic example of leaving the screen itself behind.

You don’t have to print out the manual to read from it (you could just read the PDF file from a laptop) but we think it’s the best way to play. You flip hurriedly through pages, trying to decipher the theory of these explosive devices. Then comes the challenge of communicating the quirks and symbols of the page in a way that won’t be misunderstood. As the bomb handler, you’re consistently double-checking and second-guessing your team mate as they stammer out their directions. In the end, you’ve just got to trust them.


16. Arma 3

a sniper and spotter in ghillie suits in an arma 3 screenshot

Arma 3 takes place on a pair beautiful fictional Greek islands. It does have a single-player campaign, but it’s that island, the vehicles, guns and mechanics, and the painstaking attention to detail, that makes Arma 3 great. It’s a platform for the community to create their own games upon, and there’s enough community made content that if you get into it, you could be playing Arma 3’s cooperative mode to the exclusion of any other game.

There’s something about Arma’s design philosophy that makes it especially well suited to playing with other people. Partly there’s the realism, which obviously lends itself well to the kinds of genuine squad tactics you can enact when playing with some dedicated friends or a committed community like ShackTac. Partly it’s the way in which the islands are designed in spite of you, not in service to you, making your steady journeys across the landscape with another person feel more satisfying than overcoming a set of contrived obstacles. Hopefully one of you is a good pilot.


15. Dead by Daylight

murderous action in a dead by daylight screenshot

This is one for folks who love playing as the monster. Dead By Daylight is an asymmetrical survival horror sim not for the squeamish. In this 4vs1 co-op, three players take on the role of survivors and one player the killer, in a cat-and-mouse style multiplayer game with simple goals. Survivors must repair five out of seven generators scattered throughout a level to power the exit and escape. The killer, meanwhile, is hunting them, and can strike survivors with a weapon, and then drag them to a hanging hook and impale them on it. Ew.

Skills and abilities are balanced between the survivors and the killer; the killer, for example, is faster than the survivors in general, but is slower at specific tasks, like having to destroy obstacles instead of vaulting over them. With a spookily long list of Killers to play as (including horror film and game favourites like Ghost Face, Pyramid Head, and Michael Myers) there’s plenty of spooky fun to be found with this one.


14. : Shredder’s Revenge

april donatello and raphael fight foot clan members in front of some caged monkeys in teenage mutant ninja turtles shredders revenge

Here’s a good ol’ fashioned beat-em-up, courtesy of Tribute Games. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder’s Revenge is an old-school side-scroller that pays homage to the TMNT games of bygones past. If you’re a fan of the sewer-dwelling reptiles then you’ll love the pixelart renditions of favourite characters from the series, both heroes and villains alike.

This entry is a little different from others on our co-op list, in that its co-op playstyle is much more laid-back than many others of its stress-inducing co-op cohort. What’s great about Shredder’s Revenge that its undemanding basic button-mashing becomes one of its biggest strengths, making it perfect for groups of friends who just want an arcadey jaunt while also having a nice chinwag surrounded by empty pizza boxes.


13. Valheim

hardest vikings list 11 valheim

Valhiem’s Steam page describes it as “brutal” but I actually think this is one of the most relaxing co-op games on this list. There’s something for everyone here. If you’d like to focus on laid-back Viking settlement building and boar hunting in a peaceful environment you can hang out in the sandbox’s first area and do exactly that; if you and your friends are looking for some proper Viking action, you can head off into the world and get your butt beaten by skeletons, grey dwarfs, trolls, and its beastly Norse-themed bosses.

Valheim is still in early access, but there is already loads stuffed into its open world for you to dive into. A beginner’s tip: watch out for falling trees. Seriously, they can straight-up kill you in one splat.


12. Deep Rock Galactic

an armoured dwarf fires a gatling gun underground in deep rock galactic

It’s a simple pitch: a group of dwarven friends with class-based skills walk into an asteroid, mine for materials, and fight back the critters who fancy them for dinner. What complicates matters is the need to leave again: once their pockets are full, the dwarves have got five minutes to down pickaxes and reach an escape pod before it leaves without them.

This is even more complicated than it seems, because the asteroid’s tunnels and caverns are a twisting warren interspersed with enormous drops. Re-trace your path inwards in reverse, in a rush, and it’s easy to get lost – and those drops are now, of course, climbs. If you thought to make your ad hoc constructions two-way when you threw them up on the way in, then no problem. If you were hasty, or if your platforms were destroyed by explosive enemies, then you’re going to need to construct a new route. The adrenaline rush of your extraction is a thrill with friends over voice comms all panicking together.


11. Diablo 4

a necromancer using a blood drain spell in diablo iv

Like Diablos before it (notably Diablo 3), Diablo 4 is a muddy, grim fantasy world beset by demons, which means it’s sensible to take a friend or two. And, again like previous Diablo games, it’s playable with a squad of four from start fo finish, with drop in multiplayer that tracks progress you made so you can go back to it in single-player if you want. But why would you bother! Exploding skeletons and werewolf monsters is a breeze in Diablo 4, requiring a lot of clicking and spamming your favourite DOT spells, but little else. This means you have a lot of time to bond with your friends.

That’s maybe reductive; one of the best things about Diablo 4 is that it has an admirably freeing levelling system for all the classes, so you can respec on the fly to suit whoever you’re playing with. And if a particular boss is giving you trouble, you can change tactics. Get your Rogue a spell to go invisible so you can more easily res your colleagues, while you can change your Necromancer’s spell path to have more debuffing spells, giving your Barbarian attacks more bite, and you’re on your way to victory.



borderlands 3 the four playable vault hunters stand together shooting at enemies 686w386h

Borderlands 3 is classic “bigger is better” sequel design: everything you liked in (still a great co-op romp in itself) but with more. More gun variables, more character abilities, more locations, more vehicles, more rifles that grow legs and run around as a lead-spewing sidekick. The only thing it has less of is Claptrap, which is a blessing. And so it makes sense that co-op is the way to go in this bombastic FPS game.

At any one time one friend could be ordering a giant battle ant into the fray while another hops into a Titanfall-ish mech suit, a third activates a drone and a holographic double and the fourth performs psychic powerbombs in the middle of it all. The way these character skills can be further differentiated means you never really know which version of each character you’ll be rubbing shoulders with, turning co-operative sessions into a showcase for builds. Of course, the main takeaway is always: I want my own battle ant.

Importantly, it’s a friendlier co-op game than Borderlands 2, too. With instanced loot drops, players don’t have to fight over the same spoils of war, and the difficulty scales to each combatant, so a casual dabbler can comfortably leap into an old pro’s game.



it takes two review j

Hazelight have a knack for designing clever, co-op-only puzzle games, and It Takes Two is definitely their best yet. You and a mate play as bickering couple May and Cody, who get turned into tiny doll versions of themselves after upsetting their daughter. Despite their relationship being the verge of a big divorce bust-up, they must work together to get back to their normal selves, and maybe learn a few life lessons along the way.

It’s not the happiest of stories, all told (and features some truly horrifying moments involving stuffed toys and broken vacuum cleaners), but its puzzles are absolutely top notch. Players must really work together to conquer It Takes Two’s imaginative obstacle courses, and its range of ideas is a clear step up from Hazelight’s first co-op-only game, A Way Out. Even better, only one person needs to actually buy the game, as every copy comes with a free friend pass for your player two.


8. Dark Souls: Prepare to Die Edition

a knight readies their shield as they fight an even bigger knight in dark souls prepare to die edition

While many are purists when it comes to From ‘s masterful action RPG, refusing to summon help or forcing themselves to equip just underwear whilst wielding only an overgrown twig, Dark Souls is fantastic in co-op. You can jump in with a friend, with a bit of planning, taking turns to help each other through each section. Even without friends, though, Dark Souls will have you forming bonds with silent strangers.

There’s an unwritten etiquette to the Souls games that sees people treating each other with respect, bowing to each other once summoned and waving each other off or cheering after a defeated boss. There’s nothing quite like the feeling of relief when a summoned co-op partner helps you finally beat Ornstein and Smough – the only thing that comes close is paying it back later, becoming the saviour in someone else’s story. Adam said it best in our review: “It’s superb, populating an already haunted world with phantoms and memories, and providing an eventual gateway by which to become an all-but anonymous hero or villain.”


7. Spelunky

four players duke it out underground in spelunky 670w377h

Spelunky is a moreish 2D platformer with roguelike elements that kicks your arse until it straightens your spine. Although the geometry might be constantly shifting with each frequent death, the rules that govern the enemy types remain constant. After a while, reflexes handle the enemies of The Mines – it’s like peeking into another dimension, but instead of losing your mind you become Neo. Can you dodge bullets? Yes.

Co-op changes the rules, making it perfect for seasoned players to team up. You might think things would be easier with more health and attack power, but stunning, whipping and blowing each other up will be a regular occurrence in the claustrophobic confines of the levels. More players only add more complication and four player co-op is chaos, creating more hilarious ways to fail. Timing, as ever, is key. Now see if you can make it to Hell with friends.


6. Grand Theft Auto V

two men do wheelies on motorbikes in gta 5

Los Santos is a gorgeous playground, each bend in the road bringing you level with a postcard view – every angle feels scrutinised. Trace a route from the peak of Mt. Chiliad, driving down through the dusty plains of the Grand Senora Desert, snaking by the hilltop mansions of Vinewood Hills, cruising on through the twinkling city itself and finally coming to stop at Vespucci Beach – all this, including the skies above and the sea beyond, is your online playground.

Grand Theft Auto Online is stuffed full of co-op scenarios, but the best experiences are found in the Heists. These multi-part missions ask you and three other players to take part in everything from the setup – casing the joint and grabbing getaway vehicles – all the way to the caper itself. While not all of them are literal heists, each one does an incredible job of making sure all four players are busy.

Everyone has their own job to do, sometimes all together, sometimes in pairs and sometimes alone. This, along with the randomness of the open-world’s systems, gives each one massive replay value. The only real downside is that you really need to play with three friends to get the most out of it. With each heist taking a couple of hours from setup to execution, it can be as difficult to organise as an actual heist.


5. Minecraft

a screenshot of a minecraft volcano build

Nobody knew how huge Minecraft would be when the alpha released in 2010, but there were hints of it even from the first few hours, when the game’s initial players started building rudimentary shapes and sharing screenshots of what they’d created.

Today, Minecraft is played by people of all ages. Part of its appeal, aside from its openness, is the social aspect. Whether helping your child stave off monsters as you build a fantasy land together or collaborating with a group of adults to make a working hard drive, there’s something for everyone.

You can even play it as an RPG, killing mobs with your co-op partner, levelling up and building equipment to grow stronger, with the eventual goal of taking on the final boss, the Ender Dragon. Minecraft is whatever you want it to be and you can play it all with friends.


4. Baldur’s Gate 3

an intense turn based fight in baldurs gate 3 a tavern has been attacked by demonic monsters

Baldur’s Gate 3 is based on the Dungeons & Dragons world and ruleset, and that’s a party-based tabletop roleplaying game – so why wouldn’t you want to make it a party in its digi-form? BG3 is the tale of a rag-tag bag of heroes saving a lush fantasy world, getting into scrapes, meeting weird NPCs, and engaging in huge turn-based battles against monsters and ghouls. Much of this, like Larian’s Divinity games, is based on using the different skillsets and abilities of your characters effectively, and that’s much easier to do when the different characters are specced and controlled by other people, rather than you juggling it all yourself.

Unlike other co-op games, Baldur’s Gate’s co-op is tied to a single save and campaign. No fairweather dropping in and out! But this makes it feel like more of a collegiate story that you’re telling together, like an adventure you’re having as a group. Like, in fact, a game of Dungeons & Dragons. It’s worth the effort, and the game itself is a beautiful and complex playground for you and some friends to explore.


3. Left 4 Dead 2

three characters aim their guns at a zombie on the floor in left 4 dead 2

Panicking with friends can be sublime. That shared fear and desperation, the yells and shrieks of people facing the same horde, each convinced they’re moments from being overwhelmed. In a sense, they already are.

Horror games reach into your lizard brain and convince your amygdala that you’re in trouble. Left 4 Dead 2 is one of the best, because it’s built around saving your friends from that state. When the necrotic tongue of a Smoker comes grasping for your mate, you get to save the day with a well placed shot. When a Hunter pounces on your pal who’s straggling at the back, there you are with a punch and shotgun blast. When a Tank jumps right into the middle of your group… well, you can’t survive every time.

That’s part of what makes triumph taste so sweet. You’re pulling together against an AI director that keeps you on your toes, sending in hordes when it thinks you can take them, but rarely throwing so much at you that it feels unfair. Every level is an appropriately intense ordeal, where cries of frustration can quickly turn into tears of laughter. Ten years on, Valve are still the kings of co-op horror. Especially if you play Versus mode, and know the Hunter tearing into you is your mate Dave.


2. Portal 2

the two robot pals get ready to solve puzzles in portal 2 646w363h

What happens when you take a single-player game about traversing intricate puzzle rooms with portals, and then double everything? It becomes twice as complicated and twice as satisfying. Portal 2 already expands on everything introduced in the bite-sized Portal, adding things like Excursion Funnels, Thermal Discouragement Beams, Propulsion Gel and other fancy sounding words, but the addition of another player changes things the most.

Four portals make each room more confusing to explore, especially when you consider both players need to reach the exit. In essence, many rooms require two solutions. Some puzzles require both thought and dexterity, and firing your friend across a chasm by moving a portal while they freefall through another eventually becomes as normal as walking.

There’s a lot of personality in the design of the two robotic protagonists, too – the Laurel and Hardy of shiny metal. When you’re working together, you’ll be high fiving each other’s metal hands and barking possible solutions through your headset.

If you’re not using chat, Valve were kind enough to provide lots of ways to communicate in-game, with players able to place markers and emote. Every puzzle solution is punctuated by a dance. Portal 2’s co-op is an experience you can’t quite replicate, its systems a perfect balance of cooperation and friendly rivalry. Grab a friend and become the most stupid pair of geniuses around.


1. Helldivers 2

two helldivers blast away at approaching alien bugs in helldivers 2

In like a bullet to the top of this list is the extraordinarily popular Helldivers 2. Robots to the left of you, bugs to the right, here I am stuck in the middle with you, a squad of my pals, merrily immolating all the enemies before us and, quite often, each other.

Helldivers 2 combines a lot of things. Great shooting against horde-style enemies? You betcha. Improbably huge special abilities like actual nukes? Sure thing. Pretending you haven’t set off the bomb in the enemy nest and then exploding your mates for the jape? Absotively.

The titular Helldivers are teams of hard-hitting expendable soldiers sent to clear enemies on planets surrounding Earth, which is at the centre of a global war with giant bugs on one side and advanced robots on the other, so you head down in timed missions do beat them back a bit. The always-on friendly fire is a daring choice, but one players have embraced, along with furious debates over whether the Terminids or Automatons are the worse enemy to come up against.

Buried in amongst this, though, are hints that actually both murderous robots and murderous insects are both the fault of the Super-Earth, though many players enjoy the roleplay aspects of screaming “For democracy!” as they call down an airstrike on a giant monster spitting acid at your mate. Helldivers 2 is simultaneously layered and simple, and it is an instahit you’re sure to love.


Views: 47

17 Best WordPress AI Plugins, Almost every device we use to automate complex tasks uses artificial intelligence. However, we often argue that such devices are not “intelligent” but simply calculating tools after we learn how they and use them in our everyday lives. 

Today, implementing artificial intelligence in software development is a sign of progress and a way to design new, more innovative features. This article will present the best WordPress AI plugins for creating better websites.

How Is Artificial Intelligence Used in WordPress?

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a simulation of human intelligence demonstrated by machines. AI refers to different in computer systems that mimic human behavior, such as using logic and rules for decision-making and learning from analyzing data to improve performance (machine learning – ML).

Regarding WordPress, artificial intelligence improves different management processes, automates complex jobs, and tailors website content according to visitors’ expectations and search engines’ requirements. AI-powered plugins are becoming popular solutions to make sites faster, smarter, and more accessible. 

Among the main tasks that AI plugins accomplish are:

 Boost website SEO. AI-powered plugins allow optimizing posts, pages, and other structures while they’re being created. Such plugins analyze website content, compare it to competitor data, and suggest changes that must be done to increase page views and attract an audience that relates to your content.
 Make websites more accessible. By designing accessible websites, you establish a better reputation for your brand and get through to more people. Many WordPress sites now use text-to-speech technologies provided by AI-based tools.
 Introduce smart assistants. that use artificial intelligence can improve because they are available 24/7. They can make human workers more efficient by completing low-end repetitive tasks. 

Certainly, there are many more ways AI technologies can make better and help manage WordPress sites. But, sometimes, website owners must limit the usage of content-generating tools if they want their content to be visible on search engines. According to Google Search Advocate John Mueller, Google Search Console considers automatically generated content as spam. It seems Google doesn’t have the ability to detect auto-generated content, but I’m sure it’s on the way.

Special Mention: Crocoblock AI Integrations

Before we start looking at dedicated AI plugins, let me tell you exciting news: JetPlugins now also work together with AI to give users more power. One way to make websites better is by joining OpenAI with a strong form builder, which is what the JetFormBuilder plugin can do. By connecting this plugin to your OpenAI account using different integration tools, you can unlock new properties.

Employing form fields to fetch prompts for the AI generator provides some impressive features. They include refining grammar in posts and listings, transforming text into concise summaries, crafting SEO-friendly meta descriptions, and more. This fusion of JetFormBuilder and OpenAI not only streamlines content creation but also improves the overall website experience.

Another plugin that has started adding integrations with AI is JetEngine, and the first feature is SQL query generation for Query Builder


Using SQL Query Type, you can insert a custom query code and display whatever you want directly from your WordPress database on the front end. And the SQL query AI generator can give you such a code if you ask it with clear and simple human words! Read about this unique JetEngine feature in detail if that’s something you need for your site.

💡 JetEngine and JetFormBuilder plugins are free for those who already have a Crocoblock All-Inclusive subscription. The functionality it offers includes 20 plugins and beyond.


Top 17 Best WordPress AI Plugins

Read Also : 18 Best WordPress Comments Plugins in 2024

Many WordPress plugins use artificial intelligence to facilitate website management and improve content. Here’s a list of the best plugins that implement AI for different tasks.

WordLift (Premium)

🏆 Best for adding structured data to WordPress sites.

wordlift ai wordpress plugin

WordLift automates website SEO by analyzing all content, adding structured data or schema markup to it, and making it more understandable to Google. This plugin uses artificial intelligence to identify distinct words on the site and turn them into metadata. During the process, users can manually choose which keywords are preferable, thus controlling how the website’s knowledge graphs look. 

WordLift core features:

 organizing references to external sources and internal pages;
 suggesting related content to visitors leading them to archived pages and increasing user engagement this way;
 enriching text with rich snippets;
 integration with Google Data Studio tool for comprehensive analytics and reports;
 timeline, navigation, geolocation, and search widgets.

Pricing: the Starter plan costs $588 per year for one site and includes ten schema markups. The Professional and Business plans sell for $948 and $2399 per year, respectively, and they have more schema types and advanced features and can be installed on more sites.


 attracts an audience that is more related to the site’s content;
 enhances UX with content recommendations;
 free trial for 14 days.


 it still takes some time to learn how to use WordLift at its full capacity;
 no free version.

SEOPress (Free/Premium)

🏆Best for optimizing large websites for search engines.

seopress wordpress ai plugin

SEOPress is a powerful but lightweight WordPress plugin that allows search engine optimization of all web pages and CPTs through its interface. Unlike most other SEO plugins, SEOPress integrates with OpenAI. This feature utilizes artificial intelligence to generate SEO metadata (meta titles and descriptions) based on post content. It is especially useful for optimizing websites with hundreds of pages because it is available in bulk actions.

The plugin developers have plans to expand AI usage, so hopefully, we’ll see some new examples of how AI can improve SEO in future versions of SEOPress.

SEOPress core features:

 employs Davinci GPT-3 engine by default, but users can switch to other engines as well;
 allows optimizing multiple web pages at a time;
 highly trained models for nine languages.

Pricing: SEOPress is free, but AI integration comes with a Pro plan for $49 per year.


 multifunctional SEO plugin that employs AI;
 affordable Pro plan.


 AI integration is not included in the free version.

Divi AI (Premium)

🏆 Best for generating text and images for a Divi-built website.

divi ai powered wordpress page builder

brings the power of AI to your fingertips right inside Divi’s visual builder. You can use it to write content and generate amazing images out of thin air. In addition, the functionality helps you refine the existing website content using a set of handy, quick actions. It’s like always having a content creator, copy editor, visual artist, and photographer at your side!

Divi AI core features:

 integrated into Divi and WordPress, allowing it to generate more intuitive results automatically; 
 creates high-quality content and images on demand;
 refines and improves your existing website content with the help of AI.

Pricing: You can try Divi AI for free to generate 50 items. To unlock unlimited text and image generation, you can purchase Divi AI for $24 monthly ($18/month if paid yearly).


 generates both spectacular content and images using AI;
 unlimited text and image generation;
 dozens of image and text refinement options;
 30-day money-back guarantee.


 Divi AI only works with Divi, which isn’t suitable for those using other page builders.

Formidable Forms (Free/Premium)

🏆 Best for creating AI-powered forms.

formidable forms ai plugin

Formidable Forms helps you create any form you need, from contact forms to quizzes. Plus, you can easily add an AI field in WordPress to any form that connects to to ensure a better experience for your website visitors. It can help answer questions, recommend products, or offer services to make things simple.

Formidable Forms core features:

 creates any type of form for your website;
 connects with other services (PayPal, CMS, email, etc.);
 allows full-form customization;
 creates calculators, quizzes, and other lead generators;
 adds more features like PDF, AI, and user tracking.

Pricing: the free version is available with limited options. The paid plans with AI start at $199.50 per year with up to seven domains.


 offers an easy way to create different form types;
 gives you a powerful AI field to enhance your website.


 the free version is limited;
 the plugin has a small learning curve.

Akismet Spam Protection (Free/Premium)

🏆 Best automation tool to detect spam comments on WordPress websites.


Akismet was designed by a reputable WordPress development company Automattic to detect and block spam comments even before they are marked as pending. This tool proved to be especially effective against spam bots, and there are over five million active installations of it. 

After installation on a WordPress site, Akismet is constantly improving its work thanks to machine learning algorithms. Website admins can review comments caught by Akismet and point out the spam comments that broke through the protection system, enabling it to learn from its failures.

Akismet core features:

 automatic detection of spam comments;
 integrates with WordPress plugins through Akismet API;
 provides spam detection history.

Pricing: free for non-commercial sites. Spam protection for commercial or business sites starts at $10 per month.


 solid protection against spam by bots;
 improving SEO ranking when deleting comments with spam links;
 free for personal use.


 most of the time not effective against human-made spam comments.

AI Engine (Free/Premium)

🏆Best for adding a GPT-like chatbot to a WordPress site.

ai engine wordpress plugin

AI Engine is a fairly new plugin developed by Jordi Meaw that is rapidly gaining popularity. After 2000+ active installations on wordpress.org, it has only 5-star ratings, with users praising its novelty and smooth integration of AI with WordPress. 

To enjoy the features of AI Engine, you’ll have to create an OpenAI key and insert it in the plugin’s settings. This allows you to add a sophisticated chatbot and content generator that rely on innovative OpenAI technologies to your website. 

AI Engine core features:

 simple interface for customizing a chatbot and even giving it personality characteristics;
 ability to assign context awareness to a chatbot;
 built-in statistics to monitor OpenAI usage;
 AI Playground for translation, correction, discussions, etc.;
 internal API to link AI Engine with other plugins.

Pricing: currently, most of the AI Engine features are included in the free version. The Pro version starts at $29 per year for one site and has a statistics module and content-aware chatbots.


 best free chatbot for WordPress;
 customization options for creating unique AI models;
 excellent support from the plugin developer.


 some features are still in beta mode. 

Quttera Web Malware Scanner (Free/Premium)

🏆 Best for detecting malware, , and malicious codes using cloud technologies and artificial intelligence.

quttera web malware scanner

This plugin scans WordPress sites for malware, backdoors, worms, trojans, exploits, malicious iframes, malicious code injections, redirects, as well as other threats. The data is investigated on Quttera remote servers without changing any files. It also checks whether Google or other search engines blacklist your website. 

Quttera Web Malware Scanner core features:

 scans for web threats in different forms;
 provides detailed investigation reports;
 learns to improve scan results by detecting false positives;
 provides blacklist status;
 detailed classification of threats in reports;
 tracks DNS attacks by monitoring DNS/IP.

Pricing: the free version is available with limited scanning options. The paid plans with a server-side malware scanner start at $120 per year for one domain. 


 offers a complex scanner for web malware that uses cloud technologies;
 feeds from the intelligence database to improve malware detection.


 free version has limited options;
 doesn’t protect from threats, only detects them.

Bertha AI (Free/Premium)

🏆Best for creating AI-generated product descriptions for eCommerce sites.

bertha ai wordpress plugin

Using the GPT-3 language model by OpenAI, Bertha AI is among the best AI assistants built specifically for WordPress users. After the installation and activation of the plugin, you’ll see a new animated character in every text window of your website, including the backend WordPress builder. Bertha AI can provide you with multiple ideas for every task, from section titles to full-on text blocks, and saves every produced output for later reuse. 

One of the strong points of Bertha AI is the automated creation of product descriptions suggesting long-tail keywords and SEO description tags, and all it needs for it is a product name.

Bertha AI core features:

 creating images based on your description;
 a content rephrasing tool;
 SEO keywords suggestions;
 30+ pre-built content models.

Pricing: the free version lacks most of the core features. The premium version starts at $450 per year. You can also go with one-time payment options: $25 for 10,000 generated words and $15 for 100 images.


 smooth integration with WordPress, all the major page builders, and SEO plugins;
 an abundance of AI tools for blogging;
 pay-as-you-go pricing options.


 expensive yearly plan;
 doesn’t offer a chatbot like some other content AI WordPress plugins do.

Elementor AI (Paid)

🏆 Best for integrating AI tools in Elementor editor.

elementor ai tool

The Elementor team is rushing to get some of the hype and create a deep inbuilt integration of AI in our favorite WordPress editor. Although it does have some AI-powered features, like the adaptation of the layout of a web page to different screen sizes, the Elementor plugin hasn’t been an AI-focused tool by now. 

The is not available to the public yet, as it’s still in the alpha stage, being tested internally. Most of the information about its current features comes from YouTube videos by content creators specializing in WordPress who got early access to the Elementor AI.

With Elementor AI, you’ll see a new Write with AI sign when you create blocks with text. If you click it, you’ll get to a new pop-up window where you’ll be able to use a few prompt suggestions or come up with your prompt and generate a text. Upon generating a text, you can modify it using additional buttons: translate the text, make it shorter/longer, simplify language, change tone, and fix spelling & grammar.

When you open a window for inputting CSS snippets (in Elementor Pro, it’s in Advanced > Custom CSS), you’ll see a new Code with AI icon. After clicking it, you’ll be offered to generate a CSS by writing a prompt. It seems the software recognizes loosely defined prompts and comes up with detailed specifications for the generated output. 

The third main feature announced by the Elementor team is AI image generation, but there are no details on how this integration will work. 

Elementor AI core features:

 inbuilt text generator;
 translation into 29 languages;
 generating CSS and HTML codes.

Pricing: $2.99 per month.


 creates great basic texts;
 provides an advantage to someone who lacks CSS knowledge.


 the text generator seems to be unaware of the contexts and only creates content based on the latest prompt and the following modification options.

ContentBot AI Writer (Free/Premium)

🏆Best for writing long-form articles with an easy-to-use AI assistant.

contentbot ai writer wordpress plugin

ContentBot is another content generator using OpenAI GPT-3 natural language processing system. After installing the plugin, you can start producing new content directly within the WordPress interface. It is a great solution for bloggers to speed up content creation. You can write a few sentences, ask the plugin to continue, and delete parts you don’t like, and ContentBot will come up with a new, more relevant version. The built-in plagiarism tool will ensure you can use everything the AI created. 

ContentBot core features:

 powerful paraphrasing tool;
 summarizer tool;
 instructions chatbot;
 45 writing templates (blog intro, full blog posts, tweets, sales emails, etc.);
 rewrite tool to change the content’s tone or make content appealing to specific audiences.

Pricing: a free version with just a few features is available. Premium plans start at $29 per month. You’d have to pay $59 monthly to enjoy all premium features.  


 easy-to-use drag-n-drop post builder;
 ability to create long-form texts quickly.


 doesn’t have an image generator;
 free and basic pro versions don’t include essential tools like plagiarism checkers.

CodeWP (Free/Premium)

🏆Best for generating shortcodes and building complex queries in WordPress.

codewp ai wordpress plugin

CodeWP is one of the best AI coding assistants for programmers and “non-technical” WordPress developers, with support for PHP and JS. With its help, users can create code snippets and complex queries that would otherwise take hours to complete.  

The plugin features dozens of AI modes corresponding to specific plugins, uses, or products. The modes have different AI trained on different code bases to get accurate, high-quality snippets every time. 

CodeWP core features:

 support for major plugins and page builders like WooCommerce and Elementor;
 dozens of professionally made tutorials;
 an excessive library of example snippets;
 general functions for all types and an increasing number of AI modes for specific tasks. 

Pricing: the free plan allows for ten generations with a basic AI generator per month, and the Pro plan costs $96 per year.


 new features and modes are added weekly;
 made specifically for WordPress users;
 low price for a plugin that helps solve complex problems.


 no support for custom modes yet.

On October 18th, CodeWP v.2.0 was introduced, featuring a bundle of new features. The CodeWP team, led by James LePage, focused on implementing a novel conversational approach. Users can now chat with an AI bot trained on WordPress data to assist in code creation and troubleshooting. By using natural language prompts, CodeWP can even generate entire plugins.

Translate WordPress – Google Language Translator (Free/Premium)

🏆 Best for adding Google AI machine translation to WordPress sites.

translate wordpress google language

While the free version of this translator offers mediocre statistical machine translations, the paid version provides very accurate human-like translations into and from the English language. It stores the translated versions of your website on remote servers creating a separate domain for each language. This way, every translation is indexed, and users can find your content using their native languages.

Google Language Translator core features:

 hosting website translations;
 human-level translation quality;
 ability to manually modify translations;
 Google Analytics integration.

Pricing: the free version of this plugin is available. The paid version with all advanced features costs $400 per year.


 improves SEO by indexing translated pages;
 high-quality neural machine translation;
 free version can be helpful.


 to enjoy all advanced features, like translation hosting, you must buy an Enterprise plan, which is quite expensive.

Tidio – Live Chat, Chatbots & Email Integration (Free/Premium)

🏆 Best for managing emails, live chat, chatbots, and messages from one dashboard.

tidio live chat

This plugin is an all-in-one communication solution. Its purpose is to upgrade the website’s customer service by offering various communication channels and boosting sales by providing automatic chatbots with many functional templates. It is easy to modify or even create chatbot templates from scratch using a drag-and-drop editor. 

Tidio has one of the highest rankings on wordpress.org among live chat plugins, with over 100,000 active installations.

Tidio core features:

 managing all communication channels from one panel;
 chatbot templates for different situations to increase user engagement (cart saver, returning customers, etc.);
 drag-and-drug visual editor for working with chatbots;
 natural language processing (NLP) technologies to identify frequently used words and answer simple questions by the customers;
 seven-day trials on paid plans.

Pricing: most advanced features are available in the free plan, but they offer no chatbot templates and limit chatbot conversations to 100 visitors per month. The paid plans start at $190 per year.


 advanced chatbot builder for automation sales and customer support;
 intuitive interface and management;
 free version for small businesses.


 lacks integration with some major messengers (WhatsApp, ).

YARPP – Yet Another Related Posts Plugin (Free)

🏆 Best for finding related website content and presenting it to visitors.

yarpp wordpress ai plugin

YARPP lets website visitors see posts, pages, and custom post types related to their original entries and finds them from across the site using advanced algorithms. It is estimated that related posts can increase page views by ten percent.

YARPP core features:

 inbuilt catching for subsequent inquiries;
 many options for placing related posts (shortcuts, blocks, widgets, REST API, and more);
 pre-built list or thumbnail templates to showcase related posts;
 compatible with all languages.

Pricing: free.


 the most popular related posts WordPress plugin;
 fully customizable;


 requires more server resources than similar plugins, which can be noticeable on larger sites.

GetGenie (Free/Premium)

🏆 Best for researching, writing, and optimizing content for SEO engines.

getgenie wordpress ai plugin

GetGenie is an AI assistant designed to accelerate the writing of high-quality original blog posts. This writing tool offers many templates to cover various frameworks, such as AIDA, BAB, and PAS. It also shows on-page SEO scores to optimize content instantly and provides valuable suggestions on creating SEO-friendly slugs.

With its “Genie Mode”, content can be generated through prompts easily, and users can get a detailed response in return. Besides, GetGenie recently rolled out its chatting platform “GenieChat,” which can yield quick answers too.

GetGenie core features:

 30+ templates for content writing;
 provides analysis of competitor data;
 idea generation tool for blogs;
 enables one-click blog generation;
 generates content in multiple languages;
 enables human-like chatting with 22 personalities on “GenieChat”;
 presenting on-page SEO score.

Pricing: the free version is available with some limitations. The paid version starts from $19 per month.


 saves time for copywriters;
 starts checking content on SEO-friendliness during the writing process;
 free version available with satisfactory word and analysis limit;
 has a free version and a 14-day trial on paid plans.


 offers fewer writing templates than some other content-generation tools.

Link Whisper (Free/Premium)

🏆 Best for building internal links on WordPress sites.

link whisper wordpress ai plugin

Link Whisper provides the easiest way to create internal links. Making intracontent connections with related posts on the website is often underused, but it may be necessary both for user engagement and improving SEO ranking. The plugin’s AI-powered engine analyses website content and suggests related posts and links in a newly created box under the written text.

Additionally, Link Whisper provides detailed reports of broken links and 404 errors.

Link Whisper core features:

 automatic link suggestions;
 in-depth link reporting;
 ability to fine-tune recommendations by deciding which keywords are relevant.

Pricing: free version is available. Paid plans add many advanced features, such as automatic and cross-site linking, costing $77 per year for one site. 


 the free version has many useful functions.


 no free trial on paid plans.

RankMath (Free/Premium)

🏆 Best for users who want to learn effective SEO practices.

rankmath wordpress ai plugin

RankMath AI-powered SEO plugin has over one million users. With its help, you can control which content is indexed and how it appears on search engines.

Multiple built-in suggestions make it easy to optimize website content and allow users to learn about the best SEO practices. Despite a large number of advanced features, its well-thought-out design and set-up wizard make RankMath easy to use, even for inexperienced users.

RankMath core features:

 20+ pre-defined schema types;
 30 in-depth SEO tests;
 smartlink suggestions;
 SEO-optimized breadcrumbs;
 detailed website analysis to identify SEO-related issues.

Pricing: the free version of RankMath includes many functions, and the paid version costs $59 per year and can be used on unlimited personal sites.


 feature-rich AI-powered plugin;
 numerous suggestions and a wizard make RankMath beginner-friendly;
 reasonable price on the paid version.


 some users report conflicts with other plugins.

What’s Next?

In November 2022, AI research company, OpenAI, launched ChatGPT – a sophisticated chatbot based on GPT-3, the company’s language model released in 2020. Two months after its launch, ChatGPT has over 30 million users sending OpenAI skyrocketing to the level of tech giants. In our article, we have already seen brand new plugins that use GPT-3 and are wildly popular (AI Engine, CodeWP), as well as renowned tools that rush to welcome this revolutionary technology aboard (SEOPress).

On February 6th, Google announced its rival AI chatbot, ‘Bard.’ So, it’s safe to say the AI arms race has begun, and it will make a major impact on content production, web development, and the online environment in general.



Artificial intelligence (AI) is a simulation of human behavior during the decision-making process by machines.

What is machine learning?

Machine learning (ML) is a part of artificial intelligence that defines the capability of machines to analyze inquired data to improve their performance.

What is the purpose of WordPress AI plugins?

We often use AI plugins to create virtual assistants, text-to-speech readers, spam protection and automate website SEO.


Artificial intelligence techniques find use in various spheres of our lives. AI-powered WordPress plugins offer advanced features to accomplish different purposes.

1.WordLift is an excellent solution for the automation of website SEO, and it gives the best results when combined with human-made instructions.
2.AI Engine, one of the most popular applications of artificial intelligence, creates virtual assistants which communicate with site visitors via chatbots and live chats.
3.SEOPress utilizes OpenAI technologies to improve website rankings in SEO.
4.The Google Language Translator plugin is the best tool for adding AI machine translators to WordPress sites.
5.Quttera Web Malware Scanner is an AI-powered plugin that can find most web threats on WordPress sites.
6.CodeWP is the best solution for generating shortcodes in WordPress using artificial intelligence.
7.For anyone who needs to check content for SEO-friendliness, GetGenie is the best choice.


Views: 13

Best WhatsApp Alternative Apps You Can Use In 2024, Facebook-owned WhatsApp Messenger is the most popular messaging app on the planet. The company releases new features regularly to ensure it remains on top. However, people have different tastes and not everyone may like how WhatsApp works or looks both internally and externally.

Meta-owned WhatsApp has a policy and it makes it clear that the company collects lots of telemetry data from your device. Hence, if you are someone who wants to move on to a more personal or secure messaging app, here are the 12 best WhatsApp alternative apps you can use in 2024.


Messenger has been known as the best WhatsApp competitor for a while now and nothing’s changed. The open-source messaging app is still the best WhatsApp alternative out there. Along with the usual messaging features that both WhatsApp and Telegram pack, the latter brings other features like supergroups of up to 100,000 people, public channels, usernames, the ability to share files of up to 2 GB, passcode lock, self-destructing messages and end-to-end encryption in secret chat among other things.

Telegram Interface

Then, there are Telegram Bots, which really enhance the experience. The bots not only bring you important info on the go but there are several game bots that let you play games inside the messaging app. Other than that, unlike WhatsApp, Telegram can be used on multiple platforms at once, so you can start texting on your phone and then continue it on your PC. I also love the voice call feature here which works quite well.

Availability: Android, iOS, Windows Phone, Windows, , Linux, Web (Free)

2. Signal Private Messenger

Signal Foundation, the organization that powers the end-to-end encryption technology in WhatsApp Messenger and Facebook Messenger, offers its very own messaging app dubbed Signal Private Messenger. As you’d expect, Signal brings a number of security benefits when compared to WhatsApp. It offers self-destructing messages, screen security (prevents anyone from taking screenshots), and more.

Signal interface

Plus, Signal brings encryption to its backups, calls, group calls, and every other data in the app. Even the files that you send using Signal are protected. Furthermore, according to Apple’s App Store listing, Signal doesn’t link any data to your identity.

Signal privacy policy

It’s a great app for anyone who wants to securely converse with other users. That’s why, Signal is quite popular with journalists. Signal Private Messenger is for people who are looking for a simple and secure messaging app and if you are looking for something like that, it is the best WhatsApp alternative for you.

Availability: Android, iOS (Free)

Best WhatsApp Alternative Apps You Can Use In 2024

Read More : 12 Best Linux Distros You Should Use

3. Discord

Discord is no longer just a platform for chatting with your fellow gamers. While you can explore a variety of Discord servers to engage with your interests, Discord’s DM functionality is often overlooked by many. You can use Discord’s personal messages feature to send messages, emojis, emotes (if you have Discord Nitro), GIFs, images, and even documents. Furthermore, you can make voice calls, video calls, or even browse together after sharing your screen.

Discord Interface

Combined with neat integrations from , Twitch, YouTube, Battle.net, Steam, Reddit, Facebook, , Xbox Live, and GitHub, Discord has got you covered for all your messaging needs and is arguably better than WhatsApp.

You can also create group chats on Discord with a total of 10 members. If you need more capacity, you can always create a server. If you ask me, I’d recommend uninstalling WhatsApp right away and installing Discord. You will find the link to download Discord below and I can assure you that you won’t regret the decision.

Availability: Android, iOS, Windows, macOS, Linux, Web (Free)

4. Messages by

This might be an odd one but hear us out! Google’s RCS messaging service has improved by leaps and bounds since it was first introduced. Although it may not be the most widely available service in the world and is limited to just Android users, almost every Android device should have this feature. Just download the Google Messages app, go to the settings, and enable RCS (Rich Communication Services).

Google Messages Interface

RCS is a secure way of sending messages across devices; messages sent with RCS are encrypted and can carry more information across than SMS, and the Google Messages app comes tailored with lots of handy dandy features such as smart replies, stickers, GIFs, suggested actions, and integrates very well with GBoard. The one major con of RCS comes due to Apple not adapting the service despite multiple jabs from Google. This means if the party on the other side uses an iPhone, your messages would be sent as regular SMS.

AvailabilityAndroid, Windows, Web (Free)

5. Bridgefy

One of the main problems with online messaging apps like WhatsApp is that they rely on an internet connection to work. And if you are out camping in the woods even the normal  messaging apps will not work. That’s where offline messaging apps come into play. These apps don’t require a network or internet connection to work.

Bridgefy Google Play Store page

Rather, they create a peer-to-peer Bluetooth mesh network or Wi-Fi direct-based network on your phone and allow you to send messages to your nearby friends. If you are looking for such an app then you should use Bridgefy. Bridgefy offers three main types of messaging services; Person-to-Person mode, Broadcast mode, and Mesh mode.

You can send messages to a friend, broadcast them to the entire group, and even use users as nodes to send messages to long distances. It is quite helpful during festivals, sports events, natural disasters, and other such situations where you won’t be getting reliable mobile service.

In fact, Bridgefy and other such apps have become a bastion for protesters around the world as they allow them to evade internet censorship imposed by their governments. The app is free to download and use and is the best offline WhatsApp alternative in my opinion. You should check it out.

Install: Android (free), iOS (free)


Kik is a great messaging app for users who don’t want to use their number to operate a messaging application. While chat services like WhatsApp require users to use their number, I know many users who are not comfortable with sharing their personal numbers to these platforms.

Kik Messenger Interface

For those users, Kik is a great service as it only requires you to use your email ID. Once you sign up for the service using your email ID, Kik will create a unique user name for you which you can share with other Kik users to chat.

The best part about using Kik is that you are not losing out on any messaging features. You still get access to all the important features including text messages, emojis, stickers, Gifs, photo sharing, video sharing, and group chats among other things.

Another unique feature of Kik is that it supports bots which is something that you do not get on WhatsApp. Using bots you can play quizzes, get fashion tips, the latest news, and more. That said, the main USP of Kik remains its non-requirement of a phone number and if that’s something you want, definitely check it out.

Availability: Android, iOS (Free)

7. Snapchat

While Snapchat technically is not just a messaging app but rather a social media app, I use it more and more as a messaging application thanks to some unique features that no other messaging application can offer. For example, I can send messages which can self-destruct after a set period of time. It also notifies me when someone takes a screenshot of my chats with them. Finally, it offers the best face mask collection of all the apps that I have ever used which makes this app fun to use.

Snapchat Interface

Other messaging features are also here such as the ability to create group chats, voice calls, group voice calls, gifs, and more. I also love Snapchat because it is one of the most innovative chat services on the market. The features that users on WhatsApp or Facebook Messenger normally enjoy are generally copied from Snapchat. So, if you want to access these cool features and be the first to receive the latest chat features, Snapchat is the app to use.

Availability: Android, iOS (Free)

8. Skype

Skype is without a doubt one of the best business chat applications out there that you can use right now. With the power of Microsoft behind it, Skype has left all the other business chat applications in the dust. However, that progress has worked against Skype when it comes to personal chats as the business moniker that it has earned keeps normal users away. But let me tell you that Skype is one of the best chatting applications on the market especially if you make a lot of video and voice calls.

Skype Interface

I especially find Skype useful when I am using it to make overseas calls as the sound and video quality on Skype is far better than its competition. I also love Skype for its group video call functionality.

While most other apps don’t support group video calls, the ones that do often lag when you add more than three to four people. If you are someone who makes a ton of video calls with their friends and family, I can certainly recommend Skype over WhatsApp or any such chat application.

Availability: Android, iOS, macOS, Windows, Web (Free)

9. Keybase

Keybase is an open-source secure chat application, which is great for users who want to communicate securely. Since this is an open-source app, there’s no private company that is looking at all your data. Anyways the data is end-to-end encrypted so at no point in time, the message is exposed to nefarious actors.

Keybase Interface

The app doesn’t even allow you to take the screenshot of the chats. The messaging app works more like Slack than WhatsApp, however, it’s not aimed at businesses. Rather, it is mainly targeting users who are concerned with their online privacy.

My favorite feature of Keybase is that you don’t need anyone’s number or email ID to connect with them. This allows you to remain in contact with users whom you don’t want to share your personal information with. Finally, this is one of the few messaging apps that offer a native application for the Linux operating system. If you value your privacy, you should definitely check it out.

Availability: Android, iOS, macOS, Linux, and Windows (Free)

10. Viber

Viber is another popular messaging and VoIP app that really stands toe-to-toe with WhatsApp when it comes to features. Firstly, the app offers end-to-end encryption in calls, messages, and shared media. Moreover, the messages saved on multiple devices are also encrypted, which brings us to the fact that the messaging apps pack in multi-device support, which WhatsApp lacks.

Viber Interface

Like WhatsApp, Viber lets you make video and voice calls but the app goes one step ahead with its Viber Out feature, which lets you make international calls to non-Viber users at nominal rates.

Talking about the messaging features, Viber includes support for stickers, file sharing, last seen, voice & video messages, public accounts, backup to Google Drive, and more. There is also a sticker store and Viber games, which are basically games you can play inside Viber. If you consider everything, you’ll notice that Viber is an app that is very similar to WhatsApp. It packs in most of the features from WhatsApp and then some more.

Availability: Android, iOS, Windows Phone, Windows (Free, with rates for Viber Out)

11. Session

Session is another great contender for one of the best WhatsApp alternatives if your priority is securing messaging. It is a privacy-focused messaging app that promises no metadata and only messages. The open-source app encrypts messaging as well as calls to ensure that nobody has access to your messages on the internet. Session uses Libsodium cryptography to encrypt your chats and its public keys are stored locally on your device.

Session Interface

You don’t need an email or mobile number to start using the messaging app. All the messages on the app are sent via a decentralized onion-routing network similar to Tor. Despite being a privacy-focused app, Session’s user interface is quite customizable with themes and dark mode. You get groups, video calls, voice messages, attachments, voice calls and even group calling functionality on this WhatsApp replacement app.

Availability: Android, iOS, macOS, Windows, Linux (Free)

12. LINE

Another WhatsApp alternative you can use is LINE, which is a highly popular cross-platform messaging app that packs in a ton of features. Like WhatsApp, the app features end-to-end encryption, support for voice and video calls & messages, and more.

It also brings quite a few unique features when compared to WhatsApp like LINE Out (lets you make international calls to non-LINE users), a sticker store, a cool Keep feature (lets you save your favorite messages, photos, etc.), and more. It also features a timeline in the app, where you can see any status updates and photo changes from your friends.

Line Interface

Other useful features of LINE include passcode lock, filter messages, themes, LINE Pay for payments, and more. There’s no doubt that LINE is a very capable and feature-rich messaging app, however, it does feel a little bloated. So, fans of WhatsApp’s simplicity might not like LINE much but if you aren’t bothered by that, you should give LINE a shot.

Views: 352

Best NVMe SSDs for gaming in 2023, NVMe technology provides superior storage, superior speed and superior compatibility. Since NVMe utilises PCIe sockets, it transfers 25x more data than the SATA equivalent. Along with more data, NVMe’s commands are 2x faster than that of . In addition, NVMe input/output operations per second (IOPS) exceeds 1 million and is up to 900% faster compared to AHCI drives. NVMe also communicates directly with the system CPU, giving it incredible speeds due to its compatibility. NVMe drives work with all major operating systems regardless of form factor.

But there are also some honorable mentions!

Corsair MP600 Pro XT SSD in a motherboard


Image: Corsair

Most computers and storage drives still use the common SATA or PCIe 3.0 interfaces to sling your bits of data around, but if you’re lucky enough to own a relatively modern PC, you might be able to upgrade to a solid-state drive (SSD) built on the insanely fast PCIe 4.0 protocol.

We’ve tested several PCIe 4.0 SSDs and the best one to cross our labs thus far is the Solidgm P44 Pro in a field of tough contenders thanks to ferociously fast speeds only rivaled by next-gen PCIe 5.0 SSDs.

Read on to more, including what to look for in PCIe 4.0 SSD.

Updated 11/17/2023: To include the Seagate Game Drive as our pick for best PCIe 4.0 SSD for PS5. Among a number of great features, this drive comes with DRAM cache, making it perfect for a PS5. You can read more about why we love this SSD in our summary below.

P44 Pro SSD – Best PCIe 4.0 SSD

Solidigm P44 Pro SSD - Best PCIe 4.0 SSD


 Fastest PCIe 4.0 SSD to date
 DRAM facilitates excellent random performance
 Synergy low-level Windows driver improves random performance further


 Inconsistent pricing on web

The Solidigm P44 Pro is without a doubt the fastest PCIe 4.0 drive we have ever tested. In fact, it finished within the top five fastest drives in our tests, and was only beaten by three next-gen PCIe 5.0 drives. Plus, by installing the Solidigm Windows driver you can further improve random performance in small read/writes making it even faster during everyday use.

Not only is the Solidigm P44 Pro performance top-notch, but it also has a very reasonable price so long as you shop at the right place—we found that pricing varies widely online from retailer to retailer. This is not only the best PCIe 4.0 drive on the market, but also one of the best SSDs period. And despite stiff competition from a crowded field of other excellent PCIe 4.0 drives it holds its own at the top.

WD Black SN850X – Best PCIe 4.0 SSD runner-up

WD Black SN850X - Best PCIe 4.0 SSD runner-up


 Excellent performance
 Decently affordable given its speed
 Available up to 4TB
 Optional heatsink for 1/2TB models


 Pricey per gigabyte
 Somewhat parsimonious TBW ratings

The WD Black SN850X is a screaming-fast drive and ranks right up next to the FireCuda 530 near the top in terms of speed. The reason the WD Black SN850X edges out that drive as our pick for best PCIe 4.0 runner-up is that it offers better value for the money—not only does it give you the same great speed as the FireCuda, but it does so at a lower price per GB.

Also, in terms of overall performance, the SN850X stands out with its excellent real-world transfer rates and outstanding random write performance. In the crowded field of great PCIe 4.0 SSDs, the WD Black SN850X holds its own despite stiff competition.

WD Blue SN580 SSD – Best budget PCIe 4.0 SSD

WD Blue SN580 SSD - Best budget PCIe 4.0 SSD


 Fantastically affordable
 Super fast real world transfers
 Single-sided for laptop upgrades


 Slows to less than 300MBps when writing off secondary cache
 Slightly low endurance rating

Price When Reviewed: 54,90 Euro

Now with the very first signs of PCIe 5.0 drives coming to market, we’re finally starting to see companies offering budget PCIe 4.0 NVMe drives at compelling prices. The best of the affordable bunch? The WD Blue SN580 NVMe SSD. At just $50 for a 1TB model at the time of writing you can get your hands on the excellent SN580—you won’t likely find any PCIe 4.0 drives with storage that cheap. And even with the low price you won’t be sacrificing any performance here either.

In our testing, the SN580 turned out both stellar benchmark and real-world results. Admittedly, it slowed down considerably in the large 450GB transfer test, but seeing as how it’s unlikely anyone will write that much contiguous data it likely doesn’t matter. When all is said and done, the SN580 is a super-affordable wonderfully high-performing PCIe 4.0 SSD. It simply can’t be beat at this price point.

Best NVMe SSDs for gaming in 2023

Read More : The Best PC Games 2023

Legend 850 – Best budget PCIe 4.0 SSD runner-up

Adata Legend 850 - Best budget PCIe 4.0 SSD runner-up


 Great real-world performance
 Very affordable
 Attractive designer-styled heat spreader available.


 512GB capacity is a relatively slow writer

If you don’t need a 1TB capacity drive like the Crucial P3 Plus above, or you’re just looking to get your hands on a blazing-fast PCIe 4.0 for as little money as possible then the 512GB Adata Legend 850 is worth considering. For only $50 at the time of this writing, you can get the solid Legend 850. The drive scored very well in synthetic benchmark numbers for read scores, and in our real-world 48GB reading and writing test, it scored better than a lot of its peers.

The 512GB capacity probably isn’t enough to be the main drive in a high-end gaming or content creation PC, but for the average budget gaming PC or laptop it would be a solid foundation or great upgrade.

Sabrent Rocket Q4 NVMe SSD – Best for

Sabrent Rocket Q4 NVMe SSD - Best for Steam Deck


 Half-sized 2230 (22mm wide, 30mm long) form factor fits a variety of devices
 Amazingly fast at real-world tasks
 Decently affordable
 Unmitigated five-year warranty


 Writes slow to a crawl when secondary cache is depleted

In the past, you were out of luck if you wanted to upgrade your storage in a smaller-sized device such as a handheld gaming console where the longer 2280 NVMe SSDs wouldn’t fit. Luckily, Sabrent has set out to change all of that with its line of Rocket half-sized 2230 small form-factor SSDs, and its latest Rocket Q4 is our favorite. It comes with up to 2TB of capacity and shockingly excellent real-world performance. Its unique feature is that it’s only 30mm long, meaning you’re able to use it in small devices such as a Deck.

The Rocket drive has great everyday performance and truly impressive real-world transfer speed. During our testing, it cruised through the 48GB and 450GB transfer tests, beating out other zippy full-sized PCIe 4.0 drives. While the Rocket Q4 provides decent enough capacity-to-cost, if your device is able to handle the longer, standard-sized 2280 drives, you’ll likely have more options to choose from and might be able to find even better price-for-performance. Regardless, we love this compact SSD and the Sabrent Rocket expertly fits a niche that is only likely to more common with devices such as the Steam Deck in the future.

Seagate Game Drive – Best PCIe 4.0 SSD for PS5

Seagate Game Drive - Best PCIe 4.0 SSD for PS5


 Very good overall performance
 Excellent 4K performance
 Low-profile heatsink
 Twice the TBW rating of the competition


 A bit pricey
 No 4TB model

The Seagate Game Drive is a PCIe 4.0 NVMe SSD that was made specifically for next-gen consoles—the PS5 in particular. And it doesn’t disappoint. It features DRAM for primary caching duties, which is a bit unique and almost essential for Sony’s console system. The PS5 doesn’t support HMB, so a drive such as this with DRAM cache is the optimal choice. The drive comes in 1TB and 2TB models, meaning you’ll have plenty of space to store all of your games should you need it.

While the Seagate Game Drive is optimized for a PS5, it’s no slouch as a regular SSD either. In our speed tests it did remarkably well, earning the spot as the second-fastest PCIe 4.0 SSD with random ops that we’ve ever tested. Seagate also provides a generous five-year warranty with the drive and it has an astounding 1,275TBW rating—more than double the industry norm. PS5 owners simply can’t go wrong with the Seagate Game Drive.

Crucial T700 – Best PCIe 5.0

Crucial T700 - Best PCIe 5.0


 Breathtaking performance
 Available with or without heatsink
 Up to 4TB in capacity


 Extremely pricey
 Requires the still rare PCIe 5.0 M.2 slot

Sure, PCIe 4.0 is great and all, but what if you want to upgrade to PCIe 5.0? If your system features a PCIe 5.0 M.2 slot, and you can afford it, then there is no question you’ll get significantly faster read and write speeds. And if you do decide to upgrade, there is currently no better PCIe 5.0 SSD than the Crucial T700.

It practically shattered all of our benchmarks for both synthetic and real-world tests. How fast is it? Well, in a side-by-side comparison with the WD Black SN850X, our top pick for best PCIe 4.0, the Crucial T700 almost doubled it in sequential read and write benchmarks, was around 30 percent fast in the 48GB transfer test, and about 25 percent faster in the 450GB transfer tests. Currently, the T700 is undoubtedly the king of the hill by a fair margin when it comes to PCIe 5.0. So if and when you decide to make the change, the Crucial T700 is your best bet.

What to look for in an SSD

There are a few things to look out for, but most importantly you’ll want to focus on capacity, price, and warranty length. Three-year warranties are standard, but some nicer models are guaranteed for up to five years. And unlike the olden days of SSDs, modern drives won’t wear out with normal consumer usage, as Tech Report tested and proved years ago with a grueling endurance test.

Another crucial thing to watch out for is the technology used to connect the SSD to your PC. For more details and buying advice you can read our in-depth guide on which type of SSD you should buy.

1.SATA: This refers to both the connection type and the transfer protocol, which is used to connect most 2.5-inch and 3.5-inch hard drives and SSDs to your PC. SATA III speeds can hit roughly 600MBps, and most—but not all—modern drives max it out. (More on that in the next section.)
2.PCIe: This interface taps into four of your ‘s PCIe lanes to blow away SATA speeds, to the tune of nearly 4GBps over PCIe gen 3. Those sort of face-melting speeds pair nicely with supercharged NVMe drives. Both the PCIe lanes in your motherboard and the M.2 slot in your motherboard can be wired to support the PCIe interface, and you can buy adapters that allow you to slot “gumstick” M.2 drives into a PCIe lane. PCIe 4.0 drives are significantly faster, but require an Ryzen 3000-series or Intel Core 11th-gen (or newer) processor, along with a compatible PCIe 4.0 motherboard.
3.NVMe: Non-Volatile Memory Express technology takes advantage of PCIe’s bountiful bandwidth to create blisteringly fast SSDs that blow SATA-based drives out of the water. Check out PCWorld’s “Everything you need to know about NVMe” for a nitty-gritty deep-dive.
4.M.2: This is where things get tricky. Many people assume M.2 drives all use NVMe technology and PCIe speeds, but that’s not true. M.2 is just a form factor. Sure, most M.2 SSDs use NVMe, but some still stick to SATA. Do your homework. Many modern Ultrabooks rely on M.2 for storage.
5.U.2 and mSATA: You may also stumble across mSATA and U.2 SSDs, but both motherboard support and product availability are rare for those formats. Some older Ultrabooks included mSATA before M.2 became popular, and drives are still available if you need them.

Speed matters, of course, but as we said most modern SSDs saturate the SATA III interface. Not all of them, though.

How we test SSDs

We test SSDs using a variety of synthetic benchmarks (such as CrystalDiskMark 6’s various tests) and real-world tests, including 48GB transfers that showcase how a drive performs during common tasks, and also a demanding 450GB transfer test that pushes an SSD’s cache performance to the limit.

The PCIe 4.0 testing was done on an MSI MEG X570 motherboard socketing an AMD Ryzen 7 3700X 8-core CPU, using the same Kingston DRAM, cards, and . All testing is performed on an empty, or nearly empty drive. Note: performance will decrease as the drive fills up.


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