
Civilization 6


Best in 2024, Strategy games come in a few different shapes and sizes, but what makes the following special is their unrivaled base-building features.Strategy games often involve micromanagement of various things that the player must master, ranging from logistics planning to providing optimal resources, to building a strong base that can serve as a foundation of the player’s winning move in the game. Most strategy games, be they real-time, simulation, or turn-based, have the element of base-building in their core gameplay loop.

The base building aspect of the game will usually involve the player having to gather resources and construct buildings as a starting point. This base will evolve to adapt to the game’s situation, although it has a heavier resource usage. The evolution of the base can also unlock a new gameplay loop for the player, keeping the game consistently fresh.

The Factory Must Expand

An image of Best Strategy Base Building: factorio

Factorio is one of the best examples of how a strategy game can be centered around base building, as it becomes necessary for the player to have a well-built and well-defended fortress in order to ‘win’ the game. The real-time strategy game is also focused on resource gathering, making it necessary for the player to micromanage their resources optimally while defending the base from hostile invasion from the planet’s fauna.

From the importance of the Alt key to the value of construction bots, here are some valuable pointers for players who are new to Factorio.

With the game’s blueprint system, the base-building aspect of the game becomes more intense as the player will be able to build numerous unique building structures and customize their base, making each playthrough unique.

Best Strategy Games for PC in 2024

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Cult Of The Lamb

Build A Base For An Upstart Cult

An image of Best Strategy Base Building: Cult Of The Lamb

Creating a cult has never been more intense than while playing Cult of the Lamb, as the player will be controlling the role of a lamb that owes its life to a demon, and as a payment, tasked with creating a cult in the demon’s name. As part of the cult creation, the player is also tasked with building a proper base for the cult to thrive, and also act as a place of worship for its followers.


title image best farm layours cult of the lamb


Farm layout is important in Cult of the Lamb, and these tips can help players keep things running smoothly.

Followers can be tasked with gathering resources to build up the base, and a plethora of other activities, including getting sacrificed to appease the demon. The survival aspect of the game makes it necessary for the player to build a well-balanced base without sacrificing an aspect, as it can lead to an early game over.

Base Of Operation Is Necessary Against Alien Invasion

An image of Best Strategy Base Building: XCOM Enemy Unknown

XCOM: Enemy Unknown

Fighting against an alien invasion that is overwhelmingly more advanced technologically can be insurmountable, but also fun to challenge in XCOM: Enemy Unknown. Aside from undertaking missions to repel alien invasions, the player is tasked with creating a proper base for the organization to build up their soldiers in many aspects, including technological advancement and logistics.

The base-building aspect of the game can become intense once the player is faced with the problem of facing multiple problems that require priority above the others. For example, having a country with a huge amount of funds pull out of the organization’s funding can negatively impact the base’s performance as upgrades become scarce.

Command & Conquer:

Balance Resources To Achieve The Perfect Foundation For An Assault

An image of Best Strategy Base Building: Command & Conquer Red Alert 2

Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2


Although the game’s age is over two decades, the gameplay loop of both micromanagement and base building still holds fresh against most modern strategy games due to its simple design, but hard-to-master concept. At the start of every game, the player will be tasked to gather enough resources to build up a base that is capable of training units to assault the enemy’s base.

Moreover, these bases can also hold unique, powerful buildings that acts as a high-risk, high-reward structure that enables the player to unleash superweapons, such as a nuclear silo.

Evil Genius 2: World Domination

Build A Proper Staging Base To Dominate Earth

An image of Best Strategy Base Building: Evil Genius 2

World domination is not an easy feat to do, and it usually requires a genius leader at the head of an evil organization that is willing to do anything, including building a super-secret base as the foundation of their evil plan. Players of the game will need to have a well-optimized base layout to have a chance of winning the game.

Evil Genius 2 can seem daunting for players new to the strategy genre. Here’s how to start the journey towards world domination.

Moreover, having the proper base layout is , as the different rooms inside the base enable the player to take more missions to grow their organization. A less-optimized layout of the base will have repercussions, especially towards the later stages of the game, as the Forces of Justice’s interference grows more intense.

Evil Genius 2 World Domination

The Best Base Is A Foundation For Good Offense

An image of Best Strategy Base Building: -Age Of Empires 2

The classic real-time-strategy game Age of Empires 2 is still widely played to this day due to its timeless gameplay loop, which includes intense micromanagement of units, resource management, and proper base-building to enable the smooth development of an army. The base-building phase of the game is crucial enough to have a set of patterns on which building to build first, and technologies to research first, to keep up with the enemy’s development.

Moreover, building a well-connected network of walls with gates is also important, as a well-defended base will mean the player has a chance to mount a comeback after a failed assault on the enemy’s base.

The Staple For Both Base Building And Micromanagement

An image of Best Strategy Base Building: Starcraft

Veterans of Starcraft will know how crucial it is to have the right sequence of buildings made in their base, as less optimal buildings will hinder their development and rapidly lower their chances of victory. Combined with three unique factions, each with its unique buildings, Starcraft can be categorized as one of the best games that have base building as one of the core gameplay loops.

The base-building aspect of the game ranges from creating an optimal supply chain to build an army, to identifying a satellite base that is dedicated to resource gathering.

Total War: Warhammer 3

A daemon prince roaring


Total War: Warhammer 3, the conclusion to Creative Assembly’s Warhammer trilogy, is also its strangest and most experimental, letting players leave the traditional Total War sandbox every 30 or so turns to journey through the Realm of Chaos, where the domains of the Chaos gods exist, culminating in huge survival battles that draw from tower defence games,  with fortifications, in-battle recruitment and waves of enemies. 

The campaign proved to be divisive, but for those more interested in a proper sandbox, there’s always Immortal Empires. Available as free DLC for anyone who owns all three games, this mega-campaign pits every faction and legendary lord in the entire trilogy against each other in a gargantuan map. So that’s 278 factions and 86 playable legendary lords. It’s incredible. Total War at its most, well, total war. 



Crusader Kings 3

Crusader Kings 3

Crusader Kings 3, the best strategy game of 2020, has usurped its predecessor’s spot on the list, unsurprisingly. It’s a huge grand strategy RPG, more polished and cohesive than the venerable CK2, and quite a bit easier on the eyes, too. At first glance it might seem a bit too familiar, but an even greater focus on roleplaying and simulating the lifestyles of medieval nobles, along with a big bag of new and reconsidered features, makes it well worth jumping ship to the latest iteration. 

CK3 is a ceaseless storyteller supported by countless complex systems that demand to be mucked around with and tweaked. Getting to grips with it is thankfully considerably easier this time around, thanks to a helpful nested tooltip system and plenty of guidance. And all this soapy dynastic drama just has a brilliant flow to it, carrying you along with it. You can meander through life without any great plan and still find yourself embroiled in countless intrigues, wars and trysts.  

Total War: Three Kingdoms


Total War: Three Kingdoms, the latest historical entry in the series, takes a few nods from Warhammer, which you’ll find elsewhere in this list, giving us a sprawling Chinese civil war that’s fuelled by its distinct characters, both off and on the battlefield. Each is part of a complicated of relationships that affects everything from diplomacy to performance in battle, and like their Warhammer counterparts they’re all superhuman warriors. 

It feels like a leap for the series in the same way the first Rome did, bringing with it some fundemental changes to how diplomacy, trade and combat works. The fight over China also makes for a compelling campaign, blessed with a kind of dynamism that we’ve not seen in a Total War before. Since launch, it’s also benefited from some great DLC, including a new format that introduces historical bookmarks that expand on different events from the era. 


Paradox’s long-running, flagship strategy romp is the ultimate grand strategy game, putting you in charge of a nation from the end of the Middle Ages all the way up to the 1800s. As head honcho, you determine its political strategy, meddle with its economy, command its armies and craft an empire. 

Right from the get-go, Europa Universalis 4 lets you start changing history. Maybe England crushes France in the 100 Years War and builds a massive continental empire. Maybe the Iroquois defeat European colonists, build ships and invade the Old World. It’s huge, complex, and through years of expansions has just kept growing. The simulation can sometimes be tough to wrap one’s head around, but it’s worth diving in and just seeing where alt-history takes you. 


4X Old World

Old World

Few 4X games try to challenge Civ, but Old World already had a leg up thanks designer Soren Johnson’s previous relationship with the series. He was the lead designer on Civ 4, and that legacy is very apparent. But Old World is more than another take on Civ. For one, it’s set exclusively in antiquity rather than charting the course of human history, but that change in scope also allows it to focus on people as well as empires. 

Instead of playing an immortal ruler, you play one who really lives, getting married, having kids and eventually dying. Then you play their heir. You have courtiers, spouses, children and rivals to worry about, and with this exploration of the human side of empire-building also comes a bounty of events, plots and surprises. You might even find yourself assassinated by a family member. There’s more than a hint of Crusader Kings here. 


Civilization 6



You can’t have a best strategy games list without a bit of Civ. Civilization 6 is our game of choice in the series right now, especially now that it’s seen a couple of expansions. The biggest change this time around is the district system, which unstacks cities in the way that its predecessor unstacked armies. Cities are now these sprawling things full of specialised areas that force you to really think about the future when you developing tiles. 

The expansions added some more novel wrinkles that are very welcome but do stop short of revolutionising the venerable series. They introduce the concept of Golden Ages and Dark Ages, giving you bonuses and debuffs depending on your civilisation’s development across the years, as well as climate change and environmental disasters. It’s a forward-thinking, modern Civ.

Sins of a Solar Empire


Sins of a Solar Empire captures some of the scope of a 4X strategy game but makes it within an RTS framework. This is a game about star-spanning empires that rise, stabilise and fall in the space of an afternoon: and, particularly, about the moment when the vast capital ships of those empires emerge from hyperspace above half-burning worlds. Diplomacy is an option too, of course, but also: giant spaceships. Play the Rebellion expansion to enlarge said spaceships to ridiculous proportions.

After years of waiting, a sequel is finally on the horizon, thankfully. Sins of a Solar Empire 2 can already be played in early access for those who preorder it.  



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