


The best old games and PC classics to play 2024, Classic games are the few that stand the test of time, so we’ve rounded up the very best old games that are still worth playing on PC today.

Looking for the best old games on PC? There are many perks to being a PC gamer, but we will save extolling them all for a day when we are feeling particularly inflammatory. For now, we will focus on just one: the best old games remain forever playable. Sometimes it takes a little more , but it’s a lot easier than digging through your parent’s attic for an ancient console you think they still have.

Yes, even on the highest-end multi-cored rigs with the latest X-Titan Turbo Hydra Fulcrum Mk.III GPU, you can still boot up veteran  games, majestic ancient RPG games, trusty ol’ point-and-clicks, and other legendary games of yore. Below you will find a testament to those PC stalwarts like Deus Ex: Game of the Year Edition that prove the best old games are truly timeless and deserve space on your SSD even to this day.

old games an age of empires 2 civilization consisting of numerous buildings villagers and combat units

Age of Empires 2

It’s hard to imagine what the real-time strategy game landscape today would look like without Age of Empires 2. After all, Ensemble Studios’ 1999 classic is still played by many today – ourselves included. Even at launch, AoE 2 was hugely popular among RTS enjoyers, having shipped over two million copies within its first few months on shelves. While this isn’t a blockbusting number by modern standards, it’s worth remembering PC gaming wasn’t the monolithic entity it is today.

Age of Empires 2 has two core pillars to its gameplay. The first is its exemplary campaign, which takes you on a (dramatized) journey through the lives of historical figures like Joan of Arc, Barbarossa, and Genghis Khan – big hitters. There’s also its multiplayer offering, which allows you to progress through four ages – Dark, Feudal, Castle, and Imperial. As you develop your empire, you’ll unlock new technologies to improve everything from your economic output to your military might.

Whether you’re making a mad dash to the Castle Age to pen in opponents with fortified structures, or are looking to rush opponents with Scout Cavalry in an attempt to cripple their economy before they can even get it going, AoE 2 has remarkable strategic depth. To this day, tournaments are regularly held for the game, drawing in thousands of viewers. If you’re looking to get involved the good news is that the Definitive Edition of the game was launched in 2019, and continues to be updated to this day.

old games a view of the grand exchange in runescape 2 now old school runescape where people can trade

RuneScape 2

Though it can be considered the baby of the list, Runescape 2 is very much one of the best old games you can play on PC. Having arrived as an upgraded version of the original RuneScape in 2004, Jagex’s iconic MMO game has continued to thrive over 20 years after it first reached our monitors. It’s so popular today that its rereleased iteration, Old School RuneScape (OSRS), is often seen with a higher player count than the more modern RuneScape 3.

This medieval fantasy adventure will take you to the world of Gielinor – a land filled with dragons, elves, orcs, and more evil wizards than you can shake a wand at, OSRS is easily one of the best free MMO games you can sign up for today. Yes, its visuals haven’t held up in the way the likes of World of Warcraft have, but RuneScape has a certain charm to it that not even Blizzard’s glorious graphics can replicate.

The best thing about RuneScape 2 is it’s the perfect idle MMO. You can click and forget during all sorts of tasks thanks to its simple tick-based loop for many of its skills. If you’re looking to min-max your gaming time while studying for school, or working on that odious report in the office, then you can set up shop near a bunch of trees and crank up your Woodcutting XP, tabbing back in every couple minutes to click the next one. It’s an incredibly chill experience (provided you’re not trying to PvP or take down the endgame bosses), and one which you’d be remiss to miss out on.

old games jill is fighting against a zombie in a corridor in resident evil

Resident Evil

For the longest time, it was nigh-on impossible to get the original PC version of Capcom’s survival horror classic to work on modern devices. The only way to play this adventure legitimately would have been to play the admittedly amazing remake. That said, they’re completely different, not least because zombies could return if not beheaded or burned as Crimson Heads, who are significantly faster, harder to kill, and impossible to avoid.

However, in yet another surprise nobody saw coming from Capcom in 2024, the original Resident Evil PC version, complete with a handful of tweaks to circumvent some censorship, is back on GOG. Of course, everything’s intact: the tank controls, the dodgy script, and the hammy voice acting. But that’s what we love about the early 3D era of gaming. Games were becoming more of an event with the advent of CD technology giving developers more space to pop voice samples and primitive polygons.

So why is Resident Evil so revered, even in 2024? Everything that can feel restrictive is part of the design, from the tank controls and awkward aiming to prevent the game from being too easy to navigate to the fixed camera angles obscuring upcoming threats, with groans and shuffles adding to the tension. It’s also the start of a great trilogy of 90s survival horror, and the good news is that Resident Evil will be joined by the PC versions of the second and third games on GOG very soon. It’s an absolute must-play for anyone who loves horror games and now’s the best time to pick it up.

old games best classic pc games max payne 550x309 1

Max Payne

Despite Max Payne being Remedy ‘s second game, this incredibly ambitious game blends elements from John Woo movies and mature storytelling to create an all-time classic. In this third-person action game, the titular former NYPD detective has access to a slowdown mechanic, similar to bullet-time from The Matrix movies. Just like Neo, Max can perform leaps in slow motion, with both hands clutching his trusty pistols to take out enemies in front of him.

Whether you’re looking to return to Max Payne after a long absence or trying the game for the first time, you’ll be surprised at how well Remedy’s third-person shooter stands up to this day. If the story manages to hook you, you’re in luck as there are two more games in the trilogy to get through.

xcom ufo defense 1

Strategy gaming meets turn-based tactics. The first X-COM game is still one of the best strategy games ever released on PC. This excellent old PC game inspired the team that went on to make Fallout, birthed several spin-offs and sequels, and was officially remade in 2012 as XCOM: Enemy Unknown – which is itself a classic. That’s some legacy.

In X-COM: UFO Defense, much like the remake, players must defend Earth from an alien invasion. In doing so, players must manage the clandestine X-COM group, choosing where to position bases and what technologies to research to make a desperate stand against the extraterrestrial threat. Players must also win battles on the ground using a squad of X-COM soldiers in turn-based tactical combat.

The game itself has aged brilliantly where gameplay is concerned, though it’s nowhere near as pretty as its modern-day remake. Assuming total control of mankind’s final barrier against the alien menace is still a joy: progressing through the research tree, turning your operatives into psionic super-soldiers, and deploying them in the field to kick xeno-butt never gets old. Fancy some modern XCOM instead? Check out our XCOM: Chimera Squad review.

oddworld abes oddysee

Oddworld: Abe’s Oddysee

A 2D platformer where absolutely everything can kill you in an instant: long falls, any enemy attack, grazing past an obstacle, overcooking a grenade… the list goes on. Its puzzles are complex, its gaps between saves overly long, and its enemies nearly impossible to avoid. Frustrating? Rewarding is the word you are looking for. Probably.

At the center of all this struggle is the titular Abe, an enslaved Mudokon who discovers the meat processing factory where he works is soon to be the slaughterhouse of his entire race. Abe breaks free and begins a quest for emancipation that the player can either go along with (making their journey much more difficult) or ignore. Choosing to steer a group of your fellow Mudokons into a volley of gunfire as a means of distracting an enemy is never an easy decision to make.

alpha centauri

Sid Meier’s Alpha Centauri

Like any Civ game, Alpha Centauri is all about colonizing a world, growing an empire, and competing and cooperating as you see fit with other factions vying for power. The twist? Set on a distant planet in the future, this old PC game is far more story-driven, forcing you to interact with mysterious alien lifeforms and races that previously inhabited the planet.

Sid Meier’s Alpha Centauri fits the 4X games formula of empire-building, research, war, and diplomacy with an excellent story. Featuring fascinating factions and complex leaders, Alpha Centauri offers a more focused experience than the ‘blank canvas’ of the main series. The smaller scope of the game emphasizes everything that is great about this old game’s narrative, helping Alpha Centauri remain as memorable as always.

best old game for pc taking part in a ritual in baldurs gate 2

Baldur’s Gate 2

There is something about that beautiful, seemingly hand-drawn aesthetic of the Infinity Engine that is completely timeless, and Baldur’s Gate 2 uses that to deliver one of the best role-playing games of all time. Sure, you might still be working through Baldur’s Gate 3 right now, but it’s never a bad time to go back to the next best game in the series.

Gamers brought up on modern role-players may have trouble adapting to the tactical Dungeons & Dragons combat and plethora of dialogue, but it is precisely these traits that make Baldur’s Gate 2 endure as one of the best old . The dark fantasy setting of Amn is a joy to explore with your party of companions, who are unforgettable for their excellent writing and catchy soundbites (“Go for the eyes, Boo!”). From its pretty pre-rendered backgrounds to its rich, mysterious world brimming with character, Baldur’s Gate 2 is truly ageless.

planescape torment

Planescape: Torment

This list will not turn into an ode to the great CRPGs of the ‘90s, we promise, but… just… one… more…

In contrast to Baldur’s Gate II’s classic, companion heroics, Planescape: Torment is a lonely, personal journey to uncover the lost memories of a person who has lived and died untold lives with no recollection of them. Set in a surreal otherworld of multiple planes and bizarre creatures that defy conventional fantasy tropes, Torment is one of the oddest and greatest videogame stories ever told. Focused more on dialogue and choices than combat, Torment encourages you to uncover its world through exploration, conversations, and clever, choice-filled questing.

best old games for pc speaking with a merchant in the elder scrolls iii morrowind

When we first assembled this list Morrowind was still relatively young, but now it’s nearly old enough to buy itself a beer we think it’s finally earned ‘classic PC game’ status. No doubt this will upset the PC gaming elders, who are probably lost in some procedurally generated Daggerfall township.

Morrowind doesn’t just represent the Elder Scrolls series’ arrival on the 3D scene, it’s also the game that cemented the layout for Oblivion and Skyrim, two of the most popular videogames of all time. There are dozens of all-timer questlines and the foundations of Skyrim’s character builds, and it’s all wrapped up in what’s probably the most interesting and immersive  to date.

half life one of the best old games


Back in 1998, Half-Life’s storytelling and the conviction of its fictional world were far beyond anything else in the genre. Indeed, they were beyond anything else in gaming.

The opening in which you fly through the Black Mesa Research Facility is magnificent. Radioactive waste passes by, witty comments sound out from speakers overhead, and doors open and close all around. Valve crafted a world full of minutiae and intricacies that you could pore over in between all the alien fighting and physics-based puzzling. Seamless level transitions and a narrative that never broke away from the first-person perspective make this game not only one of the best old games but one of the finest games ever made.

We’ve spent years waiting for the mythical Half-Life 3, but with the release of Half-Life: Alyx, our hunger for new Half-Life has only gotten more ravenous. Sounds like the perfect excuse to revisit – or begin – the series. If aging visuals really aren’t for you then the fan-made Black Mesa remake is officially out and receiving just as positive reviews as the original.

deus ex one of the best old games

Deus Ex

Visually, Deus Ex has not aged as gracefully as some of the pixel-era games on this list, but its deep RPG systems, dense hub worlds, and intriguing conspiracy crackpot plot make it proper ‘PC games bucket list’ fodder.

The number of ways in which you can tackle the game’s missions still holds up today: You have countless means of molding JC Denton to your play style. Your choices about how you interact with the world all feel significant and, as a result, Deus Ex continues to be the gold standard that immersive sims, stealth games, and RPGs strive for, and remains one of the best old games on PC. If you want to see how the Deus Ex series has modernized over the years, check out our Deus Ex Mankind Divided review.

a shootout in a bar in outlaws one of the best old games


The lack of tribute to this gunslinging wild-western shooter is no less criminal than the exploits of Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid. Outlaws was among the PC’s best first-person shooters, sprite-based or not.

Several gameplay innovations helped Outlaws stand out, including a manual reload system, and the first-ever sniper scope used in a shooter. The orchestrated Sergio Leone-inspired soundtrack is spine-tingling, and the animated cutscenes have that lovely LucasArts touch that provides context to the tough, rootin’ tootin’ gunfights taking place across trains, frontier towns, and other environs of the Old West. Outlaws is a goldmine of excellent stylistic and gameplay features in a classic FPS package and an exceptional old PC game at that.

an assortment of intriguing characters at the helm of a ship in the longest journey one of the best old games

The Longest Journey

Coming in the twilight years of point-and-click adventure games, The Longest Journey is a poignant swansong for the genre. You are April, an 18-year-old student who shifts between two contrasting realms to restore the mysterious force that allows them to exist harmoniously.

The contrasting realms of the magical Arcadia and gritty urban Stark realm are evocatively presented, and in both, you will meet characters as strange and well-rounded as your strong, troubled protagonist. Yes, it suffers from the point-and-click pitfall of absurdly cryptic puzzles, but they are worth toughing through to experience this beautiful interdimensional adventure. The Longest Journey’s sequel Dreamfall is also worth playing, though it is not quite on par with Funcom’s original.

female fighters hide from a monster in one of the best old games diablo ii

Diablo II

The continuation of online support and the fact that Blizzard released patches for Diablo II up to the release of the official remake attest to the game’s enduring appeal as one of the finest old PC games.

The high-intensity action RPG mechanics, which have been emulated but rarely topped by other games over the years, and its grungy, well-animated pixel art set Diablo II apart. Its loot-‘em-up gameplay is so appealing that it does not need to move with the times. Blizzard’s perfection of this formula has allowed Diablo II to completely defy the typical videogame life cycle. You don’t have to track down an old copy of this either as Blizzard released a solid remaster in the form of Diablo 2: Resurrected. Check out our Diablo 2: Resurrected review for our complete verdict.

fallout 2 one of the best old games

Looking at the image above, it is easy to say that Fallout has come a long way since the isometric days. But that would ignore the tremendous narrative and mechanical depth hiding amidst those pixels and pre-rendered backdrops. Fallout 2 is on Steam and, in high-res and with cloud saves, this fantastic old game is all the more appealing to revisit.

Fallout 2 is not forgiving, and bad decisions or character development can essentially ruin your experience. But ride the wave of its deep systems and you have one of the greatest RPGs of all time. The range of factions, side-quests, and characters paint a rich picture of a post-apocalyptic world that is a grim joy to explore. It is harsh, bleak, and kind of ugly, but Fallout 2’s wild wasteland came to define the series. Take a look at our Fallout 4 review to find out what the series has transformed into.

several patients amass in a corridor in theme hospital one of the best old games

Theme Hospital

Still one of the funniest and most whimsical building sims on PC, Theme Hospital is a unique gem that no developer has even dared try to emulate. Its sense of humour ranges from excellent soundbites of the receptionists urging patients not to die in the corridors, to the emergent chaos of a mass vomit breakout in the waiting areas. AI prodigy Demis Hassabis was even involved in the project as a young boy, making this literally the work of a genius.

The cutesy visual style, so great at conveying fictitious illnesses like Bloaty Head and Hairyitis, conceals a relentless and challenging sim. Up there with the best old PC games, Theme Hospital stands in a league of its own… unless you count spiritual successor Two Point Hospital.

an altercation in a corridor in system shock 2 one of the best old games the sign on the wall reads safety first

System Shock 2

You never forget the confused fear you feel when a mutant is apologizing to you while battering your head in with a wrench. It is harrowing, deeply unsettling, and captures the dark spirit of this lonesome story in which you are hounded by a murderous AI aboard a spaceship.

Yes, System Shock 2 was sort of succeeded by BioShock, but it is a tonally different beast – a psychological horror that drips with a cold, claustrophobic atmosphere. Grab one of the mods that updates the graphics and lighting to revive that intense technophobia you felt all those years ago. 

old games for pc crossing a gothic bridge and shooting a grunt with a nail gun in quake


It is hard to imagine anything dislodging Doom’s place in the pantheon of PC gaming greats (don’t worry, it’s listed here). However, we think Quake meets id’s vision of demonic corridor-shooting executed most successfully. Of the two forefathers of those great franchises, Quake proves most affecting to revisit today. Doom’s Cacodemons and Hell Knight sprites look kitsch now, but Quake’s roster of far less recognizable abominations – all lipless mouths and faceless horrors – still manages to unsettle. They are helped by flawless sound design created in collaboration with Trent Reznor, and a medieval occult aesthetic that falls somewhere between Doom and Hexen.

The culmination of those elements – not forgetting its excellent arsenal of high-impact, heavy weapons – feels like id’s best attempt to pull together the elements they experimented with throughout the ’90s. Quake and its many sequels are all available with an subscription, and we’ve found that they run superbly on modern PC setups – no frustrating compatibility modes are needed here.

old games for pc running through a corridor shooting demons in doom 1993


Sure, we’ve already got Quake on this list, but where would modern PC gaming be without its sci-fi horror-based FPS sibling, Doom? Every boomer shooter fan has their preference between the two, so in the interest of pleasing everyone, we’ve included both.

Doom’s certainly the more colorful of the two and so is generally a lot easier to navigate, and you can also move a lot faster and more freely thanks to its slightly more open levels. Monsters take a bit less effort to kill and the levels are much less stingy when it comes to handing out ammo – it’s the better pick for cheap, run-and-gun thrills, while Quake offers a little more mastery and pure horror. This is also handily available via an Xbox Game Pass subscription and runs well on modern systems.



Starcraft may have been somewhat left behind by its shinier sequel, but even those not looking for a competitive experience could do a lot worse than revisiting one of the finest narrative RTS campaigns ever. Along with Warcraft 3, the original Starcraft represents pre-Activision Blizzard at its creative pinnacle.

Okay, so, in the same way that Warcraft owes a lot to Tolkien, this story of space marines, space bugs, and ethereal elder beings may owe a lot to Warhammer 40k, Aliens, and Starship Troopers. Everything owes a lot to Aliens, though, and that doesn’t stop this genre classic from holding up today. Come for the pitch-perfect execution of archetypal RTS games scaffolding, and stay for the character-focused sci-fi epic stuffed with juicy plot reveals.


The Curse of Monkey Island

While the first two Monkey Island titles are genre-defining adventure games, produced at the peak of LucasArt’s heyday, that doesn’t stop them from being a daunting proposition for modern gamers curious to see what all the fuss was about. Monkey Island 3: The Curse of Monkey Island may not have the best puzzles, the best story, or the best jokes, but it is the easiest to slip into for new players, and it’s still an excellent adventure game in its own right.

Featuring singing pirate barbers, a lactose-intolerant volcano god, and a giant chicken demon among its less ridiculous elements, The Curse of Monkey Island continues the adventures of Guybrush Threepwood, the world’s most useless pirate. A colorful cartoon aesthetic and a jaunty, moreish soundtrack top off this hearty mug of adventure game grog.

Now that you’ve taken a historical tour of our most cherished classic videogame memories, you know what to do: turn those old games, into ‘sold’ games. Okay, we’ll stick to writing, writing more list features, that is. And, if you want the cream of the crop both new and old, here are the best PC games of all time, or if you don’t want to splash the cash, here are all the best free PC games. For now, though, we’ll be going back to embracing the sweet, sweet nostalgia of our misspent youth.


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Exploring the Best of All Time, In the vast landscape of gaming, some titles stand the test of time, captivating players across generations. These games not only define their eras but also set benchmarks for their genres. They offer immersive experiences, compelling narratives, and innovative mechanics, often being celebrated in discussions about the Best PC Game All Time. As we delve into this remarkable universe, we will explore the games that have become milestones in gaming history, continuing to resonate with both newcomers and veterans alike.

Main Points

  1. Understanding what makes a game timeless.
  2. A look at various genres represented among the best.
  3. Highlighting key elements present in the Best PC Game All Time.
  4. Reviewing both single-player and multiplayer experiences.


1. The Evolution of PC Gaming: A Historical Overview

The journey of PC gaming is nothing short of fascinating. It began in the late 1970s, where a handful of text-based games captivated a niche audience. These early experiences laid the foundation for a massive industry. Over the decades, technical advancements and a growing community transformed the gaming landscape. As graphics improved and the internet emerged, multiplayer experiences flourished in ways many couldn’t have imagined. Today, PC gaming is a bastion of creativity and competition, with titles that fall into the realm of the Best PC Game All Time.

  1. 1970s – Early Beginnings: Simple text-based adventures dominated.
  2. 1980s – The Birth of Graphics: Introduction of iconic titles, pushing visual limits.
  3. 1990s – Online Connectivity: Multiplayer games emerged with the rise of the internet.
  4. 2000s – The Rise of FPS: First-person shooters redefined competitive gaming.
  5. 2010s – Diverse Genres: Expanding into RPGs, indie games, and esports.

This evolution encapsulates why many regard certain titles as the Best PC Game All Time. Thus, the evolution of PC gaming reflects not just technological progression but also our ever-growing desire for immersive experiences. Best PC Game All Time discussions often intersect with personal passion, making them a riveting topic among enthusiasts.


2. Iconic Franchises That Shaped the PC Gaming Landscape

Throughout the years, several franchises have emerged, profoundly influencing the best PC game all time records. Titles such as StarCraft and The Sims revolutionized gameplay mechanics and storytelling. Each franchise brought unique elements that catered to diverse audiences, creating memorable multiplayer experiences. Additionally, their impact on genre evolution cannot be understated, as they established new benchmarks. It’s intriguing how these games shaped not only player expectations but also industry standards. They are truly the stalwarts of PC gaming.

Franchise Highlights

Franchise Release Year Genre
StarCraft 1998 RTS
The Sims 2000 Simulation


3. Genre Definers: Best RPGs, FPS, and Strategy Games of All Time

When we dive into the world of games, three genres particularly stand out: RPGs, FPS, and strategy games. Each of these categories has produced unforgettable experiences that define the gaming landscape. Best PC game all time graphics often enhance immersion, vividly bringing stories to life. RPGs like “The Witcher 3” offer rich narratives, while FPS games such as “” deliver adrenaline-pumping action. Nevertheless, strategy games like “Civilization VI” challenge players to think critically, making choices that resonate across generations.

Unforgettable Titles and Their Legacy

In the realm of RPGs, the depth of character development is remarkable. Clearly, players invest not just time but emotion into their journey. FPS games prioritize quick reflexes and skill; however, they also foster intense multiplayer rivalries. Alternatively, strategy games emphasize patience and planning, rewarding foresight over mere speed. Therein lies the magic of gaming: each genre offers a unique lens through which we can explore vast, imaginative worlds.


4. The Impact of Graphics and Technology on Game Development

The evolution of graphics and technology has profoundly transformed game development, reshaping player experiences in remarkable ways. Artists now wield cutting-edge tools that render vibrant environments and lifelike characters, yet this complexity can paradoxically lead to oversaturation. Developers find themselves balancing visual fidelity with gameplay mechanics, creating a tug-of-war effect. Moreover, the integration of complicates design choices. As teams navigate these challenges, they must also adapt to emerging trends, ensuring their games resonate with players. This interplay of art and technology fosters a dynamic game development landscape.

Key Factors Influencing Game Development

  1. Realism: Players crave immersive experiences that blur the between reality and the virtual world.
  2. Innovation: Technological advancements inspire new gaming paradigms, resulting in unexpected gameplay mechanics.
  3. Accessibility: Developers prioritize inclusive design, ensuring that elevating graphics don’t alienate less powerful devices.

As we venture into the future, understanding these influences remains crucial for creating engaging and memorable games.


5. Multiplayer Madness: Celebrating the Best Cooperative and Competitive Titles

In the vibrant realm of gaming, multiplayer experiences offer a unique blend of collaboration and competition. Engaging with friends or strangers fosters a sense of community, turning mere play into lively adventures. Take a deep dive into titles like “Among Us” and “,” where strategies intertwine with spontaneity. Yet, the confusion often lies in balancing teamwork and individual prowess. Understanding when to unite and when to stand out can be the key. Join the chaos—your next great gaming awaits!


6. Hidden Gems: Underrated PC Games Worth Your Time

If you’re tired of mainstream titles, explore the world of underrated PC games that often go unnoticed. These hidden gems challenge conventional gaming norms, offering rich storytelling and unique mechanics. For instance, titles like “” blend existential themes with an innovative narrative style. You’ll find immersive experiences that resonate deeply, making players ponder. Additionally, “Owlboy” showcases stunning pixel art, yet it rarely receives the recognition it deserves. Take a chance and dive into these unique worlds.

Why Play the Underrated?

Many players miss out on these treasures, focusing solely on popular releases. However, hidden gems often provide more fulfilling experiences. They invite players to explore unfamiliar territories, encouraging curiosity. As one gamer aptly noted:

“The best stories are often found in the places you least expect.” — An avid gamer

Game Title Description
Disco Elysium A narrative-driven RPG with deep dialogue choices.
Owlboy A pixel art adventure that emphasizes storytelling.

In conclusion, giving these hidden gems a chance can truly enhance your gaming repertoire. They not only provide unique gameplay experiences but also spark thoughtful conversations among players. So, what are you waiting for? Dive into the world of the forgotten and the obscure!


7. The Future of PC Gaming: Trends and Innovations to Watch

As we look ahead, the landscape of PC gaming is remarkably evolving. New technologies promise to redefine how we experience games. Several key trends are emerging that could reshape the industry. Here are some noteworthy developments to keep an eye on:

  1. Cloud Gaming: This allows players to access games without the need for high-end hardware, reshaping accessibility.
  2. Integration: Advanced algorithms will enhance gameplay, from smarter NPCs to personalized gaming experiences.
  3. Virtual Reality: The continued refinement of VR technology may bring immersive gaming to mainstream audiences.
  4. Cross-Platform Play: Bridging the gap between different gaming communities will enable a more inclusive experience.
  5. Blockchain Technology: This could revolutionize in-game economies and ownership, although its long-term impact remains speculative.

These innovations will likely create both excitement and confusion among players. As we witness these transformations, understanding their implications will be crucial. The future of PC gaming is not just about technology; it’s about creating vibrant communities and unparalleled experiences.



In conclusion, the world of PC gaming is filled with timeless triumphs that resonate deeply with players. From captivating narratives to groundbreaking gameplay mechanics, the best PC games of all time have shaped our experiences and created lasting memories. As we reflect on these remarkable titles, it becomes clear that they transcend mere .

They offer a shared language, a sense of community, and an escape into worlds that feel both familiar and fantastical. While new games continue to emerge, the classics retain their charm, reminding us of the beauty of gaming’s evolution. So let’s celebrate these masterpieces and cherish the joy they bring us, because they truly represent the essence of what makes gaming a beloved pastime for so many.Best-PC-Game-All-Time-501.jpeg

Frequently Asked Questions

What criteria were used to determine the best PC game of all time?

The criteria typically include factors such as game design, innovation, storytelling, graphics, and player reception over time.

Are there any genres that dominate the list of the best PC games?

While various genres are represented, action, role-playing, and strategy games often feature prominently due to their storytelling and gameplay depth.

Can a game still be considered the best if it has aged poorly?

Yes, a game’s impact and legacy can endure despite aging graphics or mechanics. Many players value the experience and influence these games had on the industry.

How do player opinions influence rankings of the best PC games?

Player opinions are crucial as they provide insight into a game’s popularity and enjoyment. Surveys, reviews, and community discussions often shape these rankings.

Is it possible for new games to enter the ‘best of all time’ discussion?

Absolutely! New games can challenge the established titles and gain recognition as classics based on their innovation, gameplay, and lasting impact on the gaming community.

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The Best FPS games on PC 2024, FPS games are a classic PC gaming staple, and whether you’ve been playing them since the 90s or started your journey more recently with the boom in battle royales, there are plenty to choose from when it comes to the all-time greats. To help you narrow down what to play next, we’ve created this list of the best FPS games to play right now, from single-player epics to team-based shooters you can play with mates. Heck, some don’t even necessarily have guns in them at all, and you may find the odd boomerang or bow in here too.

The 25 best FPS games on PC

You can find our list of the 25 best FPS games on PC below, which you can either browse in one big gulp, or jump straight to individual entries using the links below. And if your favourite FPS isn’t here, let us know in the comments below. It was number 26, honest.



the player slides at soldiers in a neon future in severed steel

Kicking off with a newbie to the list, Severed Steel is all about sick stunts. Wall runs, somersaults, dolphin dives, slick slides: if you want it, Severed Steel has it. As you run around each mission while pulling off stunts and completing objectives, you shoot voxel dudes with their voxel guns that you pick up on the go. As you shoot your guns and arm cannon, bodies and walls will explode in a glorious shower of destruction. Oh yeah, you have an arm cannon! It does big damage, and Severed Steel’s destructible voxel arenas (am I saying “voxel” enough?) become your playground when you start blasting through walls.

Severed Steel can feel disorienting at first, but it’s rather forgiving. You won’t take damage as long as you simply keep moving, so it’s all about chaining stunts together to close the distance between enemies and take them down before they land a single shot. It’s the complete opposite of ‘s near-constant slow-mo, but it makes you feel equally badass.



i am a pistol at two werewolves as they stagger towards me in the village

Resident Evil Village continues the journey of Ethan Winters and his unlucky hands. As he explores the titular village, you’ll fight lycans, zombies, and more with all sorts of guns. If, like me, you were also petrified by Resident Evil 7 and couldn’t muster the courage to defeat the Baker family, then rest assured that Village is a far less terrifying experience. The first run will still feel tense, and there are some horrifying moments, but overall the atmosphere isn’t as unsettling. A big reason why? Village leans into the chaotic action of Resident Evil 4 and 5, handing you plenty of powerful guns that you can use to pop heads with ease.

Village thrives on that action, and while the first half is a slower, more horror-focused experience, the latter half gives that up for an action game that fires on all cylinders. There are big boss fights, even bigger explosions, and hordes of enemies to slaughter as you see fit. If you’re hankering for more, the Mercenaries mode offers action-packed time trials that rank your combat abilities, while playing the campaign with cheats is an absolute treat. Trust us when we say infinite ammo grenade launchers are the best.


23. Boomerang X

a screenshot of boomerang x showing a squid like enemy with a glowing red eye flying towards the player who from a first person perspective is wielding a 4 pointed boomerang

It’s safe to say that I was blown away by Boomerang X. As I said in my Boomerang X preview, it’s the DOOM game I’ve always wanted and it may have ruined FPS games for me. Gun are overrated – boomerangs are the new hotness.

Boy does the boomerang feel good to fling, and you’ll quickly get access to a handful of superpowers that’ll only make the wooden spinner even more fun to use. Like the ability to teleport to it mid-air, or the ability to slow-time to a crawl as you line up that perfect shot. Combat is remarkably fluid and there’s barely any downtime. It’s fast, frenetic, and a whole heap of cool. String together a flawless succession of moves, and trust me, the feeling is unrivalled.


22. Titanfall 2

list stompy mechs 2 titanfall

Titanfall 2 could have been the best singleplayer FPS of 2016, if it hadn’t been for the new Doom. Nonetheless, if you want straight-up action thrills with a whole lot of flash, some particularly glorious movement and impressively stressful mech-based boss fights, this is going to make you very happy. And hey, there’s a robust soldiers vs giant robo-suits multiplayer mode in there too, building on what the multiplayer-only Titanfall 1 already established.

That is, assuming you can find opponents. Titanfall 2 suffered from something of a failure to launch, having resolutely lost the marketing wars of late 2016. It may stay alive over time thanks to word of mouth, but even if it doesn’t, definitely check it out for that singleplayer campaign. It is, however, on the brief side, so we strongly recommend playing on Hard difficulty – as well as making it last longer, it makes the mech fights particularly feel that much more satisfying once you finally claim a steel scalp.


21. Halo Infinite

halo infinite season 2 is called lone wolves and launches may 3rd 2022

Halo Infinite landed out of nowhere with a surprise multiplayer launch in late 2021, but it disappeared equally as fast. That’s a shame, because it’s one of the best free to play games on PC right now. Sure, the progression system wasn’t great at launch and improvements were slow, but that core loop of running and gunning around arenas is Halo at its finest. With the campaign dropping a few months after (paid or on Game Pass), Halo Infinite quickly became a full Halo experience – and it might just be the best one in decades.

If you’re after something a bit bigger than Halo’s multiplayer arena shooter, then check out the sprawling open world campaign. Sure, an open world Halo might not have been on your wishlist, but careening around huge spaces in a Warthog while gunning down grunts and hoovering up collectibles is like a bigger and better version of Combat Evolved’s infamous Silent Cartographer level. If you simply miss the Halo of old, then don’t panic. Halo Infinite still has plenty of linear levels sprinkled throughout that feel like traditional Halo.


20. Deathloop

colt dual wielding pistols in deathloop shooting an enemy who has just entered the room

In Deathloop, a puzzling plot sends you back through a repeating timeloop while you figure out how to assassinate eight visionaries. They’re a bunch of nasties on an island, and if you manage to kill all eight in one night, you can free yourself from the timeloop. The day is split into four sections – morning, noon, afternoon, and evening – and you can only enter one of four areas per chunk. The visionaries move between the four areas throughout the day, so the puzzle is finding a routine that lets you kill all eight. That usually involves finding the moments when they pair off, so that you can execute a sneaky double assassination.


Only, Deathloop isn’t actually that sneaky. Unlike its predecessors in Arkane’s Dishonored franchise, Deathloop seems to focus heavily on action, relishing in the FPS joys of headshotting a bunch of enemies. Time is a weird soup, after all, and death doesn’t really mean anything when you’re trapped in a loop. So, kill, die, and kill some more. It’s a liberating cycle that allows you to really go wild and experiment with playstyles, as you don’t need to worry about future repercussions of your actions if you never make it past today.


In that chaotic action, you’ll meet Julianna. She’s another assassin, but her target is you. Julianna can be controlled by an AI, but the real fun begins when another player takes on the role and invades your world. When Julianna invades, you become trapped in your current area until either one of you dies, or you manage to an antenna that allows you to escape. Invasions often result in a tense game of cat and mouse, followed by a huge firefight in which both players use every weapon at their disposal. It’s an explosive end to most missions that delivers frenetic action and memorable multiplayer moments.


19. Rainbow Six Siege

a close up of operator caveira aiming a gun from rainbow six siege

Rainbow Six Siege does what Battlefield games have thus far only pretended to do: provide a multiplayer world which is destructible at a granular level. Instead of buildings collapsing when scripted levers are pulled, in Siege almost every door, window, wall, ceiling, and floor can have a hole poked in it via gunshot, grenades, battering rams and breaching charges.

It feels like technical wizardry and the consequences ripple throughout the entire experience, creating tension from the ability to be attacked from any angle, encouraging teamwork through asymmetric missions which force one team to defend themselves against the other’s attempt to breach their compound, and forcing traditional Rainbow Six tactical awareness without a planning phase by requiring you to hold a perfect mental map of the building around you at all times.

It’s equally impressive for being a team-based multiplayer shooter that feels fresh, offering something different from the Counter-Strikes and Call of Dutys while staying true to the spirit of the Rainbow Six series.


18. Warhammer: Vermintide 2

a ratman blasting green beams in a warhammer vermintide 2 screenshot

Warhammer: Vermintide 2 is all about killing rat people. Slicing them with swords, whacking them with maces, chopping through them with an axe – anything goes when you’re fighting the vermin hordes. Most importantly, though, it always involves bloody carnage that feels oh-so-good. If you’re in the mood for some simple, yet chaotic melee action, then Vermintide 2 is the game for you. And, for those of you screaming about how it isn’t an FPS, every class has some kind of ranged option to try. The bow is a personal favourite of mine, but there are also spells and guns that you can use to blow the rat people to pieces.


Cutting through rat folk might seem easy at first, but when elite enemies start picking your allies off, isolating them from the group for an easy kill, you’ll realise that teamplay is the key to survival. By forcing you to stick together, Vermintide 2 perfectly captures the feeling of being part of a fantasy party. Even if you’re unfamiliar with Warhammer lore, fans of Lord of the Rings or Dungeons & Dragons should find a lot to love here. Sure, Warhammer is a little more grimdark than Middle Earth or Faerun, but when you’re cleaving through rats with an axe while your mate unleashes a volley of arrows on an incoming horde, your fantasy-adoring spark is sure to ignite.


17. Turbo Overkill

player spews flames from a flamethrower towards three beefy grunts in turbo overkill

Turbo Overkill is a retro-inspired FPS following in the footsteps of Quake and DOOM, albeit with a techno twist. You’ll charge around arenas slaughtering all sorts of enemies, but along the way you find augments that you can install to gain new powers. That could be a subtle boost, such as extra armor on getting a chainsaw kill, or something a little more chaotic, such as massive explosions whenever you hit the ground. Traversing the map to find those upgrades is a treat, too, as Turbo Overkill constantly propels you forward with incredible speed through its neon-filled streets.

We gave Turbo Overkill a bestest best when it launched in early access in late 2021. But, to reiterate one of the most salient points: you have a chainsaw for a leg. Fun times follow, as you can use that chainsaw leg to skid and slide around while tearing through baddies. They explode in violent bursts of blood, but there’s no time to stop and look at your victims, as Turbo Overkill is all about delivering that huge damage with speed and style.


16. Neon White

sprinting through vaporwave heaven in a neon white screenshot

Carrying on from Turbo Overkill, here’s another game that’s about running fast. Neon White is a speedrunning FPS in which you use cards to either kill nasty demons, or launch yourself towards the goal in hopes of shaving off half a second.

It’s that second part that’s really fun, as each of Neon White’s levels quickly become complex puzzles to solve. It’s easy to get stuck in a loop of just running the same route over and over again, sure, but taking the time to step back and wander around the level to see every avenue and secret passage will give you insight into other potential paths. And then you run it and complete the mission an entire second faster. A second! Few things feel better than that.


15. Hunt: Showdown

a hunt showdown screenshot in which two players waist deep in swampwater prepare to kill a grunt standing on a pier in front of them

Hunt: Showdown‘s this mixture of PVP and PVP, underscored by serious tension. You take on the role of hunters with the express aim of assassinating an AI “boss” tucked away somewhere on the map. Trouble is, there are other squads also attempting to do the same thing. Die and you lose your equipment forever. Survive, and you’ll not only keep your stuff, but get some of the spoils too. That’s the tension for you – every single foray into the dark could spell disaster.

The audio design’s also sterling in Hunt: Showdown too, with gunshots that ring out from miles away, and the clang of chains could help you locate an enemy that’s stalking you nearby. Even swapping your weapon or reloading in quiet moments might give away your position. It’s an FPS that’s unlike anything out right now.


14. : Warzone 2

warzone 2 image showing gaz wielding the chimera assault rifle stood next to a large chopper in al mazrah

Warzone 2 may not be battle royale king like its predecessor once was, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t any good. Far from it! There’s a brand new gunsmith which lets you tinker with weapons in even greater detail, which makes for even spicier metas. The new map Al Mazrah is – in my opinion – better than Verdansk, in the way it facilitates fights and removes a lot of boring grey in favour of some actual colour.

Warzone 2 isn’t perfect by any means, but what it offers is a free-to-play, triple A shooter with COD’s brilliantly smooth FPSing. It’s also worth noting that the game often receives free updates to keep things fresh, so it’s unlikely you’ll get bored quickly.


13. Team Fortress 2

team fortress 2s heavy machine gun

That Team Fortress 2 is a sequel and a remake of a sober-as-a-nun multiplayer mod seems almost irrelevant now. But it’s part of what makes the game so important. Valve took years and years to settle upon a model for what has become one of the firmly-entrenched favourites of the PC gaming fraternity, and that they did so allowed it to prove that a multiplayer first-person shooter can be funny, even witty, and that constant experimentation and progression can keep a game alive and evolving long after it should have ground to a halt.

Team Fortress 2 felt like an experiment, and it still feels like an experiment, and that experiment was a success. A move to free-to-play and a hat-centric economy has kept TF2 thriving. The cost of this is that something of the original spirit was perhaps lost in this translation to gimmee, gimmee, gimmee, but we can forgive that.



blasting skulls in a devil daggers screenshot

2016 was in many ways a vintage year for first-person shooters, and the reason for that was because they understood their past. DOOM, obviously; Overwatch returned to Team Fortress rather than COD; Titanfall 2 was the big sci-fi silliness of the noughties again and Devil Daggers… well, Devil Daggers is from an alternate timeline where Quake changed everything and was never forgotten in favour of military men and careful plots.

A beautiful hellscape of big square pixels against a midnight backdrop, monstrous things looming at you from the darkness, and the dance, the endless dance. A pure test of everything that first-person shooters ever taught us. Reflex, awareness, movement, practice, true grit and no surrender. It is about your own time and only about your own time, because that is all that matters – everything else that shooters ever added is mere fluff.



doom eternal

DOOM 2016 was a bloody and brilliant reintroduction to the demon-slaying franchise, but DOOM Eternal takes it to new heights. It doesn’t waste any time making you wait around, opting instead to hand you a shotgun and force you out into the demon crowds. Within moments, you’re platforming around chaotic arenas with an upgraded shotgun, machine gun, and a chainsaw doing what that DOOM guy does best. Namely, rippin’ and tearin’.

Sure, you might have done that just a few years ago in its predecessor, but Eternal pushes you to get faster and more ferocious. It has some new platforming elements that not everyone will appreciate, such as wall climbing and swinging from poles, but when it comes to tearing through arenas filled with hulking demons, DOOM Eternal does it best.


10. Left 4 Dead 2

a player aims at a zombie clown that lunges at them in left 4 dead 2

Zombies: in 2008 they were still very exciting. They still are today when blessed with Valve’s magic touch, which in a few, brief, cyclic co-op skits adds more life, wit and hinted-at history to its characters and its world than most of the 8 hour+ singleplayer campaigns in this list stuck together. Including Left 4 Dead 2 in the list was complicated, however, given most of what makes it to strong was work done by the previous year’s Left 4 Dead.

It’s a sequel not that different to the original, and not a game that I felt, on its first outing, really changed anything. However, it’s clear with time that Left 4 Dead 2 was a major under-the-hood upgrade, both closer to what was intended for the zombie-blasting , and also a bigger move in the direction of pure co-op, which wasn’t something that even seemed possible before the let’s-all-die-together first Left 4 Dead came along.

Another strong reason to choose this over L4D1 (which still has a more memorable cast of Survivors, to my mind) is how much it’s been expanded by mods. You can stick Deadpool in there, expand it from a 4-player game to a 16-player oneturn everyone into a dinosaur or recreate pretty much the entirety of L4D1 within it. Get thee to the Steam workshop and indulge.



player headshots an enemy with their pistol as another runs towards them in a white room in superhot

There ain’t nothin’ new under the sun – a miserable claim that SUPERHOT Team disproved twice in one year. First there was SUPERHOT itself, a shooter in which time only moves when you move (or shoot) (or throw something) (or punch). Then there was SUPERHOT VR, which singlehandedly redeemed the whole concept of virtual reality and easily made it into our pick of the best VR games.

SUPERHOT is both maximum-adrenaline thrills and highly tactical – transforming the first-person shooter from a game about precision aiming and reflexive movement into one in which every twitch counted. The world is super-slow-mo until you do anything, which grants you the time to plan the move but leaves you subject to a devious puzzlebox construction in which one action leaves you vulnerable to some other threat. It is sublime, and it is impossibly cool.

Particularly in VR, where you are making those movements yourself – the ducking, the punching, the throwing, the shooting. The Matrix fantasy without any of the bilge – just superhot action. A glorious, glorious reinvention of first-person violence.


8. Deep Rock Galactic

blasting bugs in a deep rock galactic screenshot

Deep Rock Galactic combines drunk dwarves with some complex tunnel systems and lots of nasty subterranean bugs. The result is often sheer chaos, as four players charge into the depths to mine whatever they need for the big corporation in the sky. You pick a role, each of which has a unique weapon and traversal mechanic, and zip through the caves at incredible pace, collecting ores as you head towards a main objective.

The chaos comes when you’re trying to wrap your head around these main objectives, connecting winding pipelines or powering huge machines, while fending off those blasted bugs that just won’t stop. As you go, hordes of creepy critters will charge in your direction. A rational team might fight them together, deploying traps and getting into a strong defensive formation, but I find the fun in panickedly running away and screaming. But, whether you play Deep Rock Galactic as a true co-op shooter or as a wild romp in the caverns, it’s sure to be a good time.



gtfo preview 1b

Hurtling down into the dark depths of GTFO‘s Rundowns (levels) is a terrifying start. What’s even more terrifying, though, is when teammates don’t work together. We tend to quickly designate a leader when I play with friends, but someone always wanders off a little too far or fails to follow orders. Lots of screaming, shooting, and swearing ensues. It’s pure chaos with a horror-filled flair, and it’s a great time online. It demands teamwork and precision if you want to survive, but that fills every encounter with a level of tension that few other FPS games reach.

That tension is only heightened by the enemy variety crawling around every level. You never know what might lie behind each door, but spotting a Scout’s tendril as you enter a new area could spell the end of a run. The thrill of needing to adapt to whatever you find, and often sneak past enemies to preserve resources, makes GTFO the best co-op survival horror on PC.


6. : Alyx

half life alyx bread

Alright, yes, you’ll need a VR headset for Half Life: Alyx, alongside a powerful enough rig to run it nicely. But, if you’ve got both of these things, then you’re in for a treat.

Graham said in his Half-Life: Alyx review that this is “the Half-Life game you’ve been waiting for, even if it’s not the one you were expecting”. And this is because the game’s been designed with VR in mind. You’re now able to reach out and touch City 17, and the motion control shooting “feels better than Half-Life’s combat ever has”.

And Half-Life: Alyx embraces horror too, with moments where you’re cowering in corners or chucking objects to distract enormous monsters. You’re even able to cover your mouth with your actual hand, and have it replicated in-game. It’s very much been lifted by VR, and not harmed by it.



an image from half life 2 which shows the player firing an smg at a helicopter flying over a lake

Of course. So much is in Half-Life 2, from an unprecedented level of architectural design to facial animation which rendered anything else obsolete overnight, to a physics system which transformed shooter environments from scenery into interactive resource, to some of gaming’s most striking baddies in the Striders and a huge step forwards in making AI companions believable and likeable.

It’s also a long, changeable journey through a beautifully, bleakly fleshed-out world, and although of course you are on the hero’s journey, it’s careful to keep you feeling like a bit player in a wider conflict. That this, plus the cliffhanger ending of Episode 2, left so much more to be told leaves PC gaming in a perpetual state of frustration that the series has, publicly at least, ground to a halt. I don’t think all of it is as striking as it once was – particularly, much of the man-shooting feels routine and slightly weightless now – but Half-Life 2 gave us more than any other first-person shooter before, and maybe even since.


4. Dusk

the player dual wields shotguns as an enemy leaps at them from the woods in dusk

DUSK is a retro-styled FPS that’s retro, but doesn’t get stuck trying to mimic retro. It has the gut-spilling impact of the genre, yet mixes it with modern twists: like picking up items to create impromptu climable routes to hidden areas, or just slinging saw blades and soap at foes.

There’s a lot of coloured-key collecting to open doors in DUSK, but it’s spread across loads of complex, batshit maps that only get better as you barrel through through its campaign. There is, of course, a metal soundtrack paired with a level of spookiness designed to make you both enjoy the riff and jump out of your chair within five seconds of one another. Please don’t skip out on this.


3. Valorant

valorant a

There’s no elegant way to put this: Valorant is Counter: Strike but with wizards and ninjas. One team wants to plant a bomb, the other needs to stop this from happening. How? By inching around corners, having decent aim, and making strong callouts in the team chat. Patience is rewarded here, as is coordinating with your team to control each map.

If Valorant sounds like Counter: Strike, that’s because the gunplay is pretty similar. However, where it differs is in ability usage. You can choose from a roster of Agents who each have special powers that’ll let them do stuff like teleport across short gaps, flashbang around corners, or heal allies. If this sounds aggressively unbalanced, don’t worry, almost all of these abilities feel like useful tools, as opposed to pain-bringers.

I’d say I prefer Valorant to Counter: Strike nowadays, purely because it feels more current. There’s regular updates and some invaluable tools – like an aim training map – are baked into the game, as opposed to being buried away in a “community creations” section of a store.


2. Apex Legends

apex legends legacy

Oh my, Apex, what excellent bumslides you have. What solid shootsing you offer. What a delightful bunch of canyons and swamps you’ve plonked us in. We should have known better than to doubt the makers of Titanfall 2’s robot antics. Since its launch Apelegs has added plenty of new characters, new maps, and even a new Arenas mode.

It’s a solid murder hike every time you dive into Apex Legends, and there really is nothing that matches its pace in the Battle Royale realm.


1. Destiny 2

a destiny 2 screenshot showing taniks in the deep stone crypt raid

Destiny 2 is an incredibly fluid MMO FPS with some of the best shooting around, but that’s only the tip of the iceberg. Whether you want to team up with others to topple big bosses, turn on your fellow players and slug them with a shotgun in Crucible’s PvP modes, or play through epic stories that span the solar system, Destiny 2 has something for everyone.

Whichever activity you prefer, you can easily sink hundreds, if not thousands, of hours into it, and the brilliant gunplay makes it a constant joy. Not only is the best FPS around, I’ll wager that Destiny 2 is also the best superhero game right now. There’s something I love about swinging electro swords and firing off a golden gun imbued with solar energy to kill massive raid bosses in a bid to save the solar system.


Destiny 2 has so much to love, but that doesn’t mean it’s without fault. The onboarding experience is incredibly awkward for newbies, with the removal of the original Red War campaign and subesquent Forsaken expansion making the story completly incomprehensible without watching oodles of lore videos. That proves a chore for even the most dedicated of Guardians, and it’s a roadblock that’s almost guaranteed to alienate new players who try to hop in for a new expansion.


However, it’s a testament to Destiny 2’s strengths that we still recommend it so highly. It’s a masterful FPS with so much fun to be had, regardless of whether you prefer PvE or PvP. And, with so much content available for free, there’s no really no reason not to give it a go. So, off you pop, go decrypt some engrams, get some snazzy armor, and start shooting aliens. Eyes up. Guardian.

Source : Rock Paper Shotgun


Views: 44

Best gaming TVs of 2024 for Xbox Series X, PS5, and more Playing video games is one of the world’s greatest forms of entertainment. They’re visually and narratively immersive, full of action, and not to mention just an excellent way to blow off steam. But no PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X, or gaming PC is complete without a top-notch TV to take gameplay to the next level. But let’s be clear: Not just any TV is going to deliver the type of gaming experience you deserve.

You’ll want to make sure your TV is optimized for online and offline gaming. Ultra HD resolution and a 120Hz native refresh rate are good specs to start, but you’ll also want to look for TVs with gameplay optimizations, such as HDR, Auto Low Latency Mode (ALLM), and Variable Refresh Rate (VRR) support.

We know how tricky shopping for a new TV can be, so we’ve put together this roundup of the best gaming TVs for 2024 to guide you on your quest for gold.


TCL Q6 Series QLED

Best budget gaming TV

The TCL Q6 Series is the bottom rung on TCL’s flagship ladder (with the Q7 and QM8 representing the higher rungs). In terms of HDMI inputs, you’ll be working with three 2.0 ports. All three of these inputs also support VRR, but the real win with the Q6 is the set’s incredibly low input lag. This is particularly relevant for competitive gamers who can’t miss a beat during an online match.

The Q6 Series also does a great job at handling both HDR and SDR performance. The former delivers gameplay imagery that is nice and vibrant, while the latter amps up the peak brightness even more. If you’re going to be doing a majority of your gaming in a well-lit room, it’s important that your TV can get bright enough to beat the sunlight and whatever ambient fixtures are contributing luminance. Fortunately, the Q6 also happens to have good reflection handling, so even if the screen is a little on the dark side, you shouldn’t see much in the way of glare.

One thing that’s missing on the Q6 Series though is local dimming, and the set’s native refresh rate is only 60Hz. While TCL attempts to counter this with the Game Accelerator 120 (picture processing that makes 60Hz look more like 120Hz), the TV’s overall response time still takes a hit because of this.

But if you’re looking to save a few bucks on your TV purchase, and want a gaming set that satisfies several must-haves for offline and online gameplay, the TCL Q6 Series should definitely be a consideration.

Best gaming TVs of 2024

Also Read : Best color laser printers for 2024


Another great budget gaming TV

The  U6K may not be as colorful or bright as the brand’s higher-priced U7K and flagship U8K models, but when it comes to cost-friendly TVs that can deliver a great gaming experience, the Hisense U6K checks all the boxes. But what are the best gaming features of this TV, you may be asking?

The biggest wins (at least in our book) are the U6K’s fantastic contrast, VRR support, and solid response time. When Game Mode is enabled, the preset prioritizes motion above all else, delivering a very smooth-looking picture and low input lag. And because the U6K is also good at dealing with bright rooms, you won’t have to worry about reflection handling during the sunnier parts of the day.

Unfortunately, when you’re using Game Mode, you can’t have VRR and local dimming running at the same time. This means you’ll have to make a choice between near-instantaneous motion performance or brightness and contrast accuracy. And considering the TV only supports HDMI 2.0, and has some trouble with response time during darker gameplay scenes, this could be a tough call to make.

None of the above is enough to disqualify the Hisense U6K though. Available in 55-, 65-, and 75-inch sizes, and with prices starting around $400, this Hisense still punches well above its weight class.



Best midrange gaming TV

We’re suckers for a solid mini-LED TV, so when we were putting this list together, one of the first entries we knew we’d include was the Sony XR X93L. Sold in 65-, 75-, and 85-inch sizes, one of the chief benefits of mini-LED lighting is that these types of TVs typically have more local dimming zones. And because these screens can get exceptionally bright, you want the kind of lightning-fast dimming that can keep up with big blasts of light.

Luckily, the X93L is a decorated champ when it comes to mini-LED lighting and local dimming, which also makes it an awesome TV for gaming. Now you’ll definitely be able to hook up your Xbox Series X/S or Switch to the X93L, and both the picture quality and motion clarity should be extremely good. But because this is a Sony TV, the Sony-produced Playstation 5 receives some extra gaming perks you won’t get on other consoles.

One of these features is called Auto HDR Tone Mapping, which optimizes the PS5’s HDR capabilities when you’re first setting it up with the X93L. Then there’s Auto Genre Picture Mode, which automatically changes the picture preset to Game Mode when you’re playing video games, and switches back to the Standard setting when you power the console down.

The Sony XR X93L is also equipped with HDMI 2.1 ports, supports VRR, and has extremely low input lag and response time during gameplay.



Another excellent midrange gaming TV

When it comes to , LG has made quite the name for itself over the last several years. This is to the point where companies like Samsung are buying its screens directly from LG Display. If we made our own OLEDs, we’d probably do the same.

As far as gaming goes, we’re more than glad to call the LG C3 one of our go-to models in the upper midrange category. For a couple of years now, LG has been developing and implementing brighter OLED screens (called Evo panels) on many of its higher-end models, along with a feature called Brightness Booster that adds extra peak and color brightness all around. When you combine this enhanced illumination with the already-astonishing color gamut and inky blacks of an LG OLED, you’re left with a stunning picture that is perfect for console and PC gaming.

With HDMI 2.1 support across all four of the C3’s inputs, we expect big things when it comes to lag, response time, and overall motion handling. Thankfully, LG more than delivers on all these fronts, and the addition of an automated Game Mode optimizes the colors and contrast for whatever you’re playing even further.

Admittedly, your overall HDR brightness takes a bit of a hit when Game Mode is engaged. But the C3 is also no straggler when it comes to reflection handling, so even if you’re dealing with some extra sunlight, the rays shouldn’t affect your gameplay experience too drastically.


Best premium-level gaming TV

Welcome to the world of flagship gaming TVs, where the prices may be high, but the picture and performance is literally impossible to beat. We have two contenders in this final category, and the first on our list is a premium powerhouse known as the Samsung S95C OLED.

Have you ever heard of  TVs? This is a relatively new display that you can find from brands like Samsung and Sony, although both companies seem to be doing away with the “QD” portion of the moniker these days. Regardless, the acronym stands for “Quantum Dot-Organic Light Emitting Diode.”

The Samsung S95C just so happens to be a QD-OLED, and is equipped with not only a full layer of quantum dots for enhanced brightness and colors, but also uses an OLED panel with millions of self-emissive pixels that can be toggled on or off in an instant. That’s on top of Samsung’s Neural Quantum Processor 4K that automatically upscales and calibrates picture quality on a frame-by-frame basis. But what about pure gaming tech, you may be asking?

Well friends, each of the S95C’s four HDMI inputs are 2.1 certified, meaning you’ll be able to enjoy Playstation, Xbox, and PC gaming in full 4K HDR at up to 120Hz, and up to 144Hz for compatible PCs. And thanks to ultra-low input lag and response time, the S95C delivers blistering-fast motion without devolving into blurry images. And while we wish the TV supported Dolby Vision, HDR10 and HDR10+ gameplay looks terrific.



Another great premium-level gaming TV

Our other top pick for gaming TVs in 2023 has to go to the godlike Sony XR A95L. Available in 55, 65, and 77-inch sizes, this is another QD-OLED set that employs quantum dots and self-emissive pixels, with a healthy dash of Sony’s Cognitive Processor XR thrown in for some of the best picture processing and upscaling in town.

As you can guess from our writeup on the Samsung S95C, the QD-OLED results are simply amazing. We’re talking incredible peak brightness levels, rich colors, unbelievable contrast, and lightning-fast motion handling for the A95L. But beyond the flagship features that we most certainly expect from a TV that starts pricing at $2,800, what impeccable gaming tech can we anticipate from this bad boy?

Well for starters, like the midrange Sony XR X93L, the A95L model is optimized for Playstation 5 gameplay. Two of the TV’s four HDMI inputs are 2.1 certified, with support for 4K at up to 120Hz. To further buttress the motion handling, the A95L also includes support for VRR and ALLM, ensuring you’ll experience as little lag as possible when playing online or offline.

But perhaps our favorite A95L gaming feature is the set’s Auto HDR Tone Mapping. This is a feature you’ll enable during the initial setup of your PS5 with the A95L. Once activated, all of your gameplay visuals will receive full HDR treatment (as long as the actual game is available in HDR), giving you the best brightness, colors, and contrast, regardless of the genre.

The Sony XR A95L also supports Multi-View, which lets you game on one part of the TV screen, while the second half of the screen can be used to stream a movie or show from apps like YouTube, Netflix, and Prime Video. And like many of the models in this roundup, the A95L comes with a gaming dashboard that lets you adjust things like motion clarity and picture presets without having to go into the TV’s main settings menu.

Frequently Asked Questions

How we choose the best gaming TVs

Before we sign off, we thought we’d go over how we’ve come up with these entries, and what’s important to us when selecting a gaming TV.

The first thing we look for is low input lag. Because if there’s too much delay between the action of your thumbs and the action on screen, well, that’s just a frustration nobody needs. Plus, it can be a huge disadvantage in competitive gameplay, where a few milliseconds literally can be the difference between a win or a loss.

Next, we look for solid picture quality in the TV’s “game mode” preset, which is what you’ll want to use for the lowest input lag. The picture quality doesn’t have to be videophile-grade awesome, but it can’t be trash, either. Today’s game graphics are gorgeous, and you deserve all that gorgeousness, so we seek to find the best balance between low input lag and awesome picture.

Then we need to see great motion resolution. We don’t have to have 120Hz native panels for good motion resolution. A 60Hz TV can look good, but, not all of them do, so we want to make sure we see as little blurring and stutter as possible for the best clarity during fast-moving gameplay.

But since we mentioned 120Hz, that definitely is nice to have, along with some other advanced gaming features like variable refresh rate (VRR), auto-game mode, Dolby Vision gaming, and maybe even up to a 144Hz refresh rate in some cases. We also want to make sure that these TVs do a nice job at displaying both HDR and SDR gaming content.


Views: 35

The Best Games On PS Plus 2024, PS Plus Extra and Premium have some of the best PlayStation games from across the console brand’s history. On June 13, 2022, Sony launched its new PlayStation Plus in North America. Split into three tiers, this model combines the previous version of PS Plus with PS Now; depending on which level someone subscribes to, they will gain access to certain services and games.

  • Essential ($9.99/month): This tier is the equivalent of the old PS Plus. A subscription includes online access, monthly free games, and discounts.
  • PlayStation Plus Extra ($14.99/month): Along with the Essential tier benefits, Extra provides access to hundreds of and PS5 games.
  • PlayStation Plus Premium ($17.99/month): Along with the Essential and Extra tier benefits, Premium includes a library of classic games (PS3, PS2, PSP, and PS1), trials, and cloud streaming in certain regions.

PS Plus Premium has over 700 games covering more than two decades of PlayStation history. Such a huge collection can be overwhelming, and the PS Plus app does not make it very easy to browse through the library; as such, it can be useful to know this tier’s highlights before investing in a subscription. Each month, Sony adds a handful of new games. While most of these are PS5 and PS4 releases, they are occasionally accompanied by a few classic titles.

What are the best games on PS Plus Extra? What are the standout PS Plus Premium classic games?

Resident Evil 2

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Resident Evil is without question the most famous horror franchise in gaming, and it is eternally linked to the PlayStation brand. Premium subscribers can play through a healthy selection of entries from Capcom’s license, including classics such as Resident Evil Code: Veronica X, polarizing sequels like Resident Evil 6, and HD remasters of masterpieces like Resident Evil 4. The Extra tier does not have quite as robust of a catalog, although it includes two notable projects in Resident Evil 7 and 2019’s Resident Evil 2 remake.

In many ways, these two combine to create the perfect representation of the gaming juggernaut’s past, present, and future. RE7 marked the dawn of a new era for the series, one that was long overdue following a string of not-so-great releases. Despite being a departure from the traditional formula, the 2017 sequel returned the franchise to its horror roots, delivering one of its scariest campaigns.

As great as it was, RE7’s switch to a first-person perspective (and a few other stylistic choices) meant that it could not scratch the same itch as its ancestors. Consequently, long-time fans craving something more familiar were treated to a remake of Resident Evil 2, one that offers arguably the definitive way to experience this chapter in the saga. Featuring gorgeous visuals, over-the-shoulder gameplay, and an intense Mr. X, the 2019 remake is a horror tour-de-force that uses its classic predecessor as a launch pad to achieve heights afforded by modern technology

Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart

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Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart is among the most high-profile PS5 games available on PS Plus Extra. As a console exclusive, this reveal seemed destined to transpire sooner or later, although almost two years from the game’s debut had to pass for this moment to arrive. Rift Apart might very well still be the most beautiful PS5 title on the market, a testament to Insomniac’s mastery of technology and talent for creating vibrant and stunning worlds that would not look out of place in a Pixar movie.

Rift Apart backs up its good looks with fantastic gameplay and an enjoyable story that allows its lovable characters to shine. Although Ratchet and his robotic companion take center stage, they are accompanied by a new playable Lombax in the form of Rivet, who also comes with her own partner. In combat, the characters largely control the same; however, the game does a great job of establishing Rivet’s own identity through her personality

Ultimately, Ratchet & Clank lives and dies on the strength of its gameplay, and Rift Apart is right up there with the franchise’s best efforts. Ratchet and Rivet have access to a wide assortment of fun weapons, all of which serve a purpose within the campaign.

The Best Games On PS Plus 2024

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13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim

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Quite a few Vanillaware games are on PS Plus, and they are all worth playing. 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim is unlike anything else available on the streaming service, even if it does take ideas from a few different genres. Basically, this anime-inspired mecha title largely plays out like a visual novel, albeit with an integrated combat system to provide more interactivity than typical for this type of project. Narratively, the game revolves around teenagers who pilot robots to take on huge beasts, which is a description that makes the story sound more generic than it actually is. 13 Sentinels does an impressive job of exploring its characters, shining a light on each of its 13 pilots. The campaign is long, well-written, and ambitious.

The turn-based strategy combat works well without being too demanding or complicated. Even though it prioritizes its story, the game does not treat the battle system as an afterthought either, and a satisfying progression system helps keep moving along well. 13 Sentinels could be considered an acquired taste since it combines two niche genres in visual novels and strategy games, but the project should be tried by all PS Plus subscribers since it provides such a singular experience.

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AA games have become fairly uncommon in recent years, but when they do show up, they tend to be quite special. Kena: Bridge of Spirits is gorgeous considering it was developed by a relatively small team, and pretty graphics are far from the only thing this game gets right. The story follows a spirit guide who must free souls in order to stop the spread of corruption, which is slowly corroding a peaceful and beautiful village. As far as premises are concerned, Kena is nothing too unusual; however, the game creates a world overflowing with personality, both in terms of environmental detail and NPCs.

Following a classic -adventure formula, Kena incorporates exploration, combat, platforming, and puzzles. While not bringing anything substantially new to any of these elements, Ember Labs generally does an admirable job in each area. The gameplay does suffer from the occasional difficulty spike when it comes to the story’s bosses, but the fights themselves are largely enjoyable.

Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus

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PS Plus Extra has all four modern Wolfenstein games, and the best one is arguably The New Colossus​​​​​​. Building nicely on The New Order’s strong foundations, the sequel is bigger and generally better. Featuring an all-time great villain and an appreciation for scale and spectacle, The New Colossus is an action-packed blockbuster that looks, controls, and sounds great.

PS Plus does not have an overabundance of brilliant first-person shooters, but MachineGames’ mainline Wolfenstein trilogy is now available in its entirety to Extra and Premium subscribers. When taken as a whole, these games are arguably the genre’s best representatives on the service. William “B.J.” Blazkowicz’s journey is one filled with visceral action, gore, stealth kills, satisfying weapons, and glorious set pieces that put many Hollywood productions to shame. For the most part, these games tell entertaining stories that usually have just the right amount of cheese without coming across as try-hard.

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Roguelikes have grown exponentially in popularity over the last few years, and Rogue Legacy played a role in amplifying the genre’s exposure. The sequel builds nicely on its predecessor’s ideas, offering a more fine-tuned experience while not deviating too far from the beaten path.

Rogue Legacy 2 follows a knight as they try to power through an array of dungeons in pursuit of treasure. Naturally, they will eventually die, forcing players to start from scratch. The twist is that, rather than playing with the same character, players jump to the next generation, a process that is repeated whenever death comes knocking. Rogue Legacy 2 also slips into roguelite territory by incorporating permeant upgrades and abilities, so a new run is not a completely fresh start.

Uncharted: Legacy Of Thieves Collection

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Before March 2023, PS Plus Extra subscribers could already play the PS4’s Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End and its spin-off, The Lost Legacy; however, the Legacy of Thieves Collection presents PS5 owners with the ultimate versions of Naughty Dog’s beloved action-adventure games. Now, to be clear, this package does not remaster the titles in many significant ways, at least when it comes to the graphics.

The main reason PS5 owners should play these iterations is due to their performance options, as they allow the games to run at a higher frame rate. Ultimately, if someone has already played through the entirety of Uncharted, they might not find much of a reason to return for the Legacy of Thieves Collection.


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Debuting directly on PS Plus Extra, Humanity is an endearingly bizarre puzzle game that follows a dog as it tries to navigate hordes of humans around various scenarios and obstacles. Literally barking orders, Shiba Inu must earmark a path for the crowds to follow since if they are left to their own devices, they will blindly make a beeline to their doom. At any given point, Humanity can flood the screen with hundreds of humans, paving the way to a satisfying flow of bodies once a level has been solved.

Although decently popular, puzzle games are still relatively niche, and many projects struggle to find the right balance between accessibility and challenge. Humanity succeeds in walking this tightrope by gradually expanding the scope of its brainteasers in a way that facilitates the introduction of new components and ideas without overwhelming players. Even though it takes inspiration from older games, Humanity is nevertheless a singular entity brimming with originality and creativity.

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Insomniac Games’ repertoire speaks for itself, and the developer’s current focus is on Marvel’s Wall-Crawler. 2018’s Marvel’s Spider-Man is a great open-world game with satisfying movement, acrobatic free-flowing combat, and a respectable narrative; unfortunately, on May 16, the game will leave PS Plus. However, at the moment, Miles Morales is not set to follow suit. Although it feels more like an expansion than a proper follow-up, the spin-off retains all of its predecessor’s strengths, including the best web-swinging mechanics in gaming.

Miles Morales establishes its eponymous protagonist as a viable alternative to Peter Parker, expanding on the character’s backstory and personality for players who might not be familiar with Miles’ comic version. Short as it might be compared to the main entry, the game tells an engaging story that focuses on the hero’s dual life, something he is only just starting to come to grips with since he is still new to this whole Spider-Man thing.


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Roguelikes have taken over the indie scene over the last decade, and PS Plus has quite a few of the genre’s heavy hitters. Dead Cells, Enter the Gungeon, and Slay the Spire are all fantastic projects that can keep someone entertained for months on end, and they are all fairly popular in their own right. While perhaps not as well known as those titles, Inscryption deserves to be mentioned alongside them, although it is unlike most other roguelikes on the market.

For one, the game focuses quite a bit on its story, one that comes with a few shocking and well-executed twists that will not be spoiled here. Gameplay-wise, Inscryption plays out like a tabletop card game with a deck-building mechanic. Although not especially unique, this system is polished, fun, and works well; more importantly, it is just part of a much larger whole.

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Almost exactly a year following its debut, Horizon Forbidden West came to PS Plus Extra. While there is way too little data to try and pinpoint a trend, this addition could be an indication of how Sony plans to handle first-party projects moving forward.

Horizon Forbidden West tells the next chapter in Aloy’s story, and Guerrilla Games largely opted to fine-tune the original game’s mechanics. With a bigger open-world, refined combat, and a better-paced campaign, the sequel presents a convincing argument that it surpasses its predecessor. Combined, HZD and HFW can easily keep players entertained for more than 100 hours.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder’s Revenge

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While not without a few low points, TMNT has a long and storied history in gaming. The property is predominantly known for its ’90s beat ’em ups, with games like Turtles in Time holding up well today. Shredder’s Revenge pays homage to these classics, all the while delivering an approachable experience capable of attracting people who did not grow up in arcades. Boasting a vibrant and gorgeous pixel art style, the 2022 release matches cartoonish visuals with flashy combat that is easy to grasp but surprisingly difficult to master.

With seven playable characters who are not palette swaps, Shredder’s Revenge is quite replayable, which makes up for its fairly short campaign. Although solo players will not feel like they are missing out, the TMNT game supports and shines in co-op, allowing up to 6 people to work together to take on the Foot Clan.

The Legend Of Dragoon

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A beloved PS1 cult classic that JRPG fans have spent years hoping would receive a remake or a sequel, The Legend of Dragoon is, at least, now accessible on modern consoles. Ambitious for its era, Japan Studio’s project had great visuals, which are still charming in their own way. Although not too far removed from the genre’s other late ’90s releases, the game’s turn-based combat system has a few unique features that set it apart from the crowd. For instance, players need to time button prompts during attack animations to earn a boost.

The Legend of Dragoon is one of the best games on PS Plus Premium. Hopefully, the service will continue to add these sorts of titles in the future.

The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim – Special Edition

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Skyrim has been around for more than a decade, and yet the game is still a big deal. From November 15, PS Plus Extra and Premium subscribers can take on the mantle of the Dragonborn and start their journey in Skyrim. The Special Edition is generally considered the definitive iteration of Bethesda’s masterpiece, and the 2016 release was included in 2021’s Anniversary Edition that came out on the PS5 and Xbox Series X/S.

Skyrim’s longevity lies in its ability to immerse players in a fully realized world that makes exploration fun and satisfying. The combat might be a bit dated compared to more recent RPGs, but the game makes up for it through customization and build options. Even if most people have already experienced everything the campaign has to offer, Skyrim debuting on PS Plus makes the service’s library seem more complete.

Destiny 2: The Witch Queen

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Destiny 2 has been free-to-play for a while, so anyone with the required hardware can jump into Bungie’s game and get a taste of the Guardian life. Although a nice option, the free version only includes a limited range of content, to the point that it is closer to a sample or demo than a full showcase of everything the game has to offer. Basically, if someone wants to really experience Destiny 2, they will need to pick up an expansion. The first-person shooter has produced seven expansions so far, most of which are at least decent; however, The Witch Queen is a leading contender for the top spot.

Featuring a fairly lengthy campaign, this expansion is basically its own game, and it can be played without completing the rest of the DLC or even much of the base content. The story is primarily set in Savathûn’s Throne World, which is one of the title’s better settings. While accessible to an extent, players who are familiar with Destiny 2’s overall lore will get a fuller overall adventure, although newcomers can look forward to great gunplay.

Final Fantasy 7 Remake Intergrade

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Final Fantasy 7 Remake Intergrade is a huge get for PS Plus Extra subscribers, particularly those who love action JRPGs. The 1997 original helped put the PS1 on the map, and while the remake takes quite a few creative liberties with both the story and gameplay, it still respectfully pays homage to FF7’s legacy. Focusing on Midgar, the modern game chronicles Cloud Strife’s early days as part of AVALANCHE, showcasing the resistance group’s attempts to undermine Shinra’s authority.

Over the last decade, Square Enix has firmly shifted towards real-time action over turn-based combat, and FF7 Remake serves as the strongest representative of this gameplay style. As a sequel, Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, has been officially announced, this is the perfect time for newcomers to jump into the remake train, and PS Plus is the ideal platform to do so.

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There are roughly a billion Dragon Ball games, and some of them are pretty great. However, for the longest time, the franchise seemed incapable of putting out a proper competitive fighter. Dragon Ball FighterZ changed that forever, with Arc crafting a project that could show up in eSports events alongside Street Fighter 5 and Super Smash Bros. Melee.

Dragon Ball is synonymous with flashy battles where a wayward ki blast could potentially blow up a planet, and FighterZ captures this element beautifully. Visually, the game not only echoes the source material but, at times, even looks better. Unlike some of Arc’s other fantastic games, FighterZ’s combat system is relatively easy to grasp, although it is still hard to master. The single-player campaign is split into three non-canon arcs, and, while enjoyable from a fan-service point of view, overstays its welcome. However, Dragon Ball FighterZ is all about its online scene.

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Insomniac’s Ghost of Tsushima ended the PS4’s life as Sony’s main console on a high, and the Director’s Cut is just a better version of that already great game. Taking place during the Mongolian invasion of Japan, This samurai epic tells a tale of revenge as Jin Sakai seeks to protect Tsushima Island.

Ghost of Tsushima might be the most beautiful game on PS Plus Premium, and it is not just a looker. The hack and slash combat is a great deal of fun, managing to be deep and also cinematic. Narratively, the title does not do anything too out of the ordinary, but the unique setting helps set GOT apart from the many other open-world games on the market.


Views: 2

The best old games PC 2024, Classic games are the rare ones that stand the test of time, so we’ve rounded up the very best old games that are still worth playing on PC today. Looking for the best old PC games? There are many perks to being a PC gamer, but we will save extolling them all for a day when we are feeling particularly inflammatory. For now, we will focus on just one: the best old games remain forever playable. Sometimes it takes a little more work, but it’s a lot easier than digging through your parent’s attic for an ancient console you think they still have.

Yes, even on the highest-end multi-cored rigs with the latest X-Titan Turbo Hydra Fulcrum Mk.III GPU, you can still boot up veteran strategy games, majestic ancient , trusty ol’ point-and-clicks, and other legendary games of yore. Below you will find a testament to those PC stalwarts like : Game of the Year Edition that prove the best old games are truly timeless and deserve space on your SSD even to this day.

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X-COM: UFO Defense

Strategy gaming meets turn-based tactics. The first X-COM game is still one of the best strategy games ever released on PC. This excellent old PC game inspired the team that went on to make Fallout, birthed several spin-offs and sequels, and was officially remade in 2012 as XCOM: Enemy Unknown – which is itself a classic. That’s some legacy.

In X-COM: UFO Defense, much like the remake, players must defend Earth from an alien invasion. In doing so, players must manage the clandestine X-COM group, choosing where to position bases and what technologies to research in order to effectively combat the extraterrestrial threat. Players must also win battles on the ground using a squad of X-COM soldiers in turn-based tactical combat.

The game itself has aged brilliantly where gameplay is concerned, though it is nowhere near as pretty as its modern-day remake. Assuming total control of mankind’s final barrier against the alien menace is still a joy: progressing through the research tree, turning your operatives into psionic super-soldiers, and then deploying them in the field to kick xeno-butt never gets old. Fancy some modern XCOM instead? Check out our XCOM: Chimera Squad review.

The best old games PC 2024

Read Also : Best new PC games 2024

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Oddworld: Abe’s Oddysee

A 2D platformer where absolutely everything can kill you in an instant: long falls, any enemy attack, grazing past an obstacle, overcooking a grenade… the list goes on. Its puzzles are complex, its gaps between saves overly long, and its enemies nearly impossible to avoid. Frustrating? Rewarding is the word you are looking for. Probably.

At the center of all this struggle is the titular Abe, an enslaved Mudokon who discovers the meat processing factory where he works is soon to be the slaughterhouse of his entire race. Abe breaks free and begins a quest for emancipation that the player can either go along with (making their journey much more difficult) or ignore. Choosing to steer a group of your own people into a volley of gunfire as a means of distracting an enemy is never an easy decision to make.

If you are not keen on jumping too far back in time in order to play this, one of the best old games available, check out the official HD remaster with the hilarious Oddworld: New ‘N’ Tasty.

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Sid Meier’s Alpha Centauri

Like any Civ game, Alpha Centauri is all about colonizing a world, growing an empire, and competing and cooperating as you see fit with other factions vying for power. The twist? Set on a distant planet in the future, this old PC game is far more story-driven, forcing you to interact with mysterious alien lifeforms and races that previously inhabited the planet.


Sid Meier’s Alpha Centauri fits the 4X games formula of empire-building, research, war, and diplomacy with an excellent story. Featuring fascinating factions and complex leaders, Alpha Centauri offers a more focused experience than the ‘blank canvas’ of the main series. The smaller scope of the game emphasizes everything that is great about this old game’s narrative, helping Alpha Centauri remain as memorable as always.


Best old game for PC taking part in a ritual in Baldurs Gate 2

Baldur’s Gate II

There is something about that beautiful, seemingly hand-drawn aesthetic of the Infinity Engine that is completely timeless, and Baldur’s Gate II uses that to deliver one of the best role-playing games of all time. Sure, you might still be working through Baldur’s Gate 3 right now, but it’s never a bad time to go back to the next best game in the series.

Gamers brought up on modern role-players may have trouble adapting to the tactical Dungeons & Dragons combat and plethora of dialogue, but it is precisely these traits that make Baldur’s Gate II endure as one of the best old PC games. The dark fantasy setting of Amn is a joy to explore with your party of companions, who are unforgettable for their excellent writing and catchy soundbites (“Go for the eyes, Boo!”). From its pretty pre-rendered backgrounds to its rich, mysterious world brimming with character, Baldur’s Gate II is truly ageless.


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Planescape: Torment

This list will not turn into an ode to the great CRPGs of the ‘90s, we promise, but… just… one… more…

In contrast to Baldur’s Gate II’s classic, companion heroics, Planescape: Torment is a lonely, personal journey to uncover the lost memories of a person who has lived and died untold lives with no recollection of them. Set in a surreal otherworld of multiple planes and bizarre creatures that defy conventional fantasy tropes, Torment is one of the oddest and greatest videogame stories ever told. Focused more on dialogue and choices than combat, Torment encourages you to uncover its world through exploration, conversations, and clever, choice-filled questing.

Best old games for PC speaking with a merchant in The Elder Scrolls III Morrowind

Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind

When we first assembled this list Morrowind was still relatively young, but now it’s nearly old enough to buy itself a beer we think it’s finally earned ‘classic PC game’ status. No doubt this will upset the PC gaming elders, who are probably lost in some procedurally generated Daggerfall township.

Morrowind doesn’t just represent the Elder Scrolls series’ arrival on the 3D scene, it’s also the game that cemented the layout for Oblivion and Skyrim, two of the most popular videogames of all time. There are dozens of all-timer questlines and the foundations of Skyrim’s character builds, and it’s all wrapped up in what’s probably the most interesting and immersive open-world games to date.

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Back in 1998, Half-Life’s storytelling and the conviction of its fictional world were far beyond anything else in the genre. Indeed, they were beyond anything else in gaming.

The opening in which you fly through the Black Mesa Research Facility is magnificent. Radioactive waste passes by, witty comments sound out from speakers overhead, and doors open and close all around. Valve crafted a world full of minutiae and intricacies that you could pore over in between all the alien fighting and physics-based puzzling. Seamless level transitions and a narrative that never broke away from the first-person perspective make this game not only one of the best old games but one of the finest games ever made.

We’ve spent years waiting for the mythical Half-Life 3, but with the release of Half-Life: Alyx, our hunger for new Half-Life has only gotten more ravenous. Sounds like the perfect excuse to revisit – or begin – the series. If aging visuals really aren’t for you then the fan-made Black Mesa remake is officially out and receiving just as positive reviews as the original.

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Deus Ex

Visually, Deus Ex has not aged as gracefully as some of the pixel-era games on this list, but its deep RPG systems, dense hub worlds, and intriguing conspiracy crackpot plot make it proper ‘PC games bucket list’ fodder.

The number of ways in which you can tackle the game’s missions still holds up today: You have countless means of molding JC Denton to your play style. Your choices about how you interact with the world all feel significant and, as a result, Deus Ex continues to be the gold standard that immersive sims, , and RPGs strive for, and remains one of the best old . If you want to see how the Deus Ex series has modernized over the years, check out our Deus Ex Mankind Divided review.

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The lack of tribute to this gunslinging wild-western shooter is no less criminal than the exploits of Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid. Outlaws was among the PC’s best first-person shooters, sprite-based or not.

Several gameplay innovations helped Outlaws stand out, including a manual reload system, and the first-ever sniper scope used in a shooter. The orchestrated Sergio Leone-inspired soundtrack is spine-tingling, and the animated cutscenes have that lovely LucasArts touch that provides context to the tough, rootin’ tootin’ gunfights taking place across trains, frontier towns, and other environs of the Old West. Outlaws is a goldmine of excellent stylistic and gameplay features in a classic FPS package and an exceptional old PC game at that.


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Coming in the twilight years of point-and-click , The Longest Journey is a poignant swansong for the genre. You are April, an 18-year-old student who shifts between two contrasting realms to restore the mysterious force that allows them to exist harmoniously.

The contrasting realms of the magical Arcadia and gritty urban Stark realm are evocatively presented, and in both, you will meet characters as strange and well-rounded as your strong, troubled protagonist. Yes, it suffers from the point-and-click pitfall of absurdly cryptic puzzles, but they are worth toughing through to experience this beautiful interdimensional adventure. The Longest Journey’s sequel Dreamfall is also worth playing, though it is not quite on par with Funcom’s original.


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Diablo II

The continuation of online support and the fact that Blizzard released patches for Diablo II up to the release of the official remake attest to the game’s enduring appeal as one of the finest old PC games.

The high-intensity action RPG mechanics, which have been emulated but rarely topped by other games over the years, and its grungy, well-animated pixel art set Diablo II apart. Its loot-‘em-up gameplay is so appealing that it does not need to move with the times. Blizzard’s perfection of this formula has allowed Diablo II to completely defy the typical videogame life cycle. You don’t have to track down an old copy of this either as Blizzard released a solid remaster in the form of Diablo 2: Resurrected. Check out our Diablo 2: Resurrected review for our complete verdict.


Fallout 2 one of the best old games 680w383h

Looking at the image above, it is easy to say that Fallout has come a long way since the isometric days. But that would ignore the tremendous narrative and mechanical depth hiding amidst those pixels and pre-rendered backdrops. Fallout 2 is on Steam and, in high-res and with cloud saves, this fantastic old game is all the more appealing to revisit.

Fallout 2 is not forgiving, and bad decisions or character development can essentially ruin your experience. But ride the wave of its deep systems and you have one of the greatest RPGs of all time. The range of factions, side-quests, and characters paint a rich picture of a post-apocalyptic world that is a grim joy to explore. It is harsh, bleak, and kind of ugly, but Fallout 2’s wild wasteland came to define the series. Take a look at our Fallout 4 review to find out what the series has transformed into.


Several patients amass in a corridor in Theme Hospital one of the best old games 680w383h

Theme Hospital

Still one of the funniest and most whimsical building sims on PC, Theme Hospital is a unique gem that no developer has even dared try to emulate. Its sense of humour ranges from excellent soundbites of the receptionists urging patients not to die in the corridors, to the emergent chaos of a mass vomit breakout in the waiting areas. prodigy Demis Hassabis was even involved in the project as a young boy, making this literally the work of a genius.

The cutesy visual style, so great at conveying fictitious illnesses like Bloaty Head and Hairyitis, conceals a relentless and challenging sim. Up there with the best old PC games, Theme Hospital stands in a league of its own… unless you count spiritual successor Two Point Hospital.


An altercation in a corridor in System Shock 2 one of the best old games. The sign on the wall reads Safety First 680w383h

System Shock 2

You never forget the confused fear you feel when a mutant is apologizing to you while battering your head in with a wrench. It is harrowing, deeply unsettling, and captures the dark spirit of this lonesome story in which you are hounded by a murderous AI aboard a spaceship.

Yes, System Shock 2 was sort of succeeded by BioShock, but it is a tonally different beast – a psychological horror that drips with a cold, claustrophobic atmosphere. Grab one of the mods that updates the graphics and lighting to revive that intense technophobia you felt all those years ago. 


Old games for PC crossing a gothic bridge and shooting a grunt with a nail gun in Quake


It is hard to imagine anything dislodging Doom’s place in the pantheon of PC gaming greats (don’t worry, it’s listed here). However, it is Quake that sees id’s vision of demonic corridor-shooting executed most successfully. Of the two forefathers of those great franchises, Quake proves most affecting to revisit today. Doom’s cacodemons and hell knight sprites look kitsch now, but Quake’s roster of far less recognizable abominations – all lipless mouths and faceless horrors – still manages to unsettle. They are helped along by flawless sound design created in collaboration with Trent Reznor, and a medieval occult aesthetic that falls somewhere between Doom and Hexen.

The culmination of those elements – not forgetting its excellent arsenal of high-impact, heavy weapons – feels like id’s best attempt to pull together the elements they experimented with throughout the ’90s. Quake and its many sequels are all available with an Xbox Game Pass subscription, and we’ve found that they run superbly on modern PC setups – no frustrating compatibility modes are needed here.

Old games for PC Running through a corridor shooting demons in Doom 1993


Sure, we’ve already got Quake on this list, but where would modern PC gaming be without its sci-fi horror-based FPS sibling, Doom? Every boomer shooter fan has their preference between the two, so in the interest of pleasing everyone, we’ve included both.

Doom’s certainly the more colorful of the two and so is generally a lot easier to navigate, and you can also move a lot faster and more freely thanks to its slightly more open levels. Monsters take a bit less effort to kill and the levels are much less stingy when it comes to handing out ammo – it’s the better pick for cheap, run-and-gun thrills, while Quake offers a little more mastery and pure horror. This is also handily available via an Xbox Game Pass subscription and runs well on modern systems.


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Starcraft may have been somewhat left behind by its shinier sequel, but even those not looking for a competitive experience could do a lot worse than revisiting one of the finest narrative RTS campaigns ever. Along with Warcraft 3, the original Starcraft represents pre-Activision Blizzard at its creative pinnacle.

Okay, so, in the same way that Warcraft owes a lot to Tolkien, this story of space marines, space bugs, and ethereal elder beings may owe a lot to Warhammer 40k, Aliens, and Starship Troopers. Everything owes a lot to Aliens, though, and that doesn’t stop this genre classic from holding up today. Come for the pitch-perfect execution of archetypal RTS games scaffolding, and stay for the character-focused sci-fi epic stuffed with juicy plot reveals.


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While the first two Monkey Island titles are genre-defining adventure games, produced at the peak of LucasArt’s heyday, that doesn’t stop them from being a daunting proposition for modern gamers curious to see what all the fuss was about. Monkey Island 3: The Curse of Monkey Island may not have the best puzzles, the best story, or the best jokes, but it is the easiest to slip into for new players, and it’s still an excellent adventure game in its own right.

Featuring singing pirate barbers, a lactose-intolerant volcano god, and a giant chicken demon among its less ridiculous elements, The Curse of Monkey Island continues the adventures of Guybrush Threepwood, the world’s most useless pirate. A colorful cartoon aesthetic and a jaunty, moreish soundtrack top off this hearty mug of adventure game grog.

Now that you’ve taken a historical tour of our most cherished classic videogame memories, you know what to do: turn those old games, into ‘sold’ games. Okay, we’ll stick to writing, writing more list features, that is. And, if you want the cream of the crop both new and old, here are the best PC games of all time, or if you don’t want to splash the cash, here are all the best free PC games. For now, though, we’ll be going back to embracing the sweet, sweet nostalgia of our misspent youth.


Views: 6

The best co-op games on PC, PCs were where multiplayer gaming began. While consoles stole the spotlight for a while by allowing multiple people to easily play on one system together, PCs have always taken the lead in providing players with the most options for multiplayer gaming. Most of the time, people come to PCs for competitive action, and there are a ton of options for those looking to go head-to-head in just about any genre imaginable, but there’s also a wealth of high-quality and unique experiences that focus on cooperation.

PC gamers almost have too many co-op games to pick from now, which is why we have scoured all the storefronts and picked out the best co-op games you can play on PC.

Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands

Tiny Tina's Wonderlands

Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands is technically a spinoff from the core Borderlands series, but essentially in name only. As far as co-op fun, this game is exactly the thing you expect from the looter-shooter series, only with a much-needed change of tone and coat of fantasy paint. The humor, for once, is actually appropriate and not immediately grating, and the new mechanics that are introduced for the tabletop-style framing device are used to great effect. It’s not the longest game, but if you just want a fun time blasting tons of skeletons, looting, shooting spells, leveling up, and looting even more, Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands is a perfect choice.

The best co-op games on PC

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Lost Ark

Lost Ark

The newest MMO on the block, Lost Ark has taken the world by storm ever since it finally released outside of Korea, where it was already a phenomenon. This is an isometric fantasy RPG with tons of classes, skills, quests, and dungeon crawling to do, all of which are made even better by partying up with your friends. The best part about Lost Ark is that, since it was released much earlier in Korea, it has already gone through many of the growing pains of a new MMO, letting you start with a much more polished version right off the bat.

Baldur’s Gate 3

Baldur's Gate 3

When you look at just how well the game has done and all the records it has broken, it almost feels unnecessary to bring up Baldur’s Gate 3. However, even as popular as it is, you may not have fully explored just how great the game’s co-op is. If you thought the base game couldn’t get any more interactive, wait until you and a second player character start tweaking the systems. Trust us, even if you’ve played the campaign two or three times over, it is more than worth it to do it all over again with a real person by your side. Just like a tabletop experience, the fun you two will create can never be predicted or replicated.


Survival games have been a hot genre for almost a decade now and don’t show any signs of slowing down. One of the newer ones to catch on in a major way is the Norse inspired Valheim. This early access title initially caught the gaming public’s eye for its interesting art style that combined somewhat low detail textures with high quality lighting and particle effects that make the game feel like it takes place in a tale book.

Once you get into the game itself, however, it is clear that the game’s unique qualities are more than just visual. Yes, it is a survival game at heart, but Valheim puts its own welcome spin on things that make it even more fun to play with friends. Dropped into the randomly generated world of Valheim, survival is your first goal as you would expect. You and your friends will gather resources, build settlements, make upgrades, and all those classic survival game staples. Where Valheim starts to get interesting is in the progression.

There are a series of bosses that act as goals for you and your team to build towards. Each one has unique moves and drops, allowing you to advance further, explore new areas, and challenge even more difficult bosses. Of course you could always ignore these combat challenges and focus on simply creating your own ideal home, farm, village, or what have you as well. Valheim can be as calm and relaxing, or brutal and heart pounding, as you and your friends want it to be.

No Man’s Sky

No Man's Sky

From the ancient world of trolls and swords we head into the endless expanse of space for the next survival crafting game, No Man’s Sky. At this point this game has earned a near universal level of notoriety and acclaim for launching in a state that fell far below the expectations it set for itself, only to add more and more content, all free by the way, over the course of more than half a decade until it has become even more than what was initially promised.

In fact, the game is nearly unrecognizable from the launched product, and all for the better. In fact, it initially didn’t even allow for true co-op play, but now we can’t imagine the game without it. No Man’s Sky puts you in the shoes, or space boots rather, of an astronaut in a nearly endless universe of planets, ships, aliens, and mysteries to explore.

The game does technically have a main plot, simply reaching the center of the universe, but even accomplishing that goal doesn’t end the game and encourages you to explore all the other systems and events the game has. You and a friend can set up a base on a particular planet, go on missions throughout the stars, gather resources and craft upgrades, or simply explore a planet no one has ever set foot on. The sheer scope of No Man’s Sky make every discovery feel that much more satisfying and personal, and sharing that with a friend just makes it all the more memorable.

Monster Hunter: World

Monster Hunter: World

After so many entries locked to console, the Monster Hunter franchise finally came to PC with arguably the best version of the game made yet. Taking full advantage of the power afforded to modern systems, Monster Hunter: World not only looks amazing, but is almost dangerous in how deep it can suck you and your friends into the game’s satisfying loop.

The complex mechanics, deep systems, and almost endless amount of variety, customization, and content have never felt as well realized as they have with Monster Hunter: World on PC. Add in all the extra content they’ve added, plus the Iceborn expansion pack, and there’s easily hundreds of hours you and your team can sink into this experience. You’re a monster hunter with the sole purpose of going on missions to track, hunt, fight, and capture all types of massive beasts. While you can do it solo, Monster Hunter: World really begs to be played in a co-op party.

The different weapons all serve unique purposes, almost making each player their own different class in a way, so that teaming up and synergizing strengths and weaknesses against an overwhelming force just feels like the intended way to play. Monster Hunter: World is also a game perfect for chilling out and grinding familiar monsters for drops while you chat and relax with pals.

Deep Rock Galactic

Deep Rock Galactic

This will start the trilogy of Left 4 Dead style games, but they’re all about as similar as a is to a Doom game. Deep Rock Galactic, as our first example, is a game that has been steadily improving since it was put into early access in 2018, and is now one of the most popular and best co-op games on Steam.

Again, as many games on this list are, Deep Rock Galactic is something you can play alone, but the game was undeniably intended for teams of four to play together. For the development team’s first game, Deep Rock Galactic has already been given multiple awards as a multiplayer experience. In Deep Rock Galactic you take on the role of a team of space dwarfs who undergo various missions in procedurally generated caves. There are four classes of dwarf to pick from, Engineer, Gunner, Driller, and Scout, that each have their own weapons, utility, and progression system.

Gameplay is a mix of the aforementioned Left 4 Dead style of gunning down endless waves of mobs while frantically trying to get to and accomplish your objective, plus dynamic terrain destruction and resource gathering for permanent progression. Thanks to the randomly generated levels, this is a game you and your friends can dive back into and chip away at time and time again.

Warhammer: Vermintide 2

Warhammer: Vermintide 2

The most obvious game on the list inspired by Left 4 Dead has to be Warhammer: Vermintide 2. This game, obviously using the Warhammer license, was the most notable attempt to not just copy that game’s formula, but really innovate and put a new spin on. Since Left 4 Dead 2 is still so playable today, that was the right call, and it paid off. 

Warhammer: Vermintide 2 has picked up not only fans of the Warhammer universe, but those looking to shake up the hoard based, co-op survival experience with new enemies, weapons, and systems that the aging zombie shooter just doesn’t provide. There’s even an upcoming sequel of sorts, Warhammer 40,000: Darktide that will take this same formula to the 40K universe. Warhammer: Vermintide 2 is set in the first person perspective, but with a much heavier emphasis on melee combat.

There are some guns and ranged weapons, but for the most part you’ll be swinging swords, hammers, and other blunt and slashing objects. The target? Giant humanoid rats and mutants, which seems like a no brainer in terms of the perfect enemy to send at players in massive swarms.

There are five classes to pick from for your team, dozens of weapons, abilities, and four massive DLC expansions that have more than doubled the content the game launched with. If you’ve played all the Left 4 Dead maps forwards and backwards a dozen times already, Warhammer: Vermintide 2 will put the fear and excitement of barely scraping through a mission back in your blood.

Left 4 Dead 2

Left 4 Dead 2

Yes, there’s no getting around it. Even over a decade after release, we’re still always ready to jump into a game of Left 4 Dead 2. It is obviously the sequel to the original, but at this point it has absorbed that game whole and become the Left 4 Dead experience. Thanks to a more stylized art style, emphasis on color, and perfect mix of variety and balance, Left 4 Dead 2 doesn’t feel like it’s aged a day.

Many have tried to take its throne, even the game’s own original developers, but there’s something about the simplicity of this seminal zombie co-op shooter that keeps us, and thousands of others, coming back to it time and time again. The set up is simple: You and three other survivors pick a campaign where you need to fight your way between safe rooms, completing objectives along the way, while endless amounts of zombies whittle away at you.

The standard mobs are nothing to worry much about, even in huge numbers, which is where the special infected come in. These can incapacitate you in a variety of ways, requiring a teammate to free you before your health is drained.

Going solo is going to get  you killed in seconds, so sticking together and communicating is a requirement. Between the base game’s campaigns, all the ones carried over from the first Left 4 Deadand the insane amount of user created content, Left 4 Dead is the gold standard for survival co-op games.

Destiny 2

Destiny 2

The Destiny games have had their ups and downs. The first game was notoriously lacking in story and long term content, but was able to build itself into a pretty solid experience by the time the final expansion came out. Destiny 2 kind of reset things, unfortunately, but has had even more time to fill in it’s content gaps with not only more expansions, but more experimental and ambitious additions.

Sure, the game is in a constant flux of balance and available content that will keep some members of the community upset, but no one can deny that Destiny 2 is an insanely satisfying shooter to play with your pals. Billed as a shared world shooter, think a small scale MMO, Destiny 2 is all about co-operation. Events in the world will automatically join you up with anyone else in the area to take on a threat or do an objective, plus all the story content is built for you to bring a squad along.

Of course, it’s in the end game level stuff that the co-op really shines. Raids in particular require not only a high level of FPS skill and maxed out characters with top level gear, but critical thinking and coordination among your party in order to make it through these long gauntlets of combat and puzzle challenges. If that’s not your speed, there’s always the PvP modes where you can play more traditional team based multiplayer modes. If you need a solid FPS to fall back on with your pals, Destiny 2 will have something to offer you.


For whatever reason, Warframe has not gotten as much public attention as it’s competitors like Destiny 2. That’s a real shame, because in a lot of ways Destiny 2 owes a lot of it’s success to what Warframe had done before it. This little game that could started out with a simple concept of making a game about ninjas in space, but has grown so much and in so many different ways that it is almost unbelievable.

What was first a game where you took on pretty linear missions in just a handful of environments, with very slick and satisfying movement, has become essentially a looter shooter MMO hybrid, plus some Monster Hunter in there, with a massive 11 major expansions already released, the latest coming at the very end of 2021. Like most ambitious games, Warframe had a middling start, but has essentially only gotten better and better in the years since, which is not an easy feat.

It’s a weird comparison to make since Warframe came first, but if you imagine all the things you can do in Destiny 2, only in third person, with way more movement options, more skills, classes, abilities, and … well … basically everything, you will have an idea of what Warframe is.

Zipping around levels, blasting through trash mobs, and grinding for that next rare drop is satisfying enough on its own, but with friends is even sweeter. Plus there’s a surprisingly deep story here, and tons of other new activities like flying your own ship or even fishing. Warframe has basically become its own MMO, but with some of the best third person combat on the market.

Portal 2

Portal 2

An oldie, sure, but who can deny Portal 2 as one of the best puzzle games of all time? The first game was a surprise hit when packaged inside the Orange Box all those years ago, but Valve took notice to the amazing reception it got. That little game, introducing the simple concept of solving puzzles in a 3D environment by placing and jumping through two connected portals, was not only a satisfying and novel mechanic at the time, but lends itself perfectly to a room based puzzle game.

When they added in the sarcastic and mechanical humor of the main AI antagonist, it all just clicked together into a near perfect little game. Portal 2, as a sequel, had a lot to live up to. Setting the single player aside, since we’re focusing on co-op games here, even the idea of co-op in a puzzle game like this was risky. Portal 2 already introduced a bunch of new concepts, like gels, lasers, and light , so adding two more portals to the mix could’ve easily been overwhelming and made puzzles either too difficult, or easily broken.

Thankfully, the genius designers managed to make an entire co-op experience that feels just as satisfying to solve as the rest of the experience. Teamwork is once again key, and usually works so that both players will have opportunities to reach a solution to a problem rather than one person basically just directing the other around the entire time. It also doesn’t hurt that the two robots you play as are rather adorable and packed with personality despite never speaking.

It Takes Two

The underdog winner of The Game Awards game of the year category, It Takes Two is the only game on this list that has to be played in co-op. Just like Hazelight’s previous game, A Way Out, there’s no option to even start this game without a teammate by your side. Because of that, this is perhaps the most tuned and crafted game on the list for co-op play since the entire design, both in terms of story and game play, depend on two players. 

It Takes Two really feels like the pinnacle of all the co-op ideas the team wanted to get into their last game, and despite a mixed reception to the actual narrative, is an amazing experience from start to finish. Playing as a couple about to enter a divorce, It Takes Two transforms the two characters into handmade doll versions of themselves. Each player takes the role of either the husband or wife, and start their journey to try and return to their normal bodies.


At heart, this is a 3D puzzle platformer, but it is also so much more than that. Nearly every hour you will get some new mechanic to play with that has a use on its own, as well as when used in conjunction with whatever different mechanic your partner has.

The amount of variety and creativity the team has with this is amazing, and will keep you fully engaged the entire time since you will never play with the same tool set for long enough to get bored of it before the game throws something entirely new at you. Regardless about how you feel about the story itself, this is just a blast to play with a friend all the way through.

Diablo IV

How could we have a list with so many loot-based games without at least mentioning the series that popularized the term? Thankfully, we can do more than just pay tribute to the Diablo games because  has become not only a fantastic loot game, but among the best co-op loot games the PC has to offer. This series has spawned countless imitators, and some like Path of Exile are even giving the series a run for its money, however, Diablo 4 still has that high-quality polish that few other games can offer.

The initial release was indeed a rough start, but the team stuck with the game and is now above and beyond what fans wanted from the series. Diablo 4 is the perfect place to experience a great co-op adventure, whether you’re an old vet or brand new to the series. After updates and expansions, there are plenty of classes to pick from, level up, gear up, and experiment within a very adjustable range of difficulties.

Even when you max out one character, which alone will take you dozens of hours, there’s always end-game content to run through or all the other classes to give a shot that plays completely differently. Sharing loot, taking down bosses, and going on quests with your friends feels like a real adventure that can range from nail-biting to a mindless stomp through swarms of mobs while you catch up, depending on what you’re looking for. Teaming up is easy and seamless, and progress is carried over for everyone involved, not just the host.

Final Fantasy XIV Online

Final Fantasy XIV Online

The only true MMORPG on this list is the underdog that came back from near death to take the crown from the once invincible World of Warcraft. Of course we’re talking about Final Fantasy XIV, the current gold standard for an online game reinventing itself and almost becoming too popular over time. Not many people were around to experience the original version of the game, but the revival of this struggling MMO is very well documented and needs not be repeated here.

The point is, it is at the top of its game now and shows no signs of dropping in quality. What’s most impressive is you don’t need to be a Final Fantasy fan, or even a real MMO fan, to have a great experience. As an MMO, Final Fantasy XIV naturally encourages co-op play just like any other. You can run through the entire main story, which now spans almost a dozen expansions, plus all the raids and side activities. Basically, anything you can do in this game, you can do with your friends.

There’s guild mechanics to form larger groups, and tons of tools to make playing together easy. They even allow players to visit other servers so if you and a friend happen to be playing on different servers, you can still team up without having to start from scratch on their server. The quality of life features are second to none, much like the game’s narrative which is quickly becoming many people’s favorite Final Fantasy story of all time, MMO or not. This is one game that deserves a monthly subscription for how much regular content it offers you and your friends to take on.

Lethal Company

Lethal Company

As an indie breakout, Lethal Company punches far above its weight class. Playing as an employee of a mysterious company tasked with collecting scrap on randomly generated moons, the intentionally dated graphics and restrictive inventory system all play into that sense of dread, knowing that unspeakable horrors stalk you and your team.

The real fear — and fun — comes in playing with friends. You need to together, but the game doesn’t make it easy thanks to proximity chat, a time limit, and deadly traps constantly pushing you to rush and get careless. This is a great game to grab some pals around late at night to laugh (and scream) over.

Overcooked! 2

Cooking is a mechanic in many games, mostly RPGs, but usually not the main focus of a game. There are even fewer games that make cooking the main focus and are centered around co-op. If that intrigues you, and you somehow missed it, then Overcooked 2 is your answer. Naturally, this is the sequel to the original Overcooked, and follows the same structure, only expanding on all the mechanics and having even more levels to cook through. If you don’t think that a cooking game would make for one of the most hilarious, frustrating, and rewarding co-op games, often being all of those within the span of seconds, then you really need to give this one a shot. 

Overcooked 2 is a cooking game with a very simple and easy-to-grasp game loop. You get orders for different foods that you need to prepare and serve before the time expires. The faster you can serve the meal, the more money you earn, and the more stars you will ultimately get when the level finishes. Dishes usually have just two or three ingredients that need to be prepared in some way, such as chopping, cooking, or boiling, before being combined on a plate and delivered to the right spot. Sounds simple, especially with three other friends to help out, right? Wrong. The level design in Overcooked 2 is what makes it ask for such a high level of teamwork.

Sometimes, ingredients will be moved away from the prep stations, or there could be shifting rows of tables that block access to different areas at certain times. You’ll never fall into a groove with Overcooked 2, and that’s what makes it such a fun game to go back to even after you’ve beaten all the levels.

Views: 4

The Best PC Games 2023, The PC gaming ecosystem is easily the largest in the industry, with tens of thousands of games available to play and no real generational divide. Rather than a comprehensive list of the best PC games of all time, we placed our focus on the best PC games to play right now.

Some of these, like Elden Ring and Baldur’s Gate 3, are recently released gems, while others are multiplayer or live service games that have stood the test of time, such as Counter-Strike: Global Offensive and . Our list of the best PC games spans across a wide variety of genres, so we imagine at least a few of these games will pique your interest.


PC gaming is quite different from consoles, as your mileage with each game on this list will vary based on your rig. That said, many of the games on this list don’t require the latest and greatest graphic cards–they merely help these great games look even better. And if you happen to have a Steam Deck, a lot of these games are playable on Valve’s impressive handheld PC.


We’ve linked to Steam listings where possible for these games, but it’s worth noting that you can often find better deals on storefronts such as Fanatical and GOG. We’ve included links to those stores, too. Also, some of our picks are available on PC Game Pass, Microsoft’s subscription service.

If you’re thinking about upgrading your PC or starting a new build to play some of these games at higher settings, make sure to check out our step-by-step guide for building a gaming PC. We also have a dedicated list focused on the best Steam Deck games to play right now. If you’re looking for accessories for your rig, check out our roundups of the best gaming keyboards, gaming mice, and PC gaming headsets.




Alan Wake 2


Alan Wake 2

Another chapter in the mind-bending Remedy universe, Alan Wake 2 picks up right where the cult classic left off more than a decade ago. Alan is trapped in the Dark Place and his only way out is to write his own story. His campaign takes place alongside a concurrent one with FBI agent Saga Anderson, and the two complimentary campaigns can be played together in any order. The lightly spooky elements of the first game turn much darker here, for a horror experience full of unforgettable moments.


Apex Legends

The Best PC Games 2023

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Apex Legends

We’ve called Apex Legends the champion of battle royales in the past, and two years into its lifespan, that’s something we stand by. Respawn Entertainment took its strong FPS foundation (namely Titanfall) and created a competitive shooter that refines all the core tenets necessary for a good battle royale. Its roster of characters adds a strategic layer and diversity of playstyle, gunplay is sharp and engaging, and quality-of-life features like the ping system and inventory management keep you focused on executing in combat.

Over the many seasons of content for Apex Legends, we’ve had multiple maps and game modes cycle into the experience. It has surprisingly deep lore that gets you invested in the world of Apex Legends, too. And because it’s free-to-play, you have nothing to lose by giving it a shot.


Baldur's Gate 3


Baldur’s Gate 3

The triumphant return of a legacy CRPG series is also one of the best games of 2023. While Baldur’s Gate 3 is also available to play on PS5, the PC version is the clear leader thanks to its intuitive keyboard-and-mouse controls–and it’s a welcome return to form for longtime Baldur’s Gate fans. This fantasy tale is set in the Dungeons & Dragons universe, but the most incredible part is how it approximates actually playing a game of D&D, with all the freedom that entails. You can tackle problems and navigate the world with an almost overwhelming amount of choice and agency, making it easy to get lost for hours and then start all over again with a new character.


Before Your Eyes


Before Your Eyes

One of the most original games of recent memory, Before Your Eyes has a simple premise that hinges on your ocular organs controlling the entire experience through a webcam. It’s a short jaunt of a game that chronicles the life of a recently deceased person that you play as, but the catch here is that every time you blink, time moves forward. It’s a terrific idea, incredibly well-implemented, and ties in perfectly with themes of memories, life, and storing those precious moments within ourselves. Unusual but packing a heavyweight emotional punch, you won’t want to take your eyes off of this game for a single instant.

See on Steam


The Case of the Golden Idol


The Case of the Golden Idol

The Case of the Golden Idol is a throwback to classic point-and-click adventure games and an exacting puzzle game. You investigate scenes and then piece together what happened in a linear story narrative by placing names and verbs in their proper places. And if the original release whets your appetite for more, developer Color Gray games has spun off additional “Golden Idol Mysteries” DLC–new stories and mysteries with the same narrative-building mechanic.


Civilization VI


Civilization VI

First released in the ’90s, Sid Meier’s Civilization series is still going strong in 2021, thanks to continued support for its most recent release, Civilization VI. As in previous games, Civilization VI casts you in the role of a historical leader, such as Egypt’s Cleopatra or India’s Gandhi, and tasks you with building your civilization from the ground up, including growing your military, developing new research facilities, and engaging in diplomacy with other world leaders.

Of course, Civilization VI expanded and improved on previous games in the series, with additions such as the inclusion of districts that let cities expand across multiple tiles, but it’s also continued to receive new content in the form of two major expansions: Rise and Fall and Gathering Storm, both of which added new leaders, civilizations, and features to the game. Civilization VI earned a 9/10 from GameSpot when it initially released back in 2016, and nearly five years later, it’s still one of the best games to pick up and start playing on PC.

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A tiny bug in a big world surrounded by puzzles. In this game from a new studio founded by key Limbo developers, you’re a small cicada-like creature exploring the wilderness with limited movement and only specially powered orbs to help. But nested inside the noodle-tickling puzzle mechanics is an artful, subtle message about self-improvement and how one forms their identity, making it a can’t-miss.


Control Ultimate Edition


Control‘s blend of action, mystique, and the surreal is one that should not be missed, and while it’s available on PS5 and Xbox Series X, you’ll find no version better than that of the PC. The pairing of DLSS and ray-tracing makes Control a visual powerhouse, reflecting its impressive effects on the surface of the Oldest House’s pristine waxed floors and shrouding its mysterious hallways in the uncertainty of shadow.

And that’s all accented by supernatural fights that can pop off at a moment’s notice in any one of these enigmatic rooms as the world shifts and morphs around you. What makes Control truly special is exploring the unknown and uncovering secrets the world isn’t supposed to know. The Ultimate Edition gets you both pieces of DLC, AWE and The Foundation.

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Counter-Strike: Global Offensive


Counter-Strike: Global Offensive

The iconic competitive FPS is still going strong today with Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. Though CSGO has undergone significant changes over its lifespan, it’s still very much the core Counter-Strike experience that revolutionized the multiplayer FPS genre in the 2000s. The standard mode of play is a five-on-five demolition-style match on carefully crafted maps that emphasize specific positioning, sightlines, and team strategies. But beyond that, there’s a hostage rescue mode, gungame free-for-all, and tons of custom content from years of by its player base.

One of the most exciting things about CSGO is the high-intensity competitive matches where the slightest mistakes could spell for your team, or clutch plays could drastically shift the momentum of a match. Counter-Strike has historically been played with a level of precision in both the FPS combat and in its tactics, which makes a bit of a steep learning curve for newcomers. However, this classic game can be wildly rewarding, which you can see from its massive competitive scene. Recently, Valorant has adopted the Counter-Strike formula to great effect, but the high-stakes tactical combat of CSGO is still in a league of its own.

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Cyberpunk 2077


Cyberpunk 2077

Cyberpunk 2077 had a divisive launch that by all accounts failed to live up to the lofty expectations placed on it. But CD Projekt Red didn’t abandon the game, instead issuing a steady stream of updates culminating in September 2023’s massive 2.0 update that overhauls many major systems, while also integrating the new Phantom Liberty DLC. The Cyberpunk of today is a sharper, more focused action-RPG

with a greater variety of skills that let you navigate Night City your own way. The Phantom Liberty expansion received a 10/10 in our review, adding new systems and a compelling new story featuring Idris Elba. Best of all, it’s still a gorgeous showpiece for your PC rig, so there’s never been a better time to dive in.





Arkane Studios became the name to beat when it came to first-person shooter games that married well-crafted action with rich narratives, but Deathloop has raised the bar for those games to a glorious new level. Game of the year material at its best, Deathloop’s homicidal Groundhog Day appeal is amplified by its terrific cast, layered levels of gameplay, hidden secrets, and so much more.

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Destiny 2


Despite releasing more than nearly five years ago, Destiny 2 remains one of the most popular live service multiplayer games around. While the sequel started off on a strong note, it has only gotten better thanks to consistent updates and expansions that delivered a steady stream of enthralling first-person shooter content. And it’s not even close to being too late to jump into Destiny 2, as more content is coming through 2023. Destiny 2’s plethora of content would be nothing without strong mechanics and overarching systems that keep you grinding away for new gear.

Bungie crafted one of the best-feeling first-person shooters we’ve played in recent years, so it offers a constant source of fun regardless of whether you’re making your way through story missions, going on challenging raids with friends, or battling in the Crucible. It’s a wonderful game that digs its teeth into you the more you play, and it’s easily one of the best cooperative PC games available today.

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Disco Elysium


Disco Elysium

When it comes to writing, Disco Elysium is perhaps unrivaled. Developed and published by ZA/UM in 2019, Disco Elysium places you in the role of a detective suffering from amnesia and a serious bout of alcoholism. His quest to unravel a baffling murder and the details of his life that he’s forgotten takes you on an absolutely stunning adventure that thrives on its choice-based gameplay and exquisite dialogue.

Disco Elysium balances humor and serious life dilemmas with astounding grace, and the freedom it gives you to shape the narrative and your interactions with its many colorful characters you meet allows you to make this detective story your own. Its gorgeous world is teeming with life, and viewing it from the eyes of a nameless cop with memory issues makes it all the more immersive. It earned a rare 10/10 from GameSpot, and we can safely say there’s nothing else exactly like it in modern PC gaming.

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Divinity: Original Sin 2 - Definitive Edition


Divinity: Original Sin 2 – Definitive Edition

Building on the already-brilliant formula of its predecessor, Divinity: Original Sin 2 is an all-time great RPG, giving you a huge range of freedom in how to build your party, deal with a combat scenario, and approach a given situation. It’s a game best played on PC, thanks to its crisper visuals, the precision of using a mouse, and faster loading times,

which encourage you to experiment with its wide range of possibilities. While truly a great game overall, much of the fun in Divinity stems from seeing what you can get away with, be it stealing items or avoiding a lengthy combat encounter by setting up an elaborate trap. Experience with earlier entries in the series aren’t required to enjoy Original Sin 2, and as the best entry to date, this is an ideal place to start–just be prepared to lose dozens of hours to it.

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Dota 2


Dota 2

Dota 2 is not only one of the more daunting PC games to learn and master, but it’s also one of the most rewarding and satisfying to play once you know what you’re doing. Two teams of five assault each other as they try to destroy the opposing team’s Ancient. It sounds simple, but the strategic depth is vast, and there’s a lot to learn if you want to keep up.

, It requires learning the map, getting familiar with the vast array of characters, and mastering their mechanics to be successful. Of course, if this wasn’t an exciting process, it wouldn’t be as popular as it is–and if you haven’t seen a match play out at The International, then you’re missing out.

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Elden Ring


Elden Ring

A strong contender for the best game of 2022, From Software’s latest dip into dark fantasy and brutal combat is the studio at its very best. The Lands Between are a massive sandbox in which to explore as a newly-risen Tarnished warrior, and every corner of this world hides a secret that’ll take you down a path of danger in exchange for fascinating lore and powerful rewards. While Elden Ring doesn’t stray too far from the usual From Software formula, it does polish the elegant gameplay and signature style of that studio to a mirror finish that’s beautiful to behold and loaded with dozens of hours of content to dive into.

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The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim


: Skyrim

It’s true that since its release in 2012, The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim has been ported to just about every platform that can play games, including Alexa speakers and smart refrigerators. But the king of all Skyrim versions is the one on PC, and it’s not even close. That’s because the PC version gives you access to years of mods created by the Skyrim community. From adding serious RPG story content to providing ridiculous possibilities like replacing all dragons with Thomas the Tank Engine,

the PC version of Skyrim adds nearly endless options to an already expansive, enormous game. You absolutely should play Skyrim on PC if you haven’t, and you absolutely should mod it to see how the game has become so much more than it was when it was released. Skyrim is also available with Xbox Game Pass for PC.

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Final Fantasy Pixel Remasters


Final Fantasy Pixel Remasters

The pre-PlayStation era of Final Fantasy won’t be vanishing anytime soon, as Square Enix has managed to restore those classic games for new and future generations of fans who want to experience the origins of that best-selling franchise. From the first game to its very 16-bit best, these remasters aim to keep the restoration as pure as possible while sharpening up the titles with additional content found in previous ports across other consoles across the years. Outside of owning an NES or SNES console, the Pixel Remasters are simply the finest and most vibrant ways to play classic Final Fantasy in the modern age of gaming.

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Final Fantasy VII Remake


Final Fantasy VII Remake

The first chapter in a mammoth project, Final Fantasy VII Remake blends new and old ideas to create a uniquely nostalgic and fresh to what is considered by many to be the greatest video game of all time. Jaw-droppingly gorgeous to look at, the return of Cloud Strife and pals to the world of Midgar is a cinematic masterpiece that combines explosive blockbuster moments with fun action-RPG elements. While some story beats have stayed the same, Final Fantasy VII Remake also takes time to make some crucial changes to the plot, setting this project up to deliver some massive surprises down the road when the Avalanche crew embarks on a road trip that’ll decide the fate of the world.

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Final Fantasy 14 Online


Final Fantasy 14 Online

The Final Fantasy series is known for having a strong focus on storytelling with colorful characters who get into over-the-top battles, and the MMO Final Fantasy XIV manages to stay true to what the series is all about. Though you might assume the familiar Final Fantasy tenets of storytelling and strong character moments would be absent in an online game, FFXIV is one of the more story-driven MMOs out today. Final Fantasy XIV is the franchise’s second crack at an MMO, and it features a sprawling story about rebellion, equality, and friendship that manages to hit the same highs of the franchise’s best single-player games.

Though MMOs have a reputation for being inaccessible and time-consuming, Final Fantasy XIV offers an excellent gateway for lapsed and new MMO players to jump into–and it’s also a fantastic Final Fantasy game in its own right.

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Forza Horizon 5


Few games get the absolute thrill of driving a ridiculously fast car the way that the Forza Horizon series does, and its latest chapter is another example of pure petrolhead bliss. Shifting to the warm climate of Mexico, Forza Horizon 5 sticks to its template and hits top gear right from the start with its selection of vehicles, activities, and a constant sense of reward for being a speed demon. Beyond its superb gameplay, Forza Horizon 5 also takes time to emphasize a personal connection between man and machine, as it balances epic showcase events with personal moments of reflection and car culture.

See our Forza Horizon 5 review.

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God of War


God of War

Even if it took a few years, the wait for one of the best PlayStation games on the market to hit PC was well worth it. While previous God of War games emphasized gratuitous violence and a character with the personality of a very angry cardboard box, Sony’s reinvention of Kratos helped create a more nuanced and layered hero. That doesn’t mean that there wasn’t a satisfying amount of carnage to engage in, though, as developer Sony Santa Monica expanded on Kratos’ brutal abilities in methodical ways and gave him plenty of new tools to play with in a Nordic sandbox.

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Grand Theft Auto 5


Grand Theft Auto 5

It may be surprising that a game from 2013 is still so pervasive nine years later, but when that game is Grand Theft Auto 5, it makes a lot more sense. A story of deceit and betrayal, GTA 5 follows the exploits of three men as they make their way through the criminal world of Los Santos and join together for heists that rival those in the Michael Mann classic Heat.

It’s bolstered by an immensely popular multiplayer mode, GTA Online, where you can band up with friends and orchestrate your own rise through the criminal ranks. The PC version has a slew of settings that let you tweak the finest details, and GTA 5’s incredible modding community has concocted creations that absolutely can’t be missed.

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As far as roguelikes go, Hades is among the best. It nails the loop of jumping into the underworld and fighting your way out of Hell, providing players with an arsenal of unique weaponry and powers fit for a god (and borrowed from many of the Gods and Goddesses of Olympus). However, it’s the slower moments in which you visit the friends and family of protagonist Zagreus between runs that grab hold and keep you fighting for the truth. In most roguelikes, you care solely about making it further than your last run, but Hades does more: It blends action and story, striking a delicate balance of clawing your way toward the overworld and growing your relationships.

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Halo Infinite


Halo Infinite

Years in the making, the return of Master Chief saw the legendary hero hit the ground running with